Reaping Clockwork : Chapter 10
The Killjoys: Admiration

{Kao Mikasa's P.O.V}

Kao was staring at Jayden peaceful motion when she felt a sharp gaze directed at her. Hurmm?? Kao menoleh kiri dan kanan. Is someone watching me? Nahhh. Ignoring it.. Kao continue to fall into Jayden worlds, Jayden tengah duk tiup teh hijau ditepi tingkap, sitting at main alcove of the club room, reading "how to kill without leaving a trace" titled book.

Alcove or Bay Window

Hah! That's just like him. Mysterious vibe all over. But, he is soo peaceful isn't he. Kao tersengih sendiri. This is what it means to admire someone. Kao tongkat dagu tenung Jayden yang macam tak kesah deangan apa yang jadi di sekeliling. Only once in a while he looks outside for the chirping birds.

Lagi sorang yang tak kesah dengan dunia sekeliling ialah Kay. Kay duduk ditepi tingkap barat dengan manga di tangan. Kejap-kejap jenguk ke halaman club house. Kau tunggu Jason kan Kay? Hehehehe.

On sudden, breaking the silent.. Valerie berlari masuk bilik operasi dan terus peluk Kao yang dari tadi duk observe everyone in the room. Especially Jayden.

Valerie: Hello Pervie... -happy hug.

Kao tersengih. Datang dah pompuan sorang ni. Kay still lagi termenung tongkat dagu atas lutut mengadap tingkap. Not that she's interested in anything else nowadays. Kay, I know that you don't want to waste your attention to anybody else than Senior Jason, but seriously. We're your friend. Please look at us once in a while.

Di belakang Valerie ada Roderick. Kao cuba tak pandang muka Roderick. I really don't understand why he's acting all pissed off, lately. PMSing? Mesej pun layan nak taknak. I mean... really? you're a guy. Tak puas hati cakap depan-depan la. Jangan la tunjuk perasaan camtu.

Marcus: Boo! - Sergah style tak de tenaga.

Kao toleh pandang Senior Marcus yang kononnya cuba terperanjatkan Kay. Heh, two of the most incomprehensible specimens on earth. Sorang hantu homework, sorang lagi exotic alien in human form. Elok la korang geng. Marcus garu-garu kepala hairan. Kay buat tak layan. Heh, Kay don't forget, he's our senior.

Bosan lah pulak... Mana laa lagi budak-budak lain. Where are Senior Jason and Senior Luke? Valerie tarik skirt, kemaskan blazer, duduk rapat disebelah Kao. Valerie senyum hormat kat Senior Jayden. Jayden balas senyum, handsomenyaaaa!. Argh.. everything is so peaceful in this orange hue.

Kay: Senior Marcus!! -tiba-tiba menjerit

Kao terperanjat, menoleh laju only to caught a glimpse of Marcus jumping out the west window. The hell! This is second floor! Kao dan Valerie bergegas ke muka tingkap, joining Kay yang tercengang. Jayden still cool as if this is normal "meh, alah bisa tegal biasa". Roderick pun join sekaki jenguk di tingkap.

Di halaman kelihatan Marcus berlari (surprisingly super fast) towards the maze garden. Kay turut bergegas keluar dari bilik operasi, berlari ke tingkat bawah, skipping a few steps of stairs before sprint out of the club house main entrance to the compound.

Kao/Val: Kay!! -risau
Val: Where are you going? Let's go! - tarik tangan Kao

Dari jauh nampak Kay yang susah payah kejar Marcus yang dah hilang di celah-celah maze. No big deal for Kay. It's her hiding place after all.

At the centre of maze kelihatan Luke sedang bertumbuk dengan beberape pelajar luar. How did they able to slip in? More than worried Kao and Valerie are actually stunt with amazement. Luke Rockefeller... is well-known to be a superior street fighter. A juicy piece of meat you might say.

Di celah kekalutan itu, spotted Senior Marcus yang tengah macam enjoy gila pukul mamat yang pakai uniform hitam. Paling kebelakang is Jason. He didn't throw much punches, banyak dodging the blows dan cuba menenangkan keadaan.

It is clear who's the winner. 5 lawan 3 tapi macam jelas sangat budak-budak luar tu bukan tandingan the Killjoys. Is this why Jayden is the only prefect among them? He doesn't entertain himself with fighting unlike his friends. Definitely unlike Marcus yang macam dah naik hantu, someone must stop him!! Mati budak tu nanti.

Kay: STOP IT!!

Jason dan Luke terpinga-pinga. Stop pukul budak-budak luar yang dah macam cedera parah kecuali si Marcus yang still tak sedar diri duk pukul budak yang dah lembik. Kay berjalan mendekati Marcus, mencelah macam kilat in between and tolak badan Marcus ke belakang. Despite of that, Marcus still cuba lagi nak sambung belasah, hampir nak terbelasah Kay. This Marcus is totally a different daily Marcus, macam kena rasuk. This is not good.


Jason, Kao dan Valerie spontan berlari cuba menghalang tumbukan Marcus yang tiba-tiba mensasar kearah Kay. Belum sempat tumbukan sampai ke muka Kay, Kay dengan tenang, mengelak, ducking badan ke bawah, siku di halakan ke perut Marcus. PUK! Marcus terdorong ke belakang. Marcus yang macam tak rasa sakit cuba menghayun tumbukan kedua.

Jason berlari pantas kearah Marcus, to protect Kay from the blow. Namun belum sempat apa-apa, semua terhenti. Marcus suddenly stop from doing anything bila Kay out of blue tayangkan sotong kering depan muka Marcus.

Spontan, Marcus terduduk bersila, kembali tenang. Like a calm lion tamed by his trainer. . Whhhaaaaaatttt??

Jason and Valerie were surprised. Kao pun terkejut. But I've seen this side of Kay before, in the future. She can be pretty scary for someone who learn martial art for only 3 years. If she put her mind to it, Kay is sure a respectable opponent. It is a surprise that Kay knows how to tame the unpredictable Marcus.I guess aliens speak in the same wavelength.

Almost funny seeing how shocked Valerie and Jason were. And the outsider too. Budak kecik rambut mangkuk tu (Kay) boleh tenangkan si gila tu?! I better not mess with the kids here. They get up and run away.

Never mind about the new fighter (Kay) in their midst, Kao is more interested in the explanation of why did Marcus just stopped when Kay offered him the dried squid. It doesn't make sense at all. And how did he know that there is a fight going on in the maze. This place is like a hundred yards away. He's an alien. Most definitely!

Valerie toleh ke arah Luke. Berdarah sikit je kat tepi bibir. Valerie cepat-cepat hulur sapu tangan.

Valerie: What happened? -worried face

Luke senyap, tak menjawab soalan Valerie, ambil sapu tangan. Valerie pusing pandang Jason for an explanation. Jason just jungkit bahu tanda tak tahu (and just why you were in the fight then? lol). Sedikit kecewa bila sorang pun taknak bagi penjelasan. What ever la these guys.

Valerie: Never mind. Let's go to the operation room first. We only have a few hours before they're closed at 8.

Jason angguk tanda setuju sambil capai beg sekolah Luke yang tersadai di tepi semak mawar of the maze. Luke jalan terus ke Club House. Kay pulak mencangkung depan Marcus yang still bersila menikmati sotong kering.

Kay, be careful, your beloved senior is watching you and I'm most certain that he is jealous, jeling tengok Jason yang memerhati Kay and Marcus dihujung mata. Seriously, what ever la between Jason and Kay. They are like these pair of people who doesn't talk much about their feeling but obviously everyone else can see it. Just get married lah!

Valerie datang dekat Kao, berbisik.

Valerie: Kao, When did Kay learn that moves??

Alamak! Kay.. See what you did? Suspicion! I hate lying to Valerie.

Kao: Errr... Perhaps from watching you beating up Shuwei all these years.. Ehe he he -gelak awkward
Valerie: Really? I never know this side of Kay. Oh well then, good for her. -muka still rasa pelik
Kao: Or perhaps from those stack of manga she read everyday?? You know her... super otaku. -stupid reasoning, tolong lah Kao.
Valerie: -senyum, lari-lari anak kejar Senior Luke..

Fuh... that was close.


This is an awkward moment. Roderick is sitting beside Valerie facing Jason on the other end while Kay is sitting beside Jason as a minute taker. Kao is in front of Kay with Valerie on her side. Marcus is sitting weirdly from a corner of the meeting table, facing Kay instead of to the front. Luke is beside Kay, facing the blushing Valerie. And Jayden is by Luke's side, completing the circle.

Jason: Sorry for being late. We shall finish this meeting as quickly as possible. Agree?
All: Agreed -perlahan, serentak.

What is wrong with the mood!

Jason: Good. To the first item on our agenda. The school is demanding a visit to our room. And by the look of our room now i think we have a lot of things to do. Roderick, where are the other 1st grader?

Semua orang toleh arah Roderick. What is with that annoyed look on his face? I hate it when Roderick being not Roderick. This is awkward.

Roderick: Zach is in the fencing team. They're starting their first leg next week so he's off from any club activity. Ethan and Mason are in detention. They can make it by tomorrow, hopefully. Adam is on sick leave. So I don't think he can help much with the works.

Jason angguk. Huh.. Apalah nak jadi dengan fellow classmen aku semua takleh harap. Nasiblah ada Killjoys, dependable seniors. Although, it is quite worrisome with what happened just now, but never mind.

Jason: How many members do we have now? -toleh arah Kao
Kao: We have 20 members excluding the board. 30 standing applicants, pending interview.
Jason: Get them to work tomorrow. Anyone refuse to take part just cross the name out. We don't need non-supportive member. -tegas

Kao angguk pastu curi-curi pandang Valerie buat muka, bemused. Heh, Senior kita ni boleh tahan tegas gak ek? Tak padan dengan muka feminin. Bhahaha. Valerie angkat kening tanda setuju.

Jason: I think we all know that under no circumstances that we are to recruit the final year seniors. Please get that in mind when approving the applicants.

Kao angguk lagi. Yes, we all know the massive big fight last year between Luke and the seniors. Most epic mass beating of all time. Ahh, again, time traveling is not being fun. How I wish to see the battle again. How I wish to see how Valerie just fell head over heals for Luke. Yes, the fight where the Killjoys got their reputation.

Jason: To the second item..
Roderick: Senior -mencelah- I'm sorry to interrupt but I have to know, are these fights with fellow students will be a routine here at this club? -Pandang tepat arah Jason, lepas tu arah Luke.

Hoh? Erick! What's up with that snarky remark? Luke dongak pandang Roderick, stumped. Erick, what do you think you are doing? That's Luke Rockefeller. Are you trying to start a fight with the best fighter in school? Duh.. I need to have a talk with this boy.

Jayden: If I may...Roderick is it? -calm, but serious face.

Breaking the tension, Jayden mencelah memandangkan Jason yang terdiam dengan soalan yang  direct dari Roderick tadi.

Hoooo, intimidating! Roderick tenung Jayden, tak berganjak, Not even a flinch. Muka Jayden pun serius semacam. These two prefects, the guys who stole my attention. Oh... Please don't fight.

Jayden: We understand your concern on certain member's tendency to get into fight. Like what happened today in the maze. -Jeling Luke, jeling Marcus- But I can assure you, your concern is baseless. I will guarantee that Luke here, won't be in any fight as long as he is in this club. You won't, would you Luke Rockefeller.

Heh, nama penuh kau. Luke kerutkan dahi, garu-garu kening. Sengih cute ke arah Jayden. Eh,what the? Hmm.. that's cute.

Luke: Yeah, promise. Sorry bout that guise. Although -jeling Marcus yang duk tenung Kay - I can't promise on behalf of Marcus.

Semua orang toleh tengok Marcus on that one corner. Marcus tak macam wujud kat situ. Dia buat tak endah, still mengunyah sotong kering tadi. Dalam dunia sendiri lagi. Ahhh... Senior Marcus.. Kao tergelak dalam tekak.

Jason: Marc.. Pay attention..
Marcus: Huh..... what.....? (blur reaction) Oh... This squid is a bit salty - tunjuk sotong ke arah Kay

Adoi.. Takde kena mengena la sewel!

Jayden: Karyn, please keep an eye on Marcus. -senyum ade makna kat Kay tiba-tiba

Kay tercengang. Kay pandang Kao. "What? Why? Huh?". Is this some sort of an inner joke or something? Kao tahan gelak. Wait, I understand. How observant of you, Senior Jayden.

Jason: Ouuw..kayyyy -annoyed- I hope that answers your concern, Erick.

Roderick angguk tapi muka still cam annoyed gila dengan Jayden yang kat sebelah dia. To be honest, I don't know what's wrong with that guy.

Jason: Item 2.. The theater competition.

The meeting continue without much excitement. Most of it was about Jason taking everything very seriously, the level of his patience and professionalism is too damn high. Kay nampak excited catat setiap benda yang Jason cakap. I see... you use your experience at work this time. Good job Kay! Fat thumbs up. The meeting ended at 7.00pm. Good job Senior Jason!

Kao kemaskan pencil case and notebook. Valerie dah menghadap Senior Luke, berborak kosong. Roderick pulakkk...dah blah? Ceit, aku baru ingat nak talk man-to-man dengan kau.

Kao mendekati Kay yang ralit duk baca catatan dalam buku. Pergh tulisannya tak berubah langsung, sama cam which ever year we refer to, buruk. Hahaha. Elehhh, cakap orang.. Kau tu pun lebey kurang je. Tulisan mengudang marah cikgu bile check kertas exam.

Kao menjeling nota Senior Jason. Halamak, sama buruk! Kao gelak dalam hati.

Kay: I'll give you the minutes tomorrow, Senior. -sopan
Jason: Great. Let me know if you need my help with that. -senyum, sambil kemas bag.
Kay: No biggy. I can do this. In fact I'm doing it right after this.

Kao: Jom balik, Kay. -tangan dibahu Kay
Kay: Sorry Kao. Aku setelkan minit dulu baru aku balik. Ko gerak dulu. You have your tea workshop don't you?

Kao angguk. Huk, Kaaaaayyyy... Ko dah taknak balik sekali ngan kitorang ke?

Kao: Why do we need to keep the minutes anyway? -merengus manja
Jason: Well, it's a good practice to keep track of what happen in the club. We can always refer to records later on should there be any problem in the future.
Kay: Yeah, minutes are super important. -Eyeing Kao. As if you don't know you old soul. Hehehe-

Valerie melompat dari belakang, peluk lengan Kao. Senior Luke, Jayden and Marcus have left the room.

Val: Are you staying behind, Kay?
Kay: Yeah, just a bit.
Val: But it's late and they're going to close up at 8.
Kay: Don't worry, I can manage to finish before that. Besides, I have all the equipment I need here. -jeling  kearah PC, fax machine
Val: I'm not going to let you stay here alone.. Not after what happened just now! -risau

Valerie buat muka merayu. Kononnyan nak memujuk Kay untuk balik jugak. Kao tumpang sekali buat muka comel, comel la sangat.. nak kena sepak?

Kao: Ne ne, ne tebba.. Let's go home.
Jason: I can stay behind and watch out for her. -pandang Kao and Valerie

Valerie toleh pandang Kao kat sebelah. Ehem, should we let these quiet kids alone? Huhu, I'm so curious of what they might do together. But then, meh.. Most probably they'll just stare at each other the whole hour. Hehehe, have fun Kay.

Kao: Yeah, that would be great. Thanks Senior Jason, -angkat bag

Kay nampak happy, asyik tersenyum memandang Senior Jason yang sedang memilih buku di rak. Kay bangun gerak ke pc. Duduk, tangan kanan mula menaip, muka pandang screen pc while tangan kiri lambai Kao and Valerie. Duh.. workaholic mode on.

Kao/Val: Bye Kay!

Kao cepat-cepat tarik tangan Valerie, lari keluar bilik and happened to bumped on to Marcus yang..... tergolek, berbaring di tepi dinding corridor diluar operation room. Tido? Valerie almost stumble down to her feet, sebab kaki tersangkut dengan kaki marcus. And now what kind of antics this silly senior of mine was trying to do.

Valerie: Senior Marcus. You can't sleep hereee -scrunching down and poke Marcus on his check
Kao: -ikut scrunching down. Senior.. why are u still here?

Marcus bukak mata kanan to see dua makhluk yang baru kacau dia tido. Staring down at him. Emm? Mulut macam cakap something tapi tade suara. Eh?

Kao: Tunggu Jason??? -Kao teka ape yang Marcus tengah sebut.
Valerie: Lapar? Sotong Kering?? Ngantuk??? - Valerie turns to play the guessing games.

Tapi Marcus still duk gerak-gerak mulut cakap something. =__=, are you trying to make us cry senior? I wonder who's gonna be his future wife. Gudluck lahhh.. hahaha.

Giving up, Kao and Valerie bangun, tunduk hormat sebelum melangkah pergi meninggalkan Marcus yang still buat gerak mulut. Cakap lah kau sorang-sorang senior.

{Karyn Lee Faraday's P.O.V}

Kay duduk di meja study, towel atas kepala, pensel di atas bibir. Humm.. Senior Jason.. Syok gila la boleh spend time dengan my most beloved senior of all time. Kay grabbed the pencil before it fell off her philtrum,  letak atas meja.. gosok-gosok rambut basah.

Hmm.. script for the theater competition. I kind of forgot some of the details. It would be nice if I could refer to the chronicle. Ahh... Of course it won't be in it since it hasn't happened yet. I should have read the chronicle more often.

Kay gerak ke katil. Lompat! BAM! 10 marks, again..

Kay capai handphone. Kao might remember something about it. She loves to read the chronicle over an over again. She might even memorized every sentence. Kay tekan-tekan number Kao (her habit, she likes to dial-up the number directly rather than searching through her contact list)

She better not be playing video games. Huh, that kid.

Kao: Hello.. -monotone
Kay: Hello.. You're busy? -asking, but not really asking.
Kao: Not really... What is it...? -monotone.

Dari belakang dah dapat dengar sound fx game. Haaa.. this insane kid with her endless love of games..

Kay bayangkan Kao disofa, squinting. Trying hard to win the level. Sambil badan pon bergerark-gerak same.

Kay: You're gaming again, aren't you? 
Kao: Nope! -surprised, this kid..

What ever la Kao. As if I don't know you.

Kay: Never mind... Kao, you've read the chronicles hundreds of time right?
Kao: Which chronicle? -back to monotone
Kay: Oi Cik Kak, pause jap game tu.. nak cakap nie! -nada ejek
Kao: I was not playing video game! -separuh menjerit, in denial.. padahal tangan pegang console.

Kay urut kening. Adoi budak ni. Dia ingat aku ni budak-budak macam dia ke? Hello missy.. I know you. Stop trying to deny it.

Kao: Which chronicle? -mengeluh
Kay: KKV's
Kao: Exactly which one? -annoyed, letak console
Kay: The one we kept in the future
Kao: Of the completed one? Yeah sure. Why?
Kay: Well, I need you to refresh my memory on certain things in there.
Kao: Hey Kay.... -senyap, dingin- You obviously didn't read the chronicle at all, did you?

Kay ketap bibir. Is it that obvious? Hehehe

Kao: Kay no baka! -marah

Kao dah start membebel. Kay tahan gelak sambil jauh kan phone dari telinga.. When Kao starts the nagging. Alah, sorry la kawan, bukan taknak baca tapi tulisan kita dulu agak susah nak difahami. To be exact, my writing and... not to forget yours too.

Kay: So I see you tomorrow. Bye! 


Kay matikan talian leaving Kao who still in the midst of her lectures on how Kay can be too dense at times. Huhu, mak nenek kalau dah start membebel tuu. Kay gelak kecil. I know lah Kao. You don't need to remind me. 

Kay pick up her pen laying on the table while rummaging through the 1st drawer looking for her ideas' note book before something come knocking at her room door... nope, the window. Is it my cat, Millo? Kay bangun dari kerusi dan melangkah ketingkap. But too afraid untuk selak curtain. Teringat Sebastian yang pecah masuk mase jump lepas. 

Kay: Who is it? -berdiri depan curtain takut-takut.
Voice: Open sesame...-suara malas
Kay: Marcus? -selak curtain cepat-cepat

It's him. Bersila at the window porch. It's almost midnight. Kay open the seal and menongkat dagu ke birai tingkap. Marcus in his sweater hoodie and jeans. I never remember this sight of him. To be exact, he was not really a somebody in my memories. 

Kay: Yess?? -tahan gelak
Marcus: Tomorrow.. morning.. it's going to rain. -muka daydreaming, mendongak tgk langit.
Kay: Hmm? For real? -muke doubting
Marcus: Don't forget... bring your umbrella.. -mata memandang tajam tepat ke mata Kay. Squint.
Kay: Uhuh? Ok then.. -not interested
Marcus: Here.. 

Marcus hulur something before jumping down to the ground. Mata Kay mengekori kelibat Marcus yang berlari keluar dari perkarangan Faraday, sebelum hilang dalam kegelapan malam. Kay tunduk memandang bungkusan yang diberi Marcus tadi. It's stink.. 

Kay bawak ke meja dan bukak. As I thought what it would be. Sotong Kering.

... and? a new pair of glasses. 


Kay tenung glasses by Marcus atas meja. Mdm. Rivera entah mengajar ke membebel kat depan tu, Kay decide to daydream kat belakang. Dahi berkerut seribu. Why glasses? Dah la plano plak tu (spec tade power). Like I can wear that. Hmm..

Senior Marcus ni tak betol ke apa? Sewel? Tapi memang pon dia dikenali dengan watak Marc the Loony. no.. Stop Kay, jangan habiskan jangkahayat sel otak kau fikir pasal makhluk aneh tu. Huu.. Kay tongkat dagu, tersenyum bila teringat Senior Jason. Can't I take you to the future with me? I don't want you to only exist in my memory.

"Faraday!" -Mdm. Rivera tiba-tiba panggil dengan nada marah. Oppss.. 

Semua mata dah pusing tengok Kay. Huh? What? Kao dengan Valerie dah berkerut, muka bimbang. Masaklah kau Kay. Madame perasan kau tengah berangan. Aduh dia ni pun dah takleh obvious lagi ke kalau tengah berangan? Kao tepuk dahi. Valerie hantuk kepala ke meja.

Kay berdiri, tenang. Muka Mdm. Rivera macam hijau, annoyed gila nampaknye. Memang, cikgu yang sorang ni paling pantang budak yang not paying full attention time dia mengajar.

Mdm. Rivera: Why do we put salt on sidewalks when it snows? 
Kay: Adding salt to snow or ice increases the number of molecules on the ground surface and makes it harder for the water to freeze. Salt can lower freezing temperatures on sidewalks to 15 degrees from 32 degrees.

Madam Rivera: Define exothermic.. -ketap bibir

Bulat mata Kao. That is next week's syllabus. Kao toleh pandang Kay. She didn't notice!

Kay: Liberation of heat.
Madam Rivera: Law of thermodynamic -dahi berurat

Eh? That's not in the syllabus. Kao tarik-tarik hujung skirt Kay. Please Kay, don't answer her. You'll make it difficult for us later. Kay tunduk pandang hujung jari. I know the answer. Kay felt the pressure around her. It's clear that everyone hope that she would refrain herself from answering. It's not worth it Kay. Mdm . Rivera will never stop.

Madam Rivera: Well, answer me!? -marah
Kay: I don't know, Ma'am. -Pejam mata tahan kegatalan mulut nak jawab.
Madam Rivera: What's that? -victory smug
Kay: I'm sorry I don't know. -kepal penumbuk at the back

I know! All four laws of thermodynamics! But this would only goes on and on until we are tired of each other and everyone will suffer the consequences. Throw away your pride Kay. For the better good.

Mdm. Rivera: This is what happened when you don't pay attention in class. No matter how much you study at home, first hand learning is always the best way to get that knowledge. Faraday, stand outside for the whole period. And take your text book with you. -Pusing sambung tulis dekat papan hitam.

Kay kutip buku teks dan pensil tekan, keluar dari kelas. Budak-budak lain dah hela nafas lega. They might think that Kay really didn't have the answers to Rivera's question. But Kao knows the truth. 

That kid is a monster, the one who just can't stop gouging knowledge and she never forget the facts once she sink her fangs into what she called "brain's food". This time, as always, Kao and Valerie can only see what injustice the teachers apply to Kay. No matter where she goes in this stupid school.

At times, Kay felt bad about being around Kao and Valerie. All the teachers blames her kononnya she would be a bad influence to them. But Kao and Valerie never felt that way. 

Mdm. Rivera: No talking! -tengking class yang mula berborak perihal tadi.

Kay stands outside, reading the physics textbook which she has understand by heart. I hate standing. At least I have my book with me. I wish I can sit on air. Oh... I might invent something later on. Making massive calculation in her head about the density of air and whether is it possible to create new element from it. Transparent but high in density... and light.

" Why are you reading textbook outside your classroom?? Is it hot in there?"

Kay dongak, kecik kan mata. Senior Marcus, dried squid hanging from his mouth like always. Beside him is Luke, carrying way too much books. By the look of it, Marcus is supposed to help but nothing surprise me anymore about this duo.

Luke: Oh hey Karyn! - sengih, jenguk dalam kelas, glance around before fixing his sight at Kay again.

Kay tunduk hormat, sambung baca buku. Ignoring the existence of them both. Guys... just go. I am not in the mood to joke. 

Luke: Jason said we're having a short discussion later, at our classroom. Get the girls to come with you during recess, ok? -wink, konon charming... sorry, I am not diggin' that.

Jason?  Kay's brighten up by the mentions of Jason. Discussion? At the upper grade classroom? Huhu, it is somewhat exciting to be in the seniors' classroom when you can only enter one with invitation. Yes, we are that cool back then. We are the KKV: the cool juniors.

Marcus: You don't have to bring your text book with you. -serious. 

What? I know that. Macam lah aku kemaruk sangat dengan buku. Wait... tapi it was the truth. Blerghhh.. What ever la senior aku sorang ni. Juih bibir..

Luke: See you then. Have fun standing outside. -gelak jahat perlahan-lahan.

Kay sengih terpaksa. Cis Cis Cis... Lahabau punya senior, sempat lagi nak menganjing. Fine lah.

"What are you doing out there, Faraday! Get on one feet and don't talk to anyone!" Madame Rivera jerit, having a fit dari dalam kelas. Luke dan Marcus lari tinggalkan Kay yang terpaksa berdiri atas sebelah kaki. Thanks a lot, beloved seniors.


Jason terangguk-angguk sambil baca manuscript yang baru je sampai ke tangannya. Jayden duduk di atas meja, di belakang Jason, turut baca sama-sama ngan Jason. Valerie is looking around. Whoa, it's the seniors. They're so cool. Kay and Kao is fixated to Jason. I know there's nothing wrong with the script but waiting for his comment is excruciating.

Jason: Good. We can work on this.
Jayden: I can't believe that you guys completed the script in no time - ambil manuscript dari tangan Jason- Heh, I can't wait to see the lineup. The characters are good. You guys sure like to read manga a lot. I can see manga style here.

Yeah of course, I spent the whole assembly gathering up the memory on the theater script with Kao. There's not doubt about. We are the best at making storyline! Good thing we have it recorded in the chronicle and that Kao has memorized it. Huhu..

Jason: It would be great if we can have some kind of storyboard on this. It would help with the prop management a lot. -urut dagu, pusing pandang Marcus.
Jayden: Marcus, can you do it? Luke's can help.

Jayden tenung Luke yang duk kipas diri sendiri. Badan berpeluh. Heh, did he just went out for a sprint?

Luke: Keep me out of these things. You know I can't draw.
Marcus:... - angkat kertas conteng. Doodles sotong dan kucing

Kao tergelak kecil. That's adorable. 

Kay: I can work that one out with Kao. She knows the script and how we picture it to be.
Kao: Sure. Why not. -sengih

Jason senyum pandang Kay and Kao. Kay dah blushed. Are we doing great, senior?

Jayden: But from this script I think we will have some trouble to get the props ready. This is in Joseon period right? -pandang Kao. Kao angguk- Hummm, this is tricky.
Valerie: I can set up a prop committee with the rest of guys. But we need some list of things to get.
Jayden: Jason will give you the list later, won't you Jeon-ha?

Jason is eyeing Jayden. Kay tersengih. He does have a king's presence in his light. Or is it just me?

Jason: We'll meet at Korean mini garden after school. The rest of the club members are still doing some paintings at the operation room. And since we are going with Korean period drama, it would only be appropriate to meet at the pavilion right?

Valerie: But the garden is so far away, way around the forest.
Luke: Don't worry, we know a shortcut. Just don't go there alone.

Valerie senyum. Thanks Senior Luke, but i think we know which path you're referring too, Kay eyeing Kao who's already grinning.

{Sebastian Michaelis P.O.V}

Sebastian terbaring di katil dalam bilik yang half-lit. Sebby mengeluh. Using the grand clock has taken a toll on my right hand. Sebby kepalkan tangan. Kulit kebiruan. The chill in his vines is like fire burning the blood platelets. Sebby pandang katil sebelah. Dah tido dah Fabian, room mate Sebby masa butler training. Sebby mengeluh lagi. It's going to be hard to skip the lessons. My only chance is when Fabian went for the kitchen duty next week. Kalau tak confirm kena tangkap dengan supervisor. Aahh... Life is hard.. 

Sebby keluarkan grandclock yang tergantung di leher. It's way to early. I hope that the girls won't do anything to change the history so much. Everything must stay the same until the time came for the big reversal. 4 more months.. And I can't stoop around the school ground. Not with the condition I'm in. 

Calm down, Sebastian Michaelis.. Think.. There must be some way to keep an eye on the girls. Keep them from changing their destiny. Or else, things can never go back to the way it is supposed to be. If only I can get to Lady Valerie. If only I can assign anyone to do it for me.

Sebby toleh ke meja di sebelah katil, tangan capai ke bawah meja, ambil buku yang terlekat di papan drawer. My best bet is the chronicle. Sebby curi pandang ke arah Fabian. Still asleep.. Ok, line clear. Sebby bukak helaian chronicles.

5th April 2004 (KillJoy Recruitment)

Today was fun. I think we stand a good chance to recruit more people to join the club. With the KillJoy by our side we can totally do at least that. I'm anticipating a lot this year. I just hope that Kay won't be too overworked. Lets just enjoy our youth this year. I know Valerie will. Hey Val, I think you have to work on your expression. Luke's gonna find out. Hahahaha. Anyhow, I'm content that Kay is better known by our juniors. I mean come on, you can't stay in the dark forever Kay. You are our trump card. With that being said, do your best impressing Jason, not that he didn't notice your stares. Hahahaha. Really Kay, stop beating around the bushes and get that handsome senior on his knees already! All the best. As for now, Mikasa Kao at your service. Gambatte! P/S: Just so you know Kay, I think you look adorable when you're nervous during our introduction at the school assembly.

Sebby smirked. Childish.. Sebby continues reading the chronicle. Most of it is total gibberish, girly stuff that sometimes makes Sebby cringed. So far nothing's changed.I just have to memorize the exact word from the future's chronicle. They might try to do something. Those girls. They don't even know what would happen if they do something differently this time.

Fabian: Hey Sebastian..

Sebby cepat-cepat toleh, panik. Chronicle cepat-cepat di sorok bawah selimut. Sebby pandang muka Fabian yang puffy.

Fabian: Sorry to interrupt your erotic time but could you please do that when I'm not in the room?

Huh? What ero..? Did he think that I'm reading porn?

Sebby: Sorry about that.
Fabian: Just switch off the light, man. I won't tell Charles (Supervisor) about your loot. -tarik selimut, sambung tido.

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