Reaping Clockwork: Chapter 11
Another side of Jayden Xu

{Kao Mikasa P.O.V}

Evening. Me, Kay and Valerie were walking down the Lennox's ground heading towards the forest passing the lake. I already know that shortcut Luke were referring to, last time, so I have this thought that we better off first.

The sun's gone dim and the sky turned dark.. is it going to rain? Kay was busy looking for something hidden in her bag. Emm?

Kay: Ahah!! Thanx a lot.. Marcus! -pulling out an umbrella
Kao: Eh? Kau bawak payung? Today weather cast didn't say anything about raining.
Kay: Ehehe... I have a special reporter for that. -smirking, open the umbrella
Valerie: Who? -sneak in under it. walking alongside of Kay
Kay: Nobody... so why the forest? -changing the topic in a blink.. she's good at it.
Kao: The boys said to wait for them, but I think it would be faster if we head off first..
Kay: I know that.... but what exactly we are going to do in the forest?

This kid! Must you always forget about simple things like this? The only forgetful genius you will ever know, Karyn Lee.

Kao: Ishhh.. budak nie,we need to practice our play at the Korean Garden...remember? Ape yg ade dalam kepala kau tu. Bagi aku bedah tengok -take in Kay's head into soft arm lock..

(this is an international school, the land is super vast and filled with many different cultural landscape to actuate the school reputation as one of the best international royal school in the world.)

Kay: Aaa.. be careful..-senget kepala- This is my hard drive and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful.. - spurting wry wit while trying to break free
Kao: Erghh.. -rolling eyes- wait, are you quoting someone? cam pernah dengar. -loosing the grip
Valerie: Hahahaha.. you cute little midget. I understand why, the space of this must be super limited. Your cute head. -patting Kay's head
Kay: Exactly... -tarik kepala dari tangan Kao, betulkan rambut dan spek.

Ahahaha, tergelak dalam tekak.. Yah! That's Sherlock Holmes 2012 series quote.. You plagiarizer! Wait, not exactly that. Since this is 2004. Brilliant little snot.

At the rim of the forest, they hesitated to get in. Looking at the sky, this is not the right time... it's going to rain sooner or later. GELAP kot dalam tu. Tiba-tiba rase menyesal tak tunggu seniors. Wuuu..

Valerie: Nak tunggu the boys kat sini ke? -little scared
Kay: Jom lahh.. -excited sorang-sorang nak masuk. You adrenaline junkie!
Kao: Tunggu lah jap.. Bahaya jugak masuk time nie, karang sesat satu hal.
Kay: Oww.. -disappointed, scrunching on the ground and starts doodling something on it.

Seniors.. please hurry. Suasana mula terasa dingin dengan angin bertiup agak kuat. Meniup hujung blazer dan skirt, terlambai-lambai.

While waiting for the Killjoys to turn up, Valerie suddenly turned around slowly tugging on Kao's blazer's end. Her eyes are saying "I heard something..". Kay still asyik menyonteng atas tanah. Buli semut yang bertempiaran lari dari Kay's hands.. I turned to valerie, giving her the nods "I heard it too.."

Kao: Kay ko kentut keeeeeeeeee!!? - gelak terkekek tekan perut
Kay: Hoh?? -pusing terkejut, kerut muka, geleng bersungguh-sungguh.
Valerie: Weh!! bukan lah... -tampar bahu Kao, tunjuk kearah semak.

Realizing that it was not Valerie trying to pull jokes on Kay, Kao pusing tengok kearah semak yang ditunjuk Valerie. Someone was slowly coming out from it. A dark haired boy, tall... holding his chest.. Eh? Senior Jayden? What is he doing here?  Where are others? and..... is that blood??


Luke: Why didn't you tell us first?!! Why took off alone?! Damn!! -kicking kaki meja. wow wow, mahal tu broo.

Hujan lebat diluar, kilat sabung menyabung, Koa got pretty scared dengan bunyi kilat yang makin kuat, tengah tutup telinga sorang-sorang. Confused in between nak dengar ape yg Luke sedang cakap pada Jayden dengan nak tutup telinga sebab guruh kuat sangat, lagi pulak bunyi dentuman petir membuatkan suara Luke tengelam timbul. Tsk..

Kao menoleh tengok Jason kat tepi yg menyandar di rak buku, rilex je.. not a flich walaupun guruh bergempita menyergah jantung Kao yg disebelah dia. Rase nak gugur jantung.

We managed to bring Jayden yang cedera agak teruk ke club room before the rain falls hard. Macam lepas dibelasah je senior aku nie. Kao menoleh tengok Jayden yang baring di atas sofa di tengah ruang legar Movie club room, bajunya kelihatan lembap dek hujan. Meletak tangan ke dahi, Jayden terpejam, menahan sakit. Must be painful... 

Everyone is here, KillJoys and... KillJoys 2.0.

I almost forgot about them. The apprentice of KillJoy after they graduated. Not on par with the original one, but they still managed to stir up school days, few times. The contrast of them, they were all school prefects and pretty lame if were to compare with our cool seniors here. 

(KillJoys 2.0: Roderick, Mason, Zachary, Ethan were known to be KillJoys' apprentice after they graduated from the school).

Kao: Maaf.. may I ask.. what's going on? -toleh tanye Jason yang baru sudah susun buku.
Jason: It is not something to tell others. I am sorry.. -senyum kelat, amek bowl with tuala sejuk ke sofa.

Luke: Aren't we your friends? Don't you dare to disregard me Jade. -berdiri mengadap tingkap, membelakangi Jayden yang still senyap berbaring di sofa.
Marcus: He wasn't...... he didn't want us to get hurts, that's all. -mumbles, dengar tak dengar. 

Marcus yang dari tadi bersila di lantai menyandar ke sofa, sedang melayan kucing diriba tiba-tiba bersuara. First time pulak aku dengar Marcus talk secara normal. Before nie semua not in sync dengan situasi di sekeliling. 

What is this. I remembered Jayden got all beaten up.. But... nothing was revealed in the past. We never know what actually going on in the forest on that day.

Why he was there in the first place without others. We have all promised to go into the forest together. When I asked Jayden after a few days past.. he only said that he was robbed by delinquent passing through the forest. Like I am gonna believe that.

Knowing Jayden who can't fight (seems more like choosing not to fight for some hidden reason or it might be true that he can't fight, pfffftt..), it seems legit. Tapi kenape Luke marah sangat tu.

This is getting me all curious. I can't handle being curious! Kay and Valerie berlari anak masuk, termengah-mengah, bawak kotak first aid dari Club Bulan Sabit Merah. 

Valerie datang serah kat aku? Hmm? Nak suruh aku sapu ke? Oookayy.. amek first aid. Valerie and Kay  dah mule tersenyum penuh makna. Aih korang... this is not the right time to tease me lahh. Gloomy gila suasana bilik nie.

Kao: Tepi sikit senior-asking Marcus to move, tapi tak bergerak. =__=
Marcus: He needs to be alone for a while.. - mumbles, macam duk bercakap dengan kucing tu. ke ngan aku?
Kao: Emm?? But the wound... -Jayden tiba-tiba bangun dari berbaring.. senyum.
Jayden: Kao can you help me to clean my wound.
Kao: That's what I intended to do - stare at Marcus yg still tak berganjak.
Jayden: Tepi la kau Marc! - tolak kepala Marcus perlahan.

Marcus toleh tengok Kao. Muka masam. Eh, kenapa serious semacam pulak senior Marcus nie? Kao garu-garu kepala pelik dengan Marcus. Marcus angkat kucing... bawak diri pergi duduk bersila di hujung corner bilik. Aik? majuk keee? Hahaha..

Kao: Let me...  -take in Jayden wrist

Kao dengan pantas scan kecederaan pada pelusuk badan Jayden. Lebam di checkbone kiri, luka dia siku, corner bibir berdarah (mesti gusi cedera). Itu yang zahir. Kao tekan muscle dada Jayden.

Jayden: Adoi! -sengih..
Kao: I will treat the visible wounds, but.. promise me that you would do the whole body checkup after this.
Jayden: Err.. I think.... -about to say he's ok
Kao: NO! You are obviously not ok. You inner organs might be effected. I am pretty familiar with the aftermath of a fight. You might think that you are ok. But... No.. you can't take it lightly!! - mata mula sayu, berair. Hold it Kao, you wouldn't want to surprise Jayden with your tears. Embarrassing..
Jayden: Ohh... ok, ok.. just... don't cry -muka terkejut.

Semua menoleh tengok Jayden and Kao. Tiba-tiba je Kao meninggi kan suara, emo. Err.. what's wrong with me? I get all worked up seeing someone I care cedera macam nie. Sebab aku dah biase dengan sakit lepas battle. I don't want anything goes wrong. I'm from assassins lineage (samurai).. What I learned from my inherited tradition we never left any wound unattended.

Kao: U need to be well again... we got a theater to do. remember? -cari alasan

Kao cepat-cepat mencuci luka-luka Jayden with much care, avoiding Jayden's tailing stare. Jayden memerhai gerak-geri Kao yang dah senyap tak bercakap. Alahh.. jangan la tenung. Segan pulak, aku ni lak tibe-tibe je pergi membebel. Unnecessary..

Kao ends it with wrapping Jayden chest to assist his backbone. I hope this would do for the time being.

Jason: Kao, dah settle?
Kao: -angguk, kemas first aid.
Jason: Ok guys, gather up! -tepuk tangan sekali, tangan menggamit semua yang ade suh gather di tengah.

Kami semua dengan slow ala-ala zombie bergerak ke ruang lapang dalam club room tu kecuali Jayden yang di kecualikan for today rehearsal.

Jason: Rodercik! You replace Jayden for today. -past script ke tangan Erick- just read the line. Ok, guys.. untuk rehearse di Korean Garden tu maybe next time. Today we dry rehearse the play. Everyone can look at the script.. please put the emotion together. Marcus.. move your ass here please.

Semua toleh tengok Marcus yang start mengensot guna bontot atas lantai ke arah kami. hoh.. literally? Everyone cracking up, laughing at his body gag... :))

and Jayden too.


Aku and Valerie tiba awal disekolah. We have few things to prepare for today evening rehearsal. Nak buat time class memang lah teacher nak bagi kan. So, entering the Club House aku dan Valerie berjalan di level 1 sambil berborak kosong before Valerie pointing out kelibat Jayden yang baru lalu di luar tingkap corridor, di tepi kami.

Emmm? Kenapa Senior Jayden datang awal jugak hari nie? Tanpa sedar Kao menarik Valerie's wrist. Tanpa bertanye sepatah pon, Valerie turuti je Kao yang macam dah kena pukau pergi ikut kelibat Jayden, terhendap-hendap.

Jayden kelihatan melangkah turun ke dalam bilik bawah tanah di belakang club house. Ape ade kat situ? Jap.. Club House ade basement keee? Baru tahu. Tanpa buang masa, kami laju-laju lari ke arah pintu masuk turun ke basement. Menyorok kat tepi-tepi semak berdekatan.

Ape dia buat kat bawah tu? Setahu aku biasenya basement nie untuk simpan barang lame, lagi-lagi yang terbiar macam nie (old things which feel like gonna come to use, but never did). Early morning pulak tu. Belom ade orang lagi kat sekolah time-time camni kecuali Security and Janitor, aku and Valerie yang tiba-tiba terasa nak jadi early birds.

Valerie: But, why exactly are we hiding? -tepuk bahu Kao, baru sedar ape yang diaorg tengah buat.
Kao: Entah.. My gut is telling me that we are not suppose to be seen. Jayden nampak macam cautious dengan surrounding dia, macam tak nak orang tau something.
Valerie: Exactly that, and why are we trying to figure that out?? - Valerie buat-buat bengap, macam nak pancing Kao suruh confess yang dia dah overboard. Invading Jayden privacy.
Kao: I knoooww, we are not suppose to be sneaking on him like this. But but but... don't you want to know about Senior Jayden? - Pujuk Valerie yang dah mula rase bersalah.
Valerie: Err... noo....- sarcasm

Kao mintak-mintak sangat Valerie untuk stay. Buat puppy eyes habis comel. Tak nak la aku terhendap-hendap sensorang. Kalau kantoi tak best la. Sedang asyik pujuk Valerie, basement door creaking open by Jayden.

He step out from the dark wearing...... some traditional looking clothe. Is that Kung Fu suit? Was it for the play? Nooo.. there is no scene using that kind of costume. (The one you always see in the Kung Fu movie)

Is that Tai Chi clothe? Tang suit for Man. Wow.. never have I see this sight of Jayden. His charms even more shining wearing that. Feels like watching some knight in armour stepping down from his magnificent horse. (imiginasi Kao)

Kao: Senior Jayden nie jenis observe tradition jugak ke?
Valerie: Haaa.. kenapa kau tanye, Senior kita yang sorang nie sangat misteri lah. Aku pon tak pernah tahu ape-ape pasal background Jayden. KillJoy never talk about Jayden pasts nor his lineage.

We only know, he was Korean (mom) + Chinese(dad). That, just that. Jayden start off walking toward the maze. Kay's  favorite labyrinth. Speaking of her. Why she is not yet here. Hmm.. siap kau nanti, You got an explanation to do.

Kao: Tulaaaa... -sambil mata asyik tgk melirik kejar langkah Jayden yang makin laju.

Kao: Aku pon sampai besar nanti pon tak jugak dapat tau pape.. - opps..
Valerie: Emmm? -toleh, kepelikan.

Eh, aku tersasul.. alamak. Otak fully occupied tadi, tak tersedar terlepas cakap. ketuk kepala sendiri. Aku and Valerie macam ninja dah, menyorok setiap kali Jayden macam menoleh ke belakang. Dia tau ke kami duk tiptoe ikut dia dari belakang dari tadi nie?

Kao: Ehh.. tak.. aku sampai ke sudah pon tak tau pasal Jayden nie. Sobs3.. too much for admiring such a mysterious guy-alasan lagi. Gomennn Erie-chan! (Japanese nickname only used by Kao when mumbling in Japanese)
Valerie: Heh.. takpe.. ade thrill sket. -comforting, Valerie turut terjengket-jengket nak tengok mane Jayden dah pergi.

Bila dah nak sampai dekat dengan Bringham Maze tu... Jayden tak masuk kedalam, sebaliknya melencong ke kanan, mane pulak dia nak pergi tu.

Valerie: Kao! We got work to do tau.. nanti dah start kelas tak sempat pulak. -bunyi macam piss off
Kao: -juih bibir, buat muka sedih. Valerie macam dah nak meletup je tu. Alaaa.. TT__TT
Valerie: Don't pull that face on me -ketap bibir- Yela yela.. 10 more minutes..

Ikut punya ikut, we end up standing behind a tree. Watching Jayden opening a garden door. Itu desolated Forbidden Garden kan? Macam mane dia ade kunci? Nobody have the Key. Not even the headmaster. Kao and Valerie pandang muka masing-masing. This is getting wayyy too interesting. Trapping Kao in her  own curiosity loophole.

Jayden dah lesap masuk kedalam, Kao tanpa tunggu Valerie yang baru mula nak nagging cepat-cepat melangkah ke arah forbidden Garden tu. Harapnya Jayden would left the door unlock.

Valerie: Kao!! -almost terjerit, this kid.. wouldn't you stop feeding those curiosity of yours.

Valerie dengan terpaksa berlari pantas mengejar langkah Kao yang makin hampir ke pintu. Forbidden Garden, we could be expelled for this. It is said that this Garden was ancient, pack with relics from 100 series of royal generations. Plus, it was rumoured to be haunted. No one dare enough to walk pass it, what is more to sneak in to it. This is definitely crazy. Crazy Kao. Titik.

Kao: Dia kunci... - bisik ke belakang, Valerie squint.
Valerie: Hah, dah2.. jom kite pergi settle kerja. Dah lambat tahu. -
Kao: Hee..Yela yela. jom.

Valerie walk off leaving Kao yang masih tatap pintu forbidden garden tu. What's in there? and.. why Jayden is here, early in the morning.

{Karyn Lee Faraday P.O.V}

Kay keluar dari kereta, depan pagar besar sekolah. Betulkan blazer, betulkan skirt, tolak spek ke atas. Yosh.. Lets go Kay. Another day, another sweet encounter.

Daddy: Karyn, don't stay back too late.
Kay: What what what Dad? -toleh, tak berapa dengar
Daddy: Get home early today, okay? Be careful.. -bimbang
Kay: Yeah, sure Dad. Don't worry - sengih.

Mr Faraday blushing. Ahhh.. kawaii musume!!! The then 40-year-old Caucasian speed away as he blushed in happiness. Daddy's girl. Can I not go to work and play with her all day? Karyn~~ kyaaa..

Kay melangkah masuk ke perkarangan sekolah. Wait. This is the back gate. Arghh Daddy, you've made a mistake, yet again! Kay tendang lantai. Lennox Academy has 4 main gates, all of them seems so very similar and located far apart. And somehow Dad manage to drop me at the wrong gate again. This is ridiculous, downright annoying!!

Kay merengus. Hah.. No choice. Either walk to the east gate which is 5 km away or enter from this entrance, heading to the Korean Garden, take the forest path (ALONE I might add!) and wish that I can reach the classroom before 8.30. Haa.. Be strong Karyn Lee Faraday!

Haaaaa.. The Forest path..

Kay mula jalan ke pergola Korean Garden. Crossing the chilly lake. It's so peaceful here. The bamboo leaves float gracefully on the water, it's whirring sound as the morning chill gush through the bamboo forest surrounding the Korean Garden. Kay always admire the scenery here. It would  be a perfect practice place for the theater.

Semalam dah settle fitting and what not. So mesmerizing seeing the detail of each costume. Haa.. Kalau lah hari ni boleh practice dekat sini dengan semua lengkap berkostum. Kay tersengih sorang-sorang. Skipping on her toes as she hums.

Kay passed the lake, entering the extended walkway into the bamboo forest.

Focus Kay, You are trying to get to school, not sightseeing. Kay geleng-geleng kepala. Focus! Focus! But it is so peaceful! And scary. If only I were not alone. Ahhh.. Mengeluh. This is becoming a habit. Kay grabs her bag, getting ready to sprint her way trough the beautiful landscape. Next stop, the forest path. Ugh, now I feel sick. It's damp and eerie. People rarely go through the forest since there is no proper pathway and its thick fog. Kay shivers in her own embrace.

Here we go..

Kay sprint through the forest. Although students rarely wander into the forest, the groundskeeper always maintain the forest so it really is beautiful in the morning. The forest floor is beautifully covered with dead leaves seemingly like a rough brown carpet. Hey, it's not that eerie in a sunny morning like this. I can't believe people make up stories of seeing ghost and beast here. It's so vast and peaceful..

Tiba-tiba Kay berhenti. The fog creeps in. Kay pandang sekeliling. What is this? Why is it suddenly dim in here? The birds stop chirping. The wind whistles, eeerieee.... Kay jalan slow-slow. Lutut mula lemah. Slowly, from afar Kay hear humming. Not it's not humming.. Is someone chanting? Why does it sound so gloomy? Jantung dah meronta-ronta dalam dada. Calm down Kay. Clam down. It's just in your mind. Walk! Keep walking. It's not that far away. Just through this fog you'll reach the club house.

Cliche'! Why do you have to stumble on some fucking roots?

Kay marah diri sendiri sambil gosok lutut yang calar. Spek senget. Kay tolak spek rapat ke mata. Why is it so foggy so suddenly? Kay hide behind the tree as the chanting grew nearer. Kay could hear someone walking through the crispy dead leaves, closing in.

Kay tahan nafas. Please. I don't want to die. What is this beast, or human rather? Kay was curious but at the same time so scared. Out of no where comes a sudden gush of air. Daun kering terbang, hitting her sweaty face. The chanting grew louder. Kay shut her eyes tightly, praying for someone to wake her up from this nightmare. No this is not a nightmare.

The wind stops. Kay bukak mata pelan-pelan.

There was a person in front of her, so close she could feel his warm breath on her face. And suddenly it vanished, leaving trailing of red light.

"Faraday..What are you doing here?"

Kay tersentak. The forest is sunny again. Where is the fog just now? Kay dongak. Ethan and Mason? In track suits?

Ethan: You've hurt yourself -terduduk, tengok lutut Kay yang berdarah.
Mason: Faraday? In the middle of the forest? -bimbang, tengok sekeliling
Ethan: What are you doing here, all alone? -pandang muka Kay yang pucat

Kay tahan menangis. You guys!! You are my savior. Ethan and Mason are shocked with Kay's sudden cuteness. Ah, now I understand why the seniors are so fond of her. It's that helpless face. You just can't help yourself from wanting to protect her. Ethan blushed. Mason yang lebih cool tolong Kay bangun.

Mason: Can you walk?
Kay: Yeah, I think so. Thank you. I thought I was going to die. That fog just now.
Ethan: What fog? Did you passed out when you fell down? -muka bimbang
Kay: What time is it? -pandang watch- 9.30!!Shoot!

Kay tendang tanah. Ow!! Lupa lutut luka. Kay toleh tengok Mason ngan Ethan yang terpinga-pinga.

Kay: We are dead late. We need to be in the class before the first period starts. Wait, it already started. Ahh!! What am I babbling about?! And what are you guys doing here? -kalut
Ethan: We? We are in the middle of our morning jog.. This is our jogging trail -pandang Mason. Mason angguk

Kay kerutkan dahi. What morning jog? These airheads..

Mason: Don't you know? We are school representatives for the marathon next month. We are excused from today's first period lesson.
Kay: Wait. Marathon? Aren't you guys on the fencing team?
Ethan: Oh.. yep.. We're on the fencing team, basketball, soccer -kira ngan jari

What what what? And why am I having this conversation?

Kay:  Well, guise. I love to talk to you about your obsession with sport but as of now, I am late! Now, if you excuse me. -start nak sprint
Mason: You are late already. Why don't you take it slow. We'll accompany you to the nearest buggy drop off point.
Ethan: Yeah.. You might fall again and passed out for the whole day this time. -tergelak

Sempat lagi nak gelakkan aku budak-budak ni. Kay mengeluh. Akur jela Kay. Betul gak apa diorang cakap tu. Dah lewat pun. sia-sia je lari. Buat penat je. While walking towards the end of the forest Kay can't stop pondering on the face that greet her in the fog. The eyes. The eyes were  like Sebastian's. What is he doing in the fog? Or was I dreaming? Did I hit my head that hard just now? Kay gosok-gosok kepala. Huk, memang benjol la..


{Sebastian Michaelis P.O.V}

Sebby tumbuk pokok. I was that close to bind her mind! Those kids! You've ruined my perfect chance. I had the best opportunity to safeguard this mission, to keep Lady Valerie within grasp, within strict supervision. Yes, through Faraday's eyes I could have known everything that is going on around Lady Valerie.

The pain from his frost bitten bones is growing again. Sebby terduduk. I don't have much time. Blue vein popping from his skin. Sekali lagi Sebby mengerang kesakitan. Sebby mengengsot ke small stream. Sambil chanting old words, Sebby sapu air ke lengan. Sebby ketap bibir. It felt like acid on the skin. His screaming is muffled in grunt.

As the water seeps through his skin, his bluish skin turns alive again. Sebby is relieved. The power of Winterfrost's earth. The poison came from a magical relic, it's only remedy is from a magical substance. Nothing radiates magic more that the Winterfrost's ground within the Lennox Academy. After all, this is where your ancestors first set their root on this new-land, Lady Valerie. You've hated the school here, but it's the ultimate protection for you My Lady. The only thing that stands in the way from magical danger. It protects you and I..

Sebby tersandar di banir pokok. Lega bila bisa di lengan dah berkurangan. All this is momentary. The real cure to the frostbite is the grand clock, and Lady Valerie. Until the time comes, I just have to make sure that she is around.

{Kao Mikasa P.O.V}

He was sleeping, head on desk. Morning sun rays diffuse in, peeking from the side windows. The class was noisy. I wonder how he managed to doze off in this kind of hullabaloo classroom. Kao's eyes staring straight at Roderick who falls asleep like a cat napping, after the break. Magically, I started to feel sleepy too. Teacher was not in... Meeting.

We were not talking for three days already. Looking all pissed off most of the time. was it?? Noo.. mostly when Jayden is around. Did I make mistake? Or did Jayden do something that irritated him much? I never figured this side of Roderick. Since he was always being supportive of me before.

He looks irritated all the time and refuse to help me with the theater preparation. I played maid of the Queen (Sanggung lady) in the play and also the director. In the real past, was he this mad at me? was this the turning point of us? Where we started to distance ourselves from each other? Putting my head on the desk, we have to talk about this.

Back to Jayden. Kao can't seems to leave it alone. I'm dying here, I want to know about this boy. More than I always did back then. Head on desk, turn left. Kao's eyes meet Kay's who also in the same position across Valerie's table to Kay's. (Position in class: Kay, Valerie, Kao) Kao beam a smile and they started to talk lazily. 

Kao: Heyyy.... You are bored right? -Kao buat-buat mata juling
Kay: I am choking with boredom... about to die already: -cebik sedepa
Kao: Any idea what to doooo? - kembangkan lubang hidung luas-luas
Kay: What happened to us?-buat piggy nose
Kao: What? -jelir
Kay: These are not us. At free time like this we makes comics, we wrote novels. Remember? -muka serious
Kao: I know -pause- let's do it again then. -tegak kan badan.

And there we start. The things we always did back then, we made up stories, we created a whole new world. We were so immersed into that world where no one can understand and no one can see. Only Valerie did but where is she?

Kao: Kay... Valerie mane? - stop tulis Untitled story plotting
Kay: Aku rase tengah meeting prefect. - while continue doing the sketch
Kao: Kau rase la kan Valerie tak terasa alienated ke bila kite asyik bercakap pasal tulis cerita and buat comic dulu-dulu? -pausing, gazing to the front- sebabnye... she always being supportive and happy all the time about that. Tapi kadang-kadang aku macam perasan yang dia terdiam each time.
Kay: -bitter smile- Mesti lah terasa... - still doing the sketch
Kao: Hoh! Cold heartened snot. -melopong in disbelieve. Toleh tenung muka Kay yang stone je.
Kay: Are you kidding me? If you were her.. how would you feel? Think about that. - padam-padam a few sketch.
Kao: -Nodding, sambung tulis- I just wish I can at least say sorry to that. Sangat. Bile fikir balek, we never actually got to say a proper goodbye to each other lepas graduate highschool. Everyone left just like that.. tergantung.
Kay: Me too.. Aku harap sangat we can somehow make something up to patch that hole dalam friendship kite nie. - baru betul-betul focus kat Kao.
Kao: -letak pen, focus kat Kay- We are back in time remember? we can at least do something about this. Let us make her happy! -pause- Oh and since the last time I make a little deviation from the right time flow (referring to when she introduce Kay on stage) nothing bad happened remember?

Yes! let's change this. We want to apologize for every conflict happened.. Valerie might deny all this, she might just say she would be happy for anything that makes us happy. But then we come to distance ourselves lepas habis Highschool pon maybe sebab nie la kan?

Kay: Seems legit. But what makes the last time fight retaliate that bad? (teringan kes hampir kena tikam dgn Goh Shuwei).
Kao: I still can't figure that one out...
Kay: Actually, I think I need to tell you this.. -rapat kan diri dekat Kao.
Kao: What? -angkat kening
Kay: This morning.. remember me being super late? Sorry again for leaving you guys with the works. My dad wrongly drop me off dekat south gate. I swear that old man need a map. -rolling eyes
Kao: ahaha.. keep going.. -tergelak
Kay: But before that, kalo betul dgn ape yang ade dlm memory aku nie, banyak je yang dah lari dari flow asal. The KillJoys fight in the maze yang aku pergi tame Marcus tu...
Kao: And me mengendap Jayden dengan Valerie pagi nie..-menyampuk Kay.
Kay: You What?!... -judgging eyes- What ever, just story lepas nie...
Kao: Okay! -sengih
Kay: Yet.. nothing happened to correct those right? Rase macam someone controlling everything to his or her preferences. Don't you feel that way?-kerut dahi berfikir. Sherlockian mode activated.
Kao: Hmmmm... betul jugak. -angguk tangan ke dagu.
Kay: And... when I sprint through the forest this morning...
Kao: Ahahaha.. -tergelak tiba-tiba- you what? Scaredy-cat Kay!
Kay: Oh shut up! -jelir- I swear someone was there. Threateningly trying to do something to me. I recalled and I think I just saw Sebastian. But then, might be just an illusion because yeah... sumpah creepy duh tadi. -ketap bibir.
Kao: Sebastian? Valerie house butler? -in doubt.
Kay: Yes.. the one yang attack aku the seconds before our last jump. - snapping fingers, sambung sketch

That suspicious butler! Why did he keep on surfacing... everywhere? Does he got something to do with all this time jump? We better keep him close to mind.

While me and Kay here, keep running away from the reality yang kami nie hakikatnye back in time. We are just too happy to see everyone again. Those boys.. Valerie, Jason... Kami terlalu tenggelam dalam asyik dengan ape yang ade di depan mata dimana in our future, those people are gone.


As always, late in the evening, our dress rehearsal, the final one before the competition tomorrow. Everyone wear their costume accordingly to the character played. The play gonna be about trust, betrayal, royal conflict and brotherly love while introducing to the crowds about Joseon.

We used the theater hall of Lennox to do all kind of rehearsal in one go. Dress, technical, dry and wet rehearsal. We don't really have plenty of time to practice, that resort to this evening chaos. We might as well sleep here guys.=__=*

Valerie tengah bagi briefing dekat prop team and musical team. Leading the costume team is Elle. She would be in charge of make up. She only has one assistant, the estranged, I-forgot-her-name second year. Leading the musical team is Zachary, the musical genius. He formed a quartet from the school traditional music team to play the Gayagum (Korean zither), Buk (Korean traditional drum), Yangeum (hammer dulcimer, played with bamboo stick) and Danso (flute). Zachary is equipped with the ear piece and music note. Looking like a maestro with his long hair. Oh so dreamy this member of Killjoy 2.0.

Speaking of Killjoy, Ethan and Mason are in charged of the lighting. I swear they are inseparable. Pening kepala Valerie masa nak assign tugas. Roderick is leading the second biggest team, the prop team. They are working super hard to imitate the Joseon era. Especially for Roderick who originally did not know anything about Korean aristocrat. Thanks for the help Senior Jason! But still, he's not really talking to me. All he ever said were yes, no and explaining the work. Pfttt...

Valerie will be leading the supporting teams as Kao will be busy during the play as sanggung (Lady Court), leading the cast of over twenty people. After all, she has that authentic Asian look. The only odd ball in the lineup is Luke. Just to match up with Jayden's height and built, Luke is chosen nevertheless. Another reason is that they have good compatibility with each other. It's not hard for them to fake a brotherly relationship.

And of course the King shall be Jason. There's no doubt on that. He is a pure Korean after all. He has that born like king's aura. To contrary (a bit funny thou), his Queen is Kay. She's half korean. Eventhough she refused the part at first considering having two of her senior as sons (stress kau tau! takpe aku paham), Jason manage to convince her.

Junior 1: Babak ke-3! Background, in Queen headquarters. Watak, Queen Shinui, General Gongmin, Putera kedua dan So-I! -jerit detail babak
Valerie: OK! every one into the position -Valerie speak through the mic- and action!

Entering first, Kay in her Queen Dangui (Hanbok of Joseon's queen ) and Seuran Chima (long skirt worn with dangui) looking all Majestic and graceful. She didn't wear her wig again. She must really hate that hairdo. Hahaha. Followed by the focus light. Everyone is looking in awe. She perfected the role. As if the character is made for her. She walk to the center of the stage, surrounded by royal maids in her Queen palace scenery.

Narrator (Valerie): The Queen waited restlessly for Prince Jeonjeong. Her hand clutching the beautifully carved box, a present for one of the princes. The Queen let out a deep sigh as she glanced at the entrance to her chamber for the third times . Prince Jeongjong is late.

Entering the stage, Jayden  as the 2nd Prince. Complete dressed in his archery attire followed by Kao as the maid. The arrival of the prince to the head quarter announced loud by the eunuch.

Lady So-I (Kao): My Queen.. Prince Jeongjong is here -bow
Queen Shinui (Kay):  -pusing badan menyambut Jayden yang baru masuk pentas.
Prince Jeongjong (Jayden): You asked for me, my Queen?-suara lembut, bowing humbly

Kay melambai-lambai, panggil Jayden datang dekat. Jayden angguk, bergerak ke arah tempat duduk Kay. Jayden berdiri hampir dengan Kay, tengok kebawah as Jayden tu tinggi, yang dibawah pentas tengah tahan gelak sebab paham the joke, Jayden tengah usik Kay. To loose up the tense, someone need to be playful. But ignoring that Kay continue the act as if she didn't get the joke. Woo.. seriousnya kau Kay. Good!

Queen Shinui (Kay): Yes my dear son... I have a terrible news. -muka serious, campur sedih, campur scheming something- I could no longer keep this away from you, even if it means that you will hate me for life.-pusing menghadap ke depan membelakangi Jayden.
Prince Jeongjong (Jayden): Speak your mind mother. Nothing could make me hate my own mother, Queen of Joseon, Mother of all.. -Senyum, duduk di sebelah Kay
Queen Shinui (Kay): Jeongjong, love.. Would you trust me with your life?
Prince Jeongjong (Jayden): I would never doubt you, mother.

Narrator (Valerie): Queen Shinui turned away from the prince's eyes, feeling guilty as she is about to waive a terrible lie. The Queen choose her word carefully, playing with her soft gaze. She has never failed to convince a man. She never lie to anyone but she had learn to craft lies as her heart grew anxious of the future to come.

Queen Shinui (Kay): The King is ill.. He is dying..
Prince Jeongjong (Jayden): There is still chance for Father yet mother. The palace healers are doing all they can to heal his mortal illness -lembut memujuk
Queen Shinui (Kay): The healers can only treat the body. But the illness is not a common illness. It is black magic! -menoleh pandang Jayden
Prince Jeongjong (Jayden): Surely you do not believe in such superstition? -tergelak kecil
Queen Shinui (Kay): The King's illness is of magical deed, trust me my Prince. He bleed at night, screaming in his sleep. Calling a name. Always a name. Taejong..
Prince Jeongjong (Jayden): -terkejut- Mother!! Are you accusing my brother of black magic? A black magic to kill the King, his own father? -stunt with disbelieve.
Queen Shinui (Kay): I know you would not believe me, my prince. But you will come to believe me-hold Jayden arms- I have not told a soul of his treacherous deed. I did not believe it at first. He is the Crown Prince! Regardless, I sent my trusted man to prove his innocence. Much to our dismay, we found out his shaman hiding in his court, preparing talisman to push the King to his demise.  -pusing ke depan balek
Prince Jeongjong (Jayden): This accusation is baseless, Mother. As you said, he is the Crown Prince. Killing the King won't give him anything more than what he is destined to succeed.
Queen Shinui (Kay): Taejong is not born from my womb, Jeongjong. He is a prince from a fallen Queen. He resented your father for letting her die, for leaving her as he rode to battle. -bersemangat

Jayden bangun, muka berkerut. Okeh, good, the feeling is there.

Prince Jeongjong (Jayden); No, mother. This is a lie. He loves you, mother. No other Queen. Tell me, mother. Which poisonous tongue speaks of this lie. I shall rip it from his throat. I shall kill him for his crime against the Crown Prince! -geram
Queen Shinui (Kay); Would you kill General Gongmin then, my Prince. The man who reveal the Crown Prince's treachery is none other than General Gongmin..

Jayden terduduk balik. Kay tersenyum, sly smile.

Narrator (Valerie): Predicting this reaction from her son. The Queen decide not to push it any further. She is afraid of her son suspicion. Nonetheless the seed successfully planted. She only need to water them right.

Queen Shinui (Kay): I would not ask you to go against your brother if you choose to side with him. I will leave this matter to you as I believe your wisdom and instinct. You may leave now...

Jayden bangun, keluar dari scene dengan muka sugul. Valerie bagi arahan tanpa suara dekat Marcus. Masuk.. Masuk la sengal..

Marcus muncul dari belakang folding screen.

Queen Shinui (Kay): General.. You wouldn't want to make me a liar would you? -jeling

Marcus curi pandang Valerie yang mouthing his line "No my Queen"

General Gongmin (Marc): No, my Queen.
Queen Shinui (Kay): Now that we establish our alliance, I will trust you with Prince Jeongjong's life.
General Gongmin (Marc): Pardon me, my queen. But why would you do this?

Kay tunduk, mengeluh.

Narrator (Valerie): The Queen could no longer remain her evil disguise. Not in front of her childhood friend. Yes, General Gongmin is none other that her childhood friend. Born from noble family, they were almost betrothed as husband and wife. But the Heaven planned a different path for them. As the King lost his Queen to childbirth, he has taken Shinui as his new Queen to attend to the Crown Prince's need for a mother.

Queen Shinui (Kay): Oraboni (brother), what would you do if you can only save one of your sons?-sedih-

Marcus tunduk, tunggu next line dari Kay.

Queen Shinui (Kay): As the great Yi succumb to his demise, neither shall be prince if one is King.. That is the shaman's prophecy.. No one knows it but us. Help me, oraboni.. One of the prophecy is happening. The King is dying.. I would not stand here, waiting Taejong killing my son once he get the throne. -menangis
General Gongmin (Marc): My Queen..- tangan dihulur, konon nak tenangkan Kay. Kay dongak tiba-tiba
Queen Shinui (Kay): Abide me general, you would come to understand that a kingdom is not meant for bloody hands. Taejong is born a killer.The day he sat eyes in this world, he killed his own mother. -back to her evil character

Fake audience (juniors and club members) kat bawah dah gigit-gigit kerusi sebab geram dengan Queen. The acting was too good. Silap haribulan ade orang angkat baling kerusi meja. I am a proud friend. Never know you got it in you Kay!

Valerie datang dekat Marcus. Tsk.. Something wrong with his expression

Valerie: Senior, you need to put in more expression. -bersungguh-sungguh tunjuk mimik muka- This is when the General is confused. He wants to help the Queen but at the same time he want to stop her.

Valerie sungguh-sungguh lari cuba terangkan, yet muka Marcus remains stoic. Arghh... tolonglah kepala batu ni blur pulak. Valerie tarik-tarik rambut tahan sakit hati yang membara.

Kay: Senior, look at me

Marcus ngan Valerie toleh pandang Kay. Kay pegang sotong kering, letak depan muka macam topeng. Muka Marcus berubah. Mata bersinar tapi kening sedikit berkerut, menahan diri dari ambik sotong kering dari tangan Kay. Yes! That's it! Wanting but resisting!

Valerie: Yes Senior Marcus. That's it.. That's the expression. Now we are complete! OK!! That is just perfect! With that we wrap up the rehearsal guys!


Semua orang dah kocoh nak balek, semua dah siap berkemas and semua penat gila. But before we all end everything, Jason called for everyone to do the last round table speech. Semua dah malas-malas berjalan berkumpul di tengah stage. Batery kong dah semua.

Jason: This is my last speech before we off to the battle tomorrow!-smile brightly as if want to charge up everyone with it

Kay senyum happy, standing proudly tepi Jason. Valerie pulak baru datang ke meja sambil sibuk-sibuk kemas kertas masuk beg. Kat belakang dia Luke yang muka dah mengantuk level sikit lagi nak sungkur tanah, dia sangkut dagu kat kepala Valerie. Blushing budak tu.

Jason: I can't believe that everything is about to end.. I am sadd, don't you? -senyum kat semua- Don't worry, you all did good. Outstandingly good... thou we played around a lot.. -point out to few juniors yang suka main-main, tersengih je budak-budak tu sebab Jason notice diaorg- we have done everything possible.

Tiba-tiba rase sayu. Emosi gila scene macam nie. Sebab semua dah rapat dalam process theater nie. This is heart wrenching. Everyone look sad. Except Marcus yang dah tertido pon kat kerusi berdekatan. Penat bercakap banyak kot. Thank god he did just great.

Jason: Winning is not everything, remember that. Enjoy the play tomorrow and let's give our best. Overall, the memories is the best part of everything right? So.. I hope everyone will rest well tonight and let's rock the stage tomorrow!!

Semua: Oussss!!!

Dengan ucapan tu, semua bersurai.. Kay ayah dah datang amek sebab dah malam. Biase driver yang datang. Tapi since malam her dad is home, dia la yang datang fetch puteri kesayangan dia. Valerie memang butler yang datang fetch. Kao tak nak balek lagi, sebab nak check kelengkapan barang untuk bawak ke theater hall sekolah lain esok. She can't risk leaving anything. Semua benda penting.

Kao bace lines of new script yang dia repair khas untuk Jason je, hahaha.. Kay, you must be ultimately grateful to have me as your best friend. I did this for you. Kao sebenarnye alter script Jason je.. nak bagi nampak lagi real love lines antara King and Queen she adds pretty tons of skinship between them. Tapi tak nak bagi tau Kay. Let she blush all the way atas pentas nanti. Muehehehehe...

Kao: Senior3!! -Panggil Jason yg about to leave the hall.
Jason: -Toleh sambil sangkut beg ke bahu kiri.
Kao: I forgot to give you this. This is an altered script only for you. The lines is still the same so you don;t have to re-memorized anything new. I have only added few gestures between King and Queen to make it more emotionally drag. -sengih
Jason: I seee... That's a good thought.. You have work hard.. I will read it through tonite. Thanks! - gulung script ketuk Kao's forehead lightly.

Jason lambai sambil keluar dewan leaving Kao yang happy semacam, gosok dahi sendiri yang diketuk Jason tadi. I know why Kay likes you a lot Jason. Tehehehehe.. Kay, you better be prepared. Dalam otak Kao dah terbayang-bayang muka awkward Kay and the wrath followed after that. I am a dead meat anyway might as well add all thing possible.

Dewan dah kosong. Kao walk slowly to the backstage. Kao memang pemberani. Tak kesah pon sorang-sorang kena tinggal dalam dewan besar tu. For a normal girl, this is a creepy scene where people normally imagining ghost and serial killer. But not Kao. She never afraid of anything, except her Granny nags and bunyi kilat. Yep... those are scary.

Checking up every single things while ticking the lists of the props on her note book, her long hairs always get in the way. Gaaah.. This hair is killing me. Banyak kali libas rambut ke belakang tiap kali tunduk check barang. Tak tahan, she looks for the hair band dalam pocket dia. It's not there. Manee nieee... raba-raba pocket.

Suddenly Jayden berdiri belakang Kao tanpa dia sedar. Senyap-senyap pegang rambut Kao, cuba ikat.. Terkejut, Kao automatic reflected pegang pergelangan Jayden nak flip orang yang disangka musuh tu. Tapi fail...

Jayden: Hey.. hey... it't me! cool down. -gosok kepala Kao dari belakang.
Kao: Senior!! - pusing tengok Jayden yang tersengih buat muka tak bersalah
Jayden: I'm sorry -tergelak- seriously I'm sorry.. haha
Kao: Ishhhhhh... I almost kill you tahu! -muka serious, ketap bibir
Jayden: As expected from samurai blodded girl. -tangan ke pocket.
Kao: Don't you ever startled me like that again.. I am dead serious! -marah
Jayden: I know.. I am sorry! -dah rase bersalah.
Kao: Ehhh .. ingat kan dah balek semua- toleh kiri kanan
Jayden: Dah balek.. tapi patah balek sebab tertinggal this -angkat tunjuk buku "how to keep a secret"
Kao: Owwww.. -pusing sambung check barang dalam plastic
Jayden: Dah2 la tu... you have to rest too. Barang tu sempat je lagi nak check esok.
Kao: Emm emm.. -angguk konon setuju, tapi still continue checking things

Kao awkward tiba-tiba, mulut gatal nak tanye pasal ape yang dia nampak pagi tadi. Tapi tak nak Jayden tau yang dia duk mengendap. Maluuuu.. tak yah la lagi.

Jayden: I can't stand this.. let me tie it up! -capai rambut Kao
Kao: -Automatic straight kan badan, kaku. Jantung kencang.

Jayden slowly gathering Kao's hair into a ponytail and tie it up with a red ribbon. Secure it well.

Jayden: Pretty... It's Done. You can continue your work. -tepuk kedua belah bahu dari belakang
Kao:Arigatogouzaimase -pusing ngadap Jayden- Just tell me why you are here please? I have cleaned up the room for the 3rd time, tak nampak pon buku tu. -judging eyes.

Tengok rambut yang Jayden tolong ikat dalam reflection cermin kat tepi pintu. This is pretty? You must got something going wrong with your eyes senior. Gelak dalam hati. Tak pe lah.. karang aku cabut kecik hati pulak pakcik nie .

Jayden: You caught me. -senyum, jungkit bahu.
Kao: Fine lah.. tak payah bagitau -sengih kambing.
Jayden: That's enough...I think...
Kao: A bit more...-checking up last box
Jayden: That's obsessing..
Kao: -stop buat kerja- Yela... dah la nie. Kemas beg jap.

Leaving the hall, Kao and Jayden walk side by side. Chatting about how funny the rehearsal is. Marcus struggles with lines. Kay for being too serious. She's too happy, almost forgot about the morning incident. But, she decide to let it loose. If it meant for her to know, she will come to know it.

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Monday, November 11, 2013