Reaping Clockwork: Chapter 13
{Kao Mikasa's P.O.V}

Kao tolong angkat kotak-kotak yang penuh dengan costume ke dalam charter bus. The theater team is seated in the bus, waiting for departure. Everybody is in high spirit despite not winning the competition. At least everything is finished. Kao is relieved. Well, we got the Outstanding Award.

As I recalled correctly, there were no such award previously. They did not win the theater competition back then. Something about the actors fail to portray the emotion. I guess this time around they cannot use the excuse to deny our effort. This time they said that our plot does not have consistency. 

Kao tergelak kecil bila teringat how petty the school competitions really are. The winners are predetermined. There is no way that Lennox Academy could win this. They have proud theater teams joining this prestigious competition. It would look really bad to lose to a newcomer like Lennox. Tapi Kao puas hati. Betul-betul puas hati. It was fun. 

Jason: Kao, are you staying behind?

Jason tiba-tiba muncul dari dalam dewan pakai sleeveless shirt. Uhuhu, waaay too much skin, Senior. Eh, Kay pun ada kat sebelah. Kat mana-mana mengekor je Kay ni. Hahahaha.

Valerie: Senior, let me take a photo of you. -Valerie keluar dari dewan dengan kamera.

Jason automatic tarik bahu Kay, rapat. Valerie tekan shutter sebelum sempat Kay nak senyum betul-betul. Hahak, lame la Kay! Valerie gelak lepas tu lari. Kay jerit-jerit kejar Valerie suh amik lagi sekali gambar. whoi belum ready la.

Kao yang preoccupied tengok gelagat Valerie ngan Kay terperasan yang Jason still tunggu respond dia. Kao toleh pandang Jason.

Kao: I got the rest of our things so I guess we just head home with the crew. What do you say, Senior Jason?
Jason: I think so too. But can you get Jayden?
Kao: Eyh, isn't he with you?
Jason: Nah, he's with Marc just now, attending to his injury. Ahh.. Valerie is scary..-gosok belakang tengkuk sendiri
Kao: Senior Jayden attending to injury? I thought he can't bear the sight of blood..

Jason tergelak. Betul apa. Last time masa Kay muncul dekat bilik aktiviti dengan lutut yang berdarah, Senior Jason cepat-cepat tutup mata Jayden, taknak bagi tengok darah. (Seriously perempuan tu sepatutnya pakai knee pad. Asyik jatuh je. Ada ke orang jatuh longkang dua kali dalam satu hari?)

Jason: Let me rephrase that. Jade did not attend to injury, he's there to add to the injury. Nagging.. -buat isyarat nagging dengan tangan.
Kao: That sounds more believable -gelak

"What is believable?"

Tiba-tiba Jayden muncul kat sebelah Jason, landing left hand on Jason's shoulder, his right hand holding the camera he got from Valerie. Kao geleng kepala, tersenyum.

Valerie: Senior!! Let me borrow your camera just for a while longer -buat muka merayu
Jayden: No can do, Val. You kids are gonna break things. Let me keep this with me. - simpan kamera dalam beg.

Valerie muncungkan bibir, tak puas hati. Kay pun muka tak puas hati tak dapat ambik gambar yang proper dengan Jason. Valerie masuk dalam bas, Kay ikut dari belakang. Jason usik Kay dengan angkat beg galas Kay time Kay langkah naik bas. Nak terjatuh budak tu dibuatnya. Please becareful Senior Jason. Kay is a china-doll. She gets cut easily.

Kao: Did you get Senior Marcus with you? -tangan kemas-kemas skor musik dan full script dalam kotak
Jayden; He left on his own.
Kao: Huh? What? -speechless
Jayden: Don't worry. He always manage to find his way around. Now, lets go. The crew is waiting for us. -grabbing the box from Kao's hands.

Jayden lari naik bas. Kao just boleh sengih je pandang Jayden yang macam budak-budak. Kao turn around for the last glimpse of the theater. Thank you for this memory. Kao tunduk hormat, small appreciation gesture to the hall in front of her.

She climbs into the bus, terhenti kejap pandang muka-muka yang happy gila kat depan dia. Semua pandang Kao, tersenyum lebar. Minna, thank you for your hard work.

Kao: Now that everybody is here, LET'S GO HOME LENNOXERS!! (

The crew replied with soaring cheer.


Kao terduduk di sofa dalam bilik kelab. Damn those kids. Semua bertempiaran lari lepas sampai kat sekolah. Nasiblah dah settle nak hantar semua prop/costume pinjam. Hah, penat. Kao tengok jam di tangan. Dah pukul 4 petang. There goes my Saturday.

Menoleh dari barang-barang yang bertimbun tu, Kao starts her habit.. observing everyone. Valerie sedang duduk dekat west window sambil menyikat rambutnya yang terkusut effect serabut dengan Marcus, watching Luke who is chasing Marcus around the club house, outside.

I really don't understand those two. Bila masa senior Marcus ni sampai kat sekolah pun tak tahulah. Luke kejar Marcus sambil gelak-gelak. Marcus lak lari macam penguin tangan dalam poket, kaki dengan perut je lebih ke depan. Seriously Senior Marcus. Ahh.. I don't know what else to say about you.. thank you for being so funny?

Kao toleh tengok Jayden yang duk baca buku kat bay window (Jayden reading spot), menyandar di belakang Jason. back-to-back. Now that's a peaceful combo. Tangan kiri Jayden tiba-tiba duk main pintal rambut Jason, twirling it like it is his own hair.. ekspressi muka static je, baca buku dengan serius. I can sit here and stare at this heartwarming  memory's diorama, all day long.

Wait.. why are we still here? Looking at those tired but happy face, Kao propelled to have a day off somewhere with them. adding new things to the memory. This is not changing the past.. it is just adding. Never mind.. since nothing bad happened.

Kao: Guys, don't you think we ought to have a celebration party? -mumbling.

Jason jeling dari balik buku. Jayden tutup buku, cepat-cepat bangun. Jason terbaring ke belakang, failed to balance the sudden shift of his weight. He gets up looking irritated. Hahaha.. Jayden gerak, duduk di sofa, mengadap Kao, not paying attention to his friend.

Valerie toleh pandang Kao. Seems interested. I did good right?

Valerie: Hey, that's a good idea. We should do a ball -referring to the ball they held during their Junior High years.

A ball would be to much lah makcik. Hahaha.. this is not even listed as club activity. That's like pulling out the whole new event. We need a lot of things..

Kay: No balls! -tiba-tiba muncul kat pintu dengan tangan bersilang 'X'. Langkah ke arah sofa dengan muka protest

Aahh.. Kay, trauma lagi ke pasal ball tu. Hahahahaha. Jason yang bangun ikut semua orang ke ruang tengah sempat gosok kepala Kay, kusutkan rambut budak kecik tu. Kay duduk di sebelah Kao. Valerie duduk di lengan sofa, di sebelah Kay. Main sikat-sikat rambut Kay pulak, are you developing a new fetish Valerie?

Jason: We got all the club member to be involved in the theater. That's a big group. Should we go to a restaurant to celebrate? -urut-urut dagu, serious mode engaged.
Jayden: A picnic by the school lake is ok.. -mengeliat malas
Valerie: That is being too stingy.. No way. No no.. Something grandeur is better.-mata excited
Kay: No balls... -angry
Valerie: With string quartet and gowns... -ignoring Kay
Kay: No balls... -desperate
Valerie: Maybe a masquerade..-not listening to Kay
Kay: No no no no!!! -geram, ketap bibir

Kao gelak. Jason tengok je Kay yang sungguh-sungguh duk protest. Hahahaha.. Senior Jason mesti nak tahu the story behind this kan.. hehehehe.. We need a whole day if we opened that tragic story.

Kao: Lets go with the President's suggestion. To a restaurant. -angkat kening
Kay: Yes! -happy

Kao pandang Jayden yang angguk-angguk setuju.

Luke: I know a nice place..

Luke enters the room with Marcus tailing from behind. What is it with this club members appearing out of no where? Ketuk pintu dulu ke apa ke. Takleh ke? Or maybe we should appoint someone to announce whenever the member enters the room.. Like the eunuch during the play. Marcus? Hahahahaha.

Kao: Is it any good?
Luke: yeah it's good.. -thumbs up
Kao: Give me the contact number so that I can make a reservation.
Luke: It's ok. I can do that for you. After all, you guys did too much work here.

Kao terpana jap. Is this really Senior Luke yang pemalas taknak masuk campur paperwork club? This is new! Dear God, thanks for putting some sense into this senior of mine. *heavenly music playing in head.

Kao: So I will get the members to join. You can update the location later in the club website, okay Senior Luke?
Luke: You can count on me.. -muka confident.

Ahh.. this is a relief. Kao tersandar di sofa. Tsukaretta (penatnyee)!!

The very next day, 7.20 pm.

Kao: Erie-chan.. Why did Luke request us to gather here, at school? Wouldn't it better kalo pergi sendiri-sendiri. Kumpul kat sana terus. -fidgeting
Valerie: That's exactly what I said to him. I don't know.. He told me... The place is a surprise. He wants to reward us. Kononnye hadiah untuk penat lelah club members.-jungkit bahu

I am impressed senior. I never knew you were such a romantic person. Ingatkan tahu belasah orang je. Hahaha.. now the expectation is building up. Tak sabar nak celebrate.. everyone deserves this. We have work hard, we need to play hard too. 

Kay: I'm glad.. no balls. -stretching, walking in between Kao and Valerie, looking distant
Valerie: Tsk... kalau ball la best. We can be princesses. -mata dah bersinar-sinar
Kay: NO.. andwae.-bersungguh-sungguh bantah
Kao: Hahaha... introvert tak kenal mase kau nie Kay! -cubit pipi Kay
Kay: Anything is good, but no ball. -juih bibir

We heard you Kay. Don't pull that long face. Kitorang takkan paksa ko pakai gown dah. Funny friends.. macam tu sekali kau trauma. Gelak dalam hati je lah, gelak kuat-kuat karang menangis. Hehe... All hype up, three of us wearing evening one piece dress, with me wearing the Balenciaga floral long sleeves dress . while Kay is in baby blue ombre-ing in purple and Valerie in nude pink halter dress. Pretty casual and elegant at the same time. We did feel pretty excited about this evening event. Except for Kay. Come on Kay, snap out of it. What's holding you down?

Reaching our main cafeteria.. the one with the lake view. Floating cafe one would say. We enter, as we see the boys.. Kao looks around.. Was this cafe always this colorful? Penuh balloon and what with the buffets, there? Student dah balek. Sape yang buat feast kat sini. I have bad feelings about this.

Luke: Hey... pretty girls! -sambut KKV masuk cafe. 
Valerie: You are not going to tell us that we are having the celebration here would you?? -kerut dahi

Jayden tergelak. Valerie strike a laser eyes, staring hard.. Jayden tutup mulut. Tahan dari gelak secara obvious. Creepy Valerie. Short fuse comeback.

Luke: Ok whatttttttt~ -looks like he is all satisfied with it. 
Kao: -tepuk dahi- I shouldn't have let you handle this.. aishhh. 
Luke: Whyyy?? -muka pelik, hairan sebab KKV semua muka frust.

Kau nie memang clueless keee just being innocent senior? Ini lah jadi bila serah kat pakcik malas nie. Hahahaha. We are to be blame. Kehkehkeh.. Muka Valerie pink dah, itu bukan pink malu tu, tu pink nak murka tu. Regardless of admiring you senior, Valerie still can pull pretty bad wrath over you. Muke hensem kau pon dia dah tak nampak dah. Hahaha.. 

To save the scene, Jason enter in... walk in like a celebrity. All present members turn around just to have a look at him. Lagi-lagi perempuan. Here he comes.. our cool president. Kao tarik tangan Valerie, heret bawak dia duduk di meja tengah, khas untuk main board. Kay mengekor dari belakang. Kao duduk tepi Roderick yang duk main phone je dari tadi.

Jason: Despite of all those good restaurant we owned out there, you choose this Lennox cafe? ..-tepuk bahu Luke. Jalan bergerak ke meja kami. Pandang Kay, pandang tempat lain.

Luke: Whattt?.. -mumbles- is it that bad? -muka buat-buat sedih.
Marcus: Bro... I like it here.. -datang dari belakang Luke, tunjuk belon ade gambar squids everywhere.
Luke: -mata berkaca-kaca, tengok Marcus dengan penuh rase terharu- Hah... I love you Marc -peluk Marcus.

There you go, naseblah ade sorang yang memang tak normal.. Ade jugak lah orang nak puji kau punya so called hardwork nie..senior Luke. Hahaha... Tapi not that bad. Cafetaria sekolah nie dah level hotel 5 star sebenarnye. Cumenya... kami student Lennox dah bosan dah la dengan makanan same. Huhu..

I could see the halfhearted faces along the dining table. Semua pakai elegant. Sekali datang makan kat tempat macam ni. Seriously Luke? Seriously? But nothing beats Kay's expression. Why does she look so gloomy? Roderick pass minuman kat Kay. Why is Roderick suddenly taking care of Kay? Senior Jason is sitting way too far away from Kay. I'm sensing something weird.

Jason tiba-tiba berdiri, ketuk gelas. Eyhh.. Do you think this is a wedding ceremony nak bagi toast bagai? Weirdly enough though, everyone starts paying attention. All eyes are on Jason. Everyone is waiting profusely to what Jason is about to say.


{Karyn Lee Faraday's P.O.V}

Kay tenung imej dalam cermin. Ahhh.. truthfully I hate this dress. So outdated. After all, we are in 2004. Kay mengeluh lagi. This would do, better then the 'gown'.

Brrr..Brrr.. Phone atas meja vibrating crazily. Kay capai phone.

Kao: Let's go..


Talian diputuskan. What? Hello tak, apa tak, hangup camtu je? Kay geleng-geleng kepala, capai denim jacket kat katil. Gerak turun ke porch. Lampu rumah dimatikan. Kao tunggu dalam kereta family. Kay terus masuk dalam kereta.

Kao: Looking good -thumbs up
Kay: What are you talking about. This is lame.. -halfhearted.
Kao: Come on. Savor the moment..

Kay tak respond. Kereta bergerak keluar dari perkarangan kediaman Faraday. Kao take out her compact powder. Tepuk-tepuk bedak ke muka. She obviously dressing for some one. Ahh, kenape perempuan kena all dressed up untuk event penting. Tak leh ke sempoi je pakai baggy shorts dengan singlet? Kay tarik-tarik dress sendiri, tak puas hati.

Kao: So, how long is your family going away?
Kay: They are taking the last flight home tomorrow.. -menyandar di tingkap kereta
Kao: Are you okay, being left behind? -still powdering her nose
Kay: You know me. I hate travelling. Besides, it's for the theater. - menyandar malas.
Kao: Yelah-yelah..

Kay tengok jam di tangan. Baru pukul 7. Agaknya kat mane eh tempat kite celebrate after party nie? I got bad feelings about leaving this to Luke.

Kay: Are we dropping by Val's house?
Kao: Nah.. She's already there. -sapu lipgloss.
Kay: She is? -terkejut
Kao: Yup.. Roderick fetch her earlier.. Something about her mom won't let her go out. I guess she just jumped out from her window with the help of her trusted knight, like she continuously did for the rest of the years with us. -sengih
Kay: Hehehehe.. she must be thriving then. I forgot how close they are.. Hmm.. A lot have changed, haven't they?
Kao: Yeah.. A lot.. - her tone dropped heavily..

Kay pays no attention to Kao slightly sad face, preoccupied with her seemingly ugly dress. Arghh.. I want to stay home in my pajama!! Cuddling Millo..

Kereta bergerak laju ke sekolah. Dari pintu masuk pelawat, kereta gerak ke tasik. This is the farthest any visitor could go. The rest of the school ground is restricted only for students and the teachers. And since it's the weekend, everyone is just visitor.

Kao, keluar dari kereta, diikuti Kay. Dari jauh Valerie melambai-lambai. Di sebelah kelihatan Roderick giving instruction to his driver through the car window and just went on walking towards the entrance. Kao ignores Roderick who is obviously ignoring her too and runs towards Valerie leaving Kay struggling with her dress. What's wrong with those two. Couple fight tak habes lagi? Hmm..

Kao: Kay, hurry up! -lambai-lambai, gelak ngan Valerie.
Kay: You guys head on first. I'm going to the restroom. -shoo-shoo

Kao and Valerie enter the restaurant, heading to the balcony. Kay heads to the restroom. Gloomy.. She watches herself in the reflection. Yeah, this type of dress was popular back then huh? Come on Kay. You never give any thought about fashion before. Yeah, maybe that's why people don't really remember you.

No Kay, you are looking just nice. Dalam kepala Kay dah ada dua persona duk bickering.. At last Kay give up. Kay tepuk-tepuk pipi. Betulkan straps kat pinggang. Hela nafas panjang. Gerak keluar dari restroom.

"Looking good, My Queen"

Kay toleh. Jason is standing against the brick wall, smiling softly as he always did. Kay feels blood rushing to her face. Jason datang dekat. OMG OMG.. No, don't come here.. No..

Jason: Try parting your hair to the left. - datang dekat

Jason tarik bobby pin dari rambut sendiri, securing Kay's hair. You wear bobby pin, senior? Kay hides her smirk. My favorite senior sometimes acts a bit, girly. Hahaha.

Jason: Now, your face looks slimmer. Hahaha- gelak, patting Kay's head

Kay tertunduk segan. Tak tahu nak cakap apa. Tiba-tiba imej Jason time theater play melintas kat kepala hotak macam projector gambar. The scene where he hugs Kay, touching Kay's chin, her cheek, locking her fingers with his. Macam-macam soalan timbul kat kepala. And suddenly, before Kay could stop her lips..

Kay: Do you like me, Senior?

Jason was taken aback by Kay's sudden question. Wait, is this a confession? Kay dah start gelabah. What the hell, brain? You are supposed to only speak of that quietly. Lips! Why do you betray me? Argh.. Kay rasa nak hantuk kepala kat dinding. Mesti Senior Jason salah paham.. I don't mean it that way.. I don't even know what I want it to mean. What the..

Kay tak berani nak pandang muka Jason. Jason senyap je. Don't tell me.. Please don't be mad senior.. Kay dongak nak pandang muka Jason when abruptly Jason hugs Kay so tightly, hiding his face away.

Jason: Kay.. Karyn.. -tergagap

Only God knows how violent Kay's heartbeats are. And his are racing the same tempo. Dup dap dup dap dup dap.. Your hug is too tight, senior.. But she's too embarrass to tell Jason.

Jason: Kay.. What ever you do, don't ever fall for me. Not in a romantic way.. do you hear me?-lembut tapi tegas

Ehh... What?

Kay heard a thunder cracking in her brain. Wait. Did I just get rejected? But I don't even mean it that way. Dalam kekacauan tu ternampak Roderick yang menyorok kat belakang pokok, just a few steps away from them, looking shocked. Roderick pandang Kay dengan muka kesian.

Wait.. Is he cheering me up? No Roderick.. It's not like that... Arghhh.. This is not supposed to happen. Dammn you stupid lips..

Jason leraikan pelukan, cepat-cepat pandang tempat lain.

Jason: Err.. Although I appreciate you feelings for me..I.. err..-garu kepala
Kay: Senior.. This is not how you think it is.. It is a misunderstanding.. -muka gabra
Jason: I really didn't want to be a heart breaker.. -pusing tengok Kay dengan mata berkaca- Please don't tell me this is your first love confession -grabbing Kay's hand, gelabah same.
Kay: Senior.... -muka dah berkerut, do I have to explain this?
Jason: Kay, I like you as a sister... I.. uh.. Umm.. I can't be your boyfriend.. -gelabah, speed talking
Kay: Senior...
Jason: I don't have any romantic feeling towards you.. or any girl in particular.. wait.. No, what I mean is.. -gelabah, gelabah

Kay nampak muka Roderick yang terlopong. I have to stop this stupid senior of mine before he blabs about something embarrassing..

Kay: Senior, listen to me! -pegang muka Jason.

Jason stop bercakap. Kay tarik nafas panjang. Pandang muka Jason tepat. I need to fix this.

Kay: Senior, do you like me as a junior? -tegas
Jason: ... -angguk-angguk
Kay: Then.... that's enough for me.. -senyum

Jason terpana lagi. This budak kecik selalu bagi serangan chomel macam ni. Arghh!! But looking into her eyes, Jason knows that she really means what she says. Jason tersenyum, patting Kay's head. Nampak lega..

Kay: If only you were my brother.. -tersengih

Muka Jason slightly berubah. Looking pretty stupefied by that.. but quickly snapped out. Jason tergelak besar. Kay sempat menjeling ke arah Roderick. Dah blah pun budak tu. Sejak bila la ada hobi mengendap orang ni? Tak pasal-pasal kantoi aku hari ni. But without her knowing, someone else is watching her too..

Someone in the dark...


Through the night Roderick kept treating Kay like a little kid. Stop it Roderick. I'm fine. Apa masalah ko ni.. Arghh.. Kay dah makin tensen. Nak-nak tengok Jason yang macam awkward gila around her. Kenapa semua orang nak salah paham ni? This is all my fault. Arghh mulut, kenapa la dengan kau ni?

Kay pegang kepala, tangan menongkat ke meja. Aku.. Aku give up dah nak terangkan benda ni semua. What ever la everybody!! Keep going with that thought. Pointless je kalau explain pon..

After the dessert is served, everybody is getting ready to leave. Guys' it's just 8.45 pm. Ahh.. Maybe it's better this way. Boleh la aku balik rumah, benam kepala dalam ais.. Aku dah tak tahan ni!!! Kay jerit dalam hati.

Tengok sekeliling. Ahli kelab lain dah start saying goodbye, see you tomorrow bla bla bla. Kao duk gelak-gelak dengan Jayden. Serious aku rasa switch Jayden tripped la malam ni. Apasal hyper semacam tu? Marcus lak macam down je dari tadi. Duk termenung pandang tasik...

Sekarang tinggal ahli jawatan kuasa je. Jason, Jayden, Luke, Marcus, Roderick, Zachary, Ethan and Mason. And us, KKV. Semua berkumpul dekat piano. Zachary baru je habis main the last piece. Luke duduk sebelah. Tekan-tekan key sambil borak dengan Zach. Heip, nak tukar profession dari samseng ke ahli music ke, senior? Hahahaha..

Jayden: Argh.. this is dull.. -main earlobe sendiri
Kao: Ahah.. - angguk-angguk setuju.
Roderick: I guess we should wrap the things up and head home.. Kao? -toleh pandang Kao

Kao pandang Jayden. Jayden headlock Kao sambil gelak-gelak. Bergurau senda like never before. Jayden biase cool and steady je, Aku siyes confuse ni. Ni senior Jayden ke? Apsal dia hyper sangat?? Roderick dah keluar dah muke annoyed dia. Kau jelous kan... speak up like a man la woi. Aku lagi annoyed tiap kali kau buat muka tu..

Kao: Senior.. -choking
Jayden: Ahh.. Sorry-sorry.. Are you hurt? -terkekek suka

Jayden release Kao from headlock. Kao usap-usap leher dia. Hah.. yang kau nie Kao tak reti-reti nak settle dengan Roderick nie. Nak aku kurung korang dalam satu bilik ke baru nak bercakap? Kata kawan baik sangat..

Valerie: Malam masih muda kot.. Bosan la kalau terus balik.

Valerie duduk sebelah Luke kat bangku piano. Tekan-tekan key. Luke tekan satu, Valerie tekan satu. Zach duk tunjuk-tunjuk key mana yang kena tekan. Hello Valerie.. Boleh kau cadangkan nak balik lambat... (Pfft) Kau tu baru melarikan diri dari rumah tau. Kalau mak kau tau, masak kita semua. Hah.

Jayden: Let's go somewhere. All of us. -face brightened up.
Luke: I second that motion! -angkat tangan

Marcus yang bersila di lantai pun angkat tangan. Kau ni tiru Luke je kan Marcus? Argh.. Mason angkat tangan, and Ethan too. Zachary bangun.

Zachary: Sorry I have to decline. I'm heading home. - kemas Music sheets.

Muka Luke kecewa. Agaknya sebab baru je dapat bonding-bonding dengan juniors, dah nak blah pulak. Zach senyum hormat pastu melangkah pergi. Mamat tu sangat cool. Aku rasa macam ternampak model je tengah buat catwalk time dia berjalan keluar dari cafe tadi.

Jayden: So, how? Jasonnnnnn hyuuung?-buat cute

What is this. I can't fathom this scene. Please, someone.. stop him. He just ruined his perfect image in my mind. Jayden melompat, peluk Jason. erk.. Senior Jayden, I'm getting uncomfortable watching you like this. Jayden main-main rambut Jason. Jason pulak walaupun segan, layan je. Senior.. people might misunderstood you guys. Kay tekup muka. Tak tahan aku.. hahaha

Jason: I don't know...-contemplating
Jayden: Ahh.. hyuungg~~ -aegyo to make Jason agree

What the heck? Aku rasa macam kena serangan jantung jap. Sumpah, Jayden salah makan ubat, tak pon high on drug, tak pon kepala terhantuk kuat kat mana-man. That is defenitely not Jayden. Not a normal Jayden, Muka Jason dah blushing. Eheh? Nak blush kenape plak tuuuuuu!

Jason: Arraso.. Ok ok.. let's go somewhere.. -mengalah
Jayden: Yay! -took in Kao right hand, twirl her around
Jason: Where do you want to go?
Jayden: To hyung's house!! -stops Kao from the twirls.

Killjoys dah semua excited. Valerie and Kao pon. Wait.. Jayden address Jason as Hyung (older brother)? Ahh.. walau diaorg sebaya, memang si Jason lagi tua pon. I see you are embracing your Korean half there , senior.

Jason: Hey.. wait wait.. why my house.- surprised by sudden suggestion
Luke: Aku sokong. Jom! - bangun semangat
Jayden: Jom!
Jason: Wait.... aishhh.. -mengalah lagi

Jayden double high five dengan Kao. Muka Roderick dah makin bertambah-tambah annoyed. Roderick pandang Kao yang still pandang Jayden. I see.... you are amused right Kao? Tapi Kay tiba-tiba rasa tak sedap hati. As if a storm is about to hit them. And the storm is none other than Roderick.

Roderick: I'm leaving. Kao, Valerie, let's go -tegas.

Roderick tarik tangan Kao. Valerie yang terpinga cepat-cepat bangun dari bangku piano.

Kao: Wait, Erick. I don't want to leave yet. Let's have some fun with the seniors.-muka geram
Jayden: Yeahhh Erickkk -skipping on toes happily towards Roderick. - Let's have some fun..- Peluk pinggang Roderick

I swear to God I can see the hair on Roderick's back standing. I feel the chill running down my spine. This is not the usual Jayden. Aku..aku rasa macamnak bangun pegi tampar Jayden. Snap out of it! Semua orang pun macam holding their breath. Roderick looking furious. His eyes..

Roderick: Let go of me, you sick bastard!-Roderick tolak Jayden ke lantai. Double shock!!

Jayden terduduk ke lantai. Luke spontaneously terbangun dari bangku, defensive mode activated. This is how Luke got tick off. When one of his dear friends got insulted. Roderick... you are digging your own grave... and what it wrong with you?

Mason: Hey hey.. isn't that too harsh.. - cuba tenangkan Roderick
Roderick: What ever... I'm leaving. -pusingkan badan nak keluar dari tempat tu

Luke pantas grabbed Roderick by his button down collar. Valerie pulak dah gasping for air.  No, don't fight you two. Please..

Luke: Apologize to him.. -angry

I swear I can hear Luke trying hard restraining himself from knocking Roderick off from that tone. Luke tenung mata Roderick, Roderick balas tenungan tu tajam. He looks determined to make things worse.

Roderick: Let's go home Kao.. -struggle to loose from Luke
Luke: Apologize to Jade. Now.. -suara makin dalam

Roderick tolak Luke sekuat mungkin. Betulkan baju yang dah berkedut dek genggaman Luke. Jeling kearah Kao. Desperately waiting for her to response.. backing him up.

Roderick: Now! -jerkah

Kao dah tergamam. Kenapa aku kat center ni? Tiba-tiba tanpa semua orang sempat tahan. Luke layangkan tumbukan ke muka Roderick. Roderick terjelepuk jatuh disebelah Jayden yang terbaring happy, unaware of his surrounding. Mason cepat-cepat come in between, holding his brother back. Thank god you are here.

Mason: Luke.. No.. stop this.. Let's talk..-hold Luke, gosok belakang tengkuk

Luke pandang muka Mason. Communicating thorough eyes. Luke cuba bertenang.. Cool down.. Cool down.. Kay hela nafas lega. Thank goodness Mason is here. If dried squid is Marcus' break, Mason is Luke's. Brotherhood at its best.

Roderick: Kao, let's go home. I won't let you get trick by this gay... -tak habes lagi geram

What the heck? Luke dah berapi balik. Mason sungguh-sungguh holding Luke back. Kao terlopong. Now that is wayyy too much Roderick! Kay dengan Valerie keras je berdiri kat situ. Everyone is. Tak tahu dah macam mane nak settle benda nie. This is bad... this is going nowhere. Roderick toleh pandang Jayden yang senyum je tengok dia. Senior... are you even here? Lagi teruk dari drugged dah gayanya nie.

Roderick: I really don't have any problem with your sex orientation. But playing with girl's emotion like that.. -pausing, kepalkan tangan - You're being a real scumbag..

Roderick bangun, sapu-sapu baju. Sapu darah yang meleleh kat bibir. Toleh pandang Kao. Kao tak berganjak. Looking betrayed, he sadly say..

Roderick: Suit yourself -dissing Kao, leaving her in emotional mess.

I have nothing to say. Never thought that Roderick can be this narrow minded. He is behaving more like a kid got his toy snatched. He should ask and talk to Kao. Not venting it on Jayden.. blinded by jealousy, all he could see is Jayden faults.. and Kao.. you are the one to blame too. Tak reti nak luah ape rase hati tu. Terus terang lah guys.. make things lot more easier. Kay being concerned by what just happened.

Ethan pandang Mason, pandang Roderick yang dah berlalu pergi. Luke lepaskan diri dari Mason. Urut kepala dengan tangan yang berdarah, darah Roderick and darah sendiri when Roderick's teeth cut through his skin when his punch landed on that poor guy. Erk.. Don't tell me Roderick is missing a teeth.. Nooooooo! he has the most perfect teeth! Kay, stop! Focus! We have bigger things in our midst.

Jason yang terpinga-pinga cepat-cepat gerak ke arah Jayden, checking on Jayden. Jason toleh pandang Luke. Mata bulat bila nampak blood gushing through his fist. (Seriously, how deep is the cut?)

Jason: Wipe that blood off your fist. Now! -bagi arahan kat Luke, nampak gelabah

Surprised and just realized what is happening.. Luke cepat-cepat lap his knuckles yang ade darah Roderick. Balut dengan napkin restaurant. Jayden pulak masih tersengih-sengih. Jason hidu-hidu muka and mulut Jayden.. KKV all blush serentak. Oh.. why.. nosebleed jugak aku karang.

Jason: Did someone give Jade white chocolate? -menoleh ke arah KKV

Semua orang geleng-geleng kepala. Tak sedar pulak. Apa hal dengan white chocolate tu? Kay try recalling something.. Ah! That Elle assistant, that girl I forgot her name, I saw her sharing some choco bar with Jayden. But.. what's wrong with it?

Jason: Ah.. This kid..Jinja.... Help me move him. He's reacting to white chocolate. We have to take him to my house.

Semua orang angguk. Marcus and Luke papah Jayden bangun, gerak keluar dari cafe.

Mason: I think we better leave. Me and Ethan got to practice tomorrow. The marathon is next week.

Mason and Ethan pandang Luke. Waiting for him to response. It's just an excuse. It's Ok Mason. Go check on your friend. Roderick might be lying somewhere, fainted from Luke's blow. Luke angguk perlahan, macam bagi kebenaran. Ethan ikut Mason ke kereta yang dah menunggu di luar.


Kay is thrilled by the fact that they are in Jason's precious apartment. Pretty close to school. Patutlah kadang-kadang Jason datang sekolah gune Ducati je. Selalu terserempak time kat school gate. Jason get in the house and the lamp automatically on. 

Jason: Welcome to my crib. Suit youself .. -letak kunci atas meja ruang tamu

Marcus and luke throw Jayden atas sofa, mengeliat lenguh then spread. Living Jayden unattended. Macam benda normal pulak.. Jayden looking all wasted and weirdly happy. Just why... never knew that white choc can be this dangerous. Haha.. 

Jayden terbaring di sofa. Kay turns around, observing the interior. Woah.. This is your house, senior? Kao and Valerie share the same astonishment looking at the interior of Jason's apartment. Good taste.. Bachelor vibe all over the place. But..what is with the horse? sitting there in the corner, black horse sculpture with a lamp on it's head. That is one odd horse. To add to that.. Marcus is sitting on the horse, looking content with himself. Now I am not even surprise anymore with his weird antic.

Luke is standing by the window, looking beyond. Are you regretting it now Luke? Don't worry, not your fault. Roderick is the one asking for that.. He really did it, he pushed the button. Thou, I still think you should be considering a few session of therapy to tone down your hot blooded head. Please do bring Valerie along with you.

Jason enters the room with a little bowl and a first aid kit. He hands over the first aid kit to Valerie, giving instruction with his eyes "Go fix Luke". Valerie teragak-agak amik dari tangan Jason then walking slowly toward Luke yang still terpacak mengadap window, looking disturbed.

Kay tercium bau something. It comes from the bowl Jason is holding. Wait, is that what I think it is?

Jason duduk sebelah Jayden, whispering something. Jayden bukak mata laju. Jason suap something kat Jayden. Heh.. What is it? Some kind of a medicine kah? Kao bangun, curious.. datang dekat. Muka Kao dah distorted with shock. Kao toleh tengok Kay, kuis-kuis angin panggil Kay. Kay turut bangun, jenguk tengok Jason and Jayden dari belakang Kao.


Hiding their surprised look when Jason turns to look at them, Kay tersengih-sengih awkward, Kao garu kepala yang tak gatal. Teehee.. our eyes are saying "can you please explain this senior?".

Dekat penjuru sana Valerie focus tengah balut tangan Luke who is still looking away, beyond the window. Marcus is looking all bored on the horse statue. He is tapping the side of the horse, making up sounds.

Jason: Marc, stop playing on that. You're gonna break it.. -tegas

Marcus lazily climbs off the statue, walking on knee.. come sitting politely on the sofa, beside Jayden. Jason letakkan mangkuk berisi Kimchi atas meja, keluarkan phone dari pocket.. amek gambar Jayden yang still terbaring. Jason tergelak sendiri.. seems laughing at his own inside jokes. Tekan-tekan keypad phone, and hitting the sent button.

"This is all your fault.. hyung" Jason mumbles to himself sambil tergelak perlahan, melabuhkan diri besides Marcus yang dah angkat kaki Jayden letak atas riba dia.

Kao: Do you live here alone, Senior? -abruptly tanye.

Kay knows exactly why.. Kao is trying to mend this silent awkward atmosphere. I think the guilt is eating her inside. She definitely have grasps of the whole situation. Kay and Kao duduk balik kat tempat asal, looking at Jason, waiting his respond.

Jason: For the time being, yeah. But sometimes I do have relatives visiting me.. -menyandar ke sofa.
Kay: This is a very nice apartment -looking around, smiling
Kao: Then... You should buy one someday -senyum penuh makna.

Kay tak layan pandangan Kao. Ye aku tau. You're referring to my small studio back in the future right? Even though I am impressed with Jason's spacious house, I really think that my studio is far better off. Way cozier, and fits me best. Kau ape tahu.. Huhuhu.

Luke: Oh mannn.. I hit Mason's friend.. -tiba-tiba je.

Luke terduduk depan glass window, holding his head down. Valerie bangun simpan first aid kat atas corner table. Luke buat muka sedih. Hahaha.. baru tersedar ke dengan ape yang dah jadi tadi? That is one super slow reaction senior.

Roderick entah ape lah yang jadi kat dia sekarang. Never mind... he got Mason and Ethan for comfort. Walau your so called kawan baek here (tengok Kao) not backing you up, she didn't ask for this to happen. So..

Luke: Hey.. you don't think he's gonna hate me right? -pandang Jason, mengharap comfort.
Jason: Who? Roderick? -he knew the right answer, tapi saje buat bengap.
Luke: Who the hell is Roderick? I mean Mason.. He won't hate me for hitting that fella just now right? I can't stand Mason being distance from me... -sugul.

What? Mason? and here me thinking he was going to be all sad sebab terpukul junior yang gila adore dia. We all know Roderick dulu really have this little boy admiration towards all KillJoys' for their strong brotherhood and friendship, not to forget. Ke-macho-an.

Jason: Well... -awkward tatau nak jawab ape.
Luke: Mason is so going to hate me.. Ahhh.. -depressed- By the way. how's Jade?- toleh tengok Jayden

Semue toleh tengok Jayden yang dah bangun dari sofa serentak. Semua orang macam terlupa pulak dengan kewujudan Jayden tadi. But.. good, he is recovering. Thanks god for bringing him back to earth. I don't wish to see any of that again (referring to Jayden's being weird)

Jayden: Guys.. What happened? -pegang, urut-urut kepala.
Jason: White chocolat. -senyum, tongkat dagu sambil tengok Jayden.
Jayden: What?! -muka blushing, malu.

I bet Jayden is having this recording tape of all his previous actions playing all over in his head. Nampak merah je muka, malu la tu. Hahahaha.. yes you should. But.. comel lah jugak, at least we can see a different side of him and Kao definately amused by that. Thumbs up.

Kao: I am sorry... -out of blue, tunduk- on behalf of Erick, I am very sorry seniors..-dongak tengok Jayden and all KillJoys, rase bersalah.
Jason: No, no.. It's not your fault, it is no body fault.. Just a small misunderstanding. -senyum kearah Kao
Kao: I will talk to him later.. and I hope seniors would forgive Erick's rudeness.. and.. -dah mula nak nanges.

After holding up for that long, akhirnya Kao start menangis. Ohh.... I hate this. Rodercik.. I wish you are here. Watching all this... How Kao is backing you up. She never leave you Rodercik, unlike what you might have think. Stop being childish please. Kay turut sedih tengok Kao yang silently tahan diri from sobbing to hard. Terhinjut bahu.

Jayden: Hey...-softly, walk to Kao
Kao: -sapu air mata sambil mendongak tengok Jayden yang berdiri tegak depan dia
Jayden: Kao.. Don't worry.. -senyum- jangan bimbang sangat -comforting Kao, patting her head.
Kao: -nodding, sambil lap few other drops of tears kat pipi.

That's it Jayden! Oyeah.. now everything settled. Dah.. dah lah. I hate this depressing atmosphere. Could someone change the topic please. What should we do tonight. Kay toleh tengok Jason.. baru nak tanye ape tuan rumah nak suruh kami buat. Valerie pulak abruptly standing up...

Valerie: Hah!! Aren't you guys thirstyyyy? -pusing tengok everyone
Marcus: Yepp....-tiba-tiba berbunyi. Ingat takde kat sini tadi.
Valerie: Let me prepare some drinks...
Marcus: Good...-angguk-anguk

Kay and Kao surprised. Tengok Valerie in disbelieve. Biar betik minah nie, Valerie buat air? Kau tu dapur pon tak penah jejak, nak buat air pulak. Jangan yang bukan-bukan sudah, budak nie bukan leh harap dengan kerja-kerja keperempuanan nie.

Jason: Do you need my help? -looking worried.
Valerie: Nope.. senior, you guys have a nice chat!! -confidently walking off.

Kay tailing kelibat Valerie yang masuk ke dapur with her eyes. Valerie dah buat macam rumah sendiri, tak tanye pape pon kat Jason terus meluru ke dapur. Opening the fridge, rummaging through the cabinets and drawers. From the living rooms, Jason looking at his open kitchen all worried.. takut dengan bunyik "pung pang pung pang" dari dapur. Kau buat air ke sembelih lembu tu Valerie?

Jayden: I didn't do anything stupid... did I? -asking Jason, duduk bersila depan Jason yang duduk atas sofa.
Jason: You were... happy.. too happyy -gelak mengejek

Kay gelak same, hahaha.. this is funny, Jayden yang nampak susah gelisah mungkin masih terbayang-bayang aksi merepek yang dia dah buat kat party tadi. Kay perhati je gelagat Jason and Jayden yang berborak non-stop while Marcus once in a while interfering in between.

Kao: Kay... -putting her hand upon Kay's left tight.
Kay: Uh hah? -pusing, focus on Kao yang still in her downward mood.
Kao: What should I do? Roderick mesti dah tak nak berkawan dengan aku...-kerut dahi
Kay: No lahh... impossible. Korang kan rapat. Just talk to him. For real this time.. tell him everything. How you feels and ask him what is wrong.-warmly encouraging Kao
Kao: I wish it is that easy... Roderick must hate me right now. -gigit hujung bibir.
Kay: Yup.. he definitely is... -trying to knock some sense into Kao.

What's wrong with you Kao. This is not you, Kao yang aku kenal mase sekolah dulu very bold, daring and brave. She was a cool, strong and charming femme fatale where every girls can depends on. Termasuk Kay... and now dah lain. Must be that old soul. Sebab Kao yang from the future nie dah turn soft and having self-esteem issues.

Kay: Just.. talk to him, that's all.. make a move. It doesn't matter, kau nak belasah dia ke, nak slap him on the face. At least you guys would be talking. Walau pon dalam bergaduh.-membebel
Kao: -in shock, looks enlighten.

What? It's true. Face it. You guys really need some man-to-man conversation, in means of exchanging punch and kick.

Kay: I don't know what else to say.. just do what you think is right. -patting bahu Kao.
Kao: Thanks buddy.. this means a lot.. -smile

Kay menoleh bile terperasan kelibat Marcus yang lalu depan dia. Nak pergi mane pulak pakcik nie? Marcus head off to the hallway.. yang menghala ke corridor bilik-bilik rumah nie. Looking around, Jason and Jayden are watching some basketball game at the flat screen TV, while in the other end Luke lying on the sofa playing PSP. Jason mesti tak perasan Marcus dah start walking around the house, Marcus dah bosan la tu.

Kay have this sudden urge to follow that senior of her. Curious pulak aku, nak join Marcus buat tour jugak lah. Bukan selalu dapat peluang nie. Hehehe.. and to be honest, this is my 1st time here. Walaupun aku rapat dengan Jason, dulu dia tak pernah pelawa kami ke rumah dia.

And because of that I always have this imagination, with Jason in the house being all girly, Otomen! (a boy having interests like a girl). Agak-agak ade secret room tak? Bilik yang penuh dengan anak patung, princess canopy bed and... pink, lots of pink. Kay gelak, amused dengan diri sendiri punye silly imagination. Kay  cepat-cepat bangun membuntuti Marcus ke hallway.

Kay: Senior! -sergah Marcus dari belakang
Marcus: -pusing, not showing even a hint of shock.
Kay: Cis.. tak terkejut pon buat-buat la terkejut. Huhu.. kecik hati. -frustrated face
Marcus: -buat-buat muka terkejut as Kay's wish
Kay: Hahahahahah .. sengal. Nak gi mane tu?
Marcus: Tandasss..-sambung jalan.
Kay: Oh.. -ikut Marcus.

Di hallway kelihatan 5 pintu. Dua di kiri, dua di kanan dan satu pintu di hujung dead end. Marcus ignored the other room. He's focussing on the one at the end of the hall. And suddenly Marcus stopped at the last door. Marcus swiftly tarik bobby pin dari rambut Kay yang panic dalam diam, Marcus struggling with the lock, cuba bukak pintu yang terkunci tu. Apehal lahhh nak kena sneaky macam nie.. and kenapa aku rase macam orang bersalah. Wait.. we are looking for a toilet right?

Kay: Senior, are you sure that is the bathroom? -bimbang
Marcus: Shhhh... - tangan letak kat bibir sendiri.

Marcus terbongkok-bongkok try lagi bukak pintu berkunci tu. Wait, why is the toilet locked? supposedly, toilet never locked up unless someone is inside.


The door lock ticks. Marcus sambil grinning puas pusing tombol pintu and pushing it through, opening that door. Kay throws the look inside the room opened in front of her, astonished...

{Kao Mikasa's P.O.V}

After that embarrassing sight of me crying, aku rasa nak benam kepala dalam sinki. Oh God... Roderick, ni semua kau punya pasal lah aku sampai ter-emo semacam. Hnnggghhh... I fucking cried. Must be that PMSing things. Hilang macho aku... Kao silently killing herself inside her head. Having this image of her macho self shooting bazooka over her other self.

Back to earth, Jayden dan Luke kelihatan masih menonton TV. Switching through channels, bickering. That is one new duo, hahaha.. soul-fighter couple. hot-blooded and cold-blooded, they are sure is something else.

Jason just smirk watching those kids while playing with his own phone, drowning in his own world. Kusyuk sangat main mesej Senior aku sorang ni. Mesej dengan awek ke tuu? Aiiiish.. Kesian Kay. Kao making this judging eyes, staring hard.. in hope Jason would stop and rase bersalah. Somehow.

Tapi.. Kay? Eh.. Mana budak kecik tu pegi? Marcus pun takde. Eip, bebudak berdua tu jangan buat macam-macam sudah. Haha. Tiba-tiba Valerie yang agak lame menghilang ke dapur tu muncul, holding a tray of glasses. Muka proud... heh.

Valerie: Hey guys! Come taste my famous mocktail.. -tersengih bangga.
Kao: Famous ke? Hahahaha -Gelak sambil making space atas meja

Valerie jeling Kao tajam, buat-buat mulut, macam mengugut "Don't you dare to kill my chance to make Luke thinks I'am a girl" Kao expertly deciphering her eyes code. Kao tergelak lagi ignoring Valerie sambil mengikat rambut into a high ponytail. Luke and Jayden dah namapak excited. Valerie lari masuk dapur pastu bawak keluar satu jug besar air warna merah. Jason muka amused benar.

Kao: Weyh, banyak gila kau buat air. Air apa lak merah-merah camtu? Ahh.. Aku tak percaya ko ni Val..
Valerie: Eh hello, tolong sikit kao.. Jangan pandang aku sebelah mata..
Jayden: Doesn't it look like bloody Mary? Hoho.. Valerie, didn't know you had that in you..
Luke: What is that made of? -intrigued, hidu-hidu air dalam jug.
Valerie: I found Some canned cranberry and soda water. And some cordial, I think.. I mixed em together and wallah.. Trust me, it tastes nice.. I worked hard on it..

While frantically explaining her so called masterpiece, Valerie tuang dalam air merah tu dalam setiap gelas masing-masing. Everybody definitely looking all reluctant to taste Val's peculiar red drinks. Dari excited tadi, semua dah macam passing around the look "Ko la dulu, ko lahh... ko la dulu try". Valerie dah buat muka konon kecewa. Luke tergelak tengok muka hampir nak merajuk Valerie.

Luke: Okayy, let me taste it first then. -senyum kat Valerie.

Everyone holding their breath. Seriously Luke? You might die of this. Think. But being a typical Luke Rockefeller, his action is always faster than the brain, he grabbed a glass of the so called mocktail, gulping.. he drinks it in one shot. Muka Luke berubah. Semua suspen. What is it? Is it that bad? Oh no..

Luke: This is.. This is.. This is super delicious!! Seriously! -grabbing the jug, nak tuang lagi.

Not expecting that semua nampak gila surprised, lagi-lagi Kao yang cepat-cepat dongak tengok Valerie yang berdiri di tepi tersenyum bangga. Senyum sumbing je lah Kao, I definitely shouldn't judge you girl. No more, Valerie Winterfrost, you still got the girl in you. Dalam kepala, Kao buat thumbs-up banyak kali. heh..

Valerie: Thank you! -muka gembira.

Everyone loosen up, at ease sebab the drinks end up tasting pretty good. Kao capai gelas.. Minum dua tiga teguk. It is umaiiii, super oishii! Kao menoleh kiri kanan, semua dah gathered around the living room coffee table, curios nak rase, beberape minit kemudian Kay muncul bersama Marcus. Why did they look so blur... no, that's their daily face expression.

Kao: Kay... try this!! It's nice -hulur segelas minuman, sambil hiccup sekali dua.

Ahh.. This is nice.. My body feels light. Feels like on clouds, I can fly... Is that Unicorn?? Kenape hitam!! (Referring to Kuda dekat Jason's living room). Kay dengan muka hairan capai gelas dari tangan Kao, cepat-cepat hidu bau minuman tu. Emm? Why are you acting like this Kay. It's nice. try it. Try it! Still, Kay refuse to take even a sip. She sits down next to Kao who barely could keep her eyes still and sambung hidu Kao. Mehh.. let her be. Kao toleh cari Jason, ade dua Jason.. Ehh.. tiga. Ah.. satu je la.

Kao: Senior.. I'm curious.. -terhuyung-hayang

Semua orang pandang Kao yang menghadap Luke, tapi jap-jap terpusing ngadap Jason pastu trying hard to focus. Tapi macam fail. Kenapee? But this is funny.. I'm feeling funny all over.

Luke: Which senior are you referring to Kaooo? -sengih macam sewel

Kay kerutkan dahi.. Ape ke hal nie? Semua orang seriously macam intoxicated. Kao tergelak tersekat-sekat.. Noo.. I want to ask Jason but he keep multiplying. Make him stahpppp..

Kao: umm.. Let me see.. Luke? -tunjuk Luke, tapi toleh pandang Jayden- Jayden? -tunjuk kat Jayden, confusingly last-last toleh menghadap Jason, tersengih- Senior Jason!
Jason: Mee? Hehe -garu kepala- What are you so curious about? -muka pinkish
Kao: Yup. I want to know everythinggg.. tell me everything about all of us. Tell meee... -merengek

Kao perlahan-lahan rase lightheaded before lost her sense of judgement. She try hard to hold up.. berpinar-pinar.

{Karyn Lee Faraday's P.O.V}

Kay tutup pintu bilik akhir sambil pandang Marcus yang garu-garu belakang tengkuk tanpa apa-apa ekspressi. The room is a shock. Like what what what is a room like that doing in a house like this? Kay menyandar di pintu yang dah berkunci. Dongak pandang mata Marcus yang hovering over her. Suddenly Marcus rest his arm against the door. Pinning Kay.

Kay: Senior?

Mata Marcus macam cuba nak sampaikan sesuatu. Is he sad? Why does he look so sad?

Kay: Senior... -lembut
Marcus: You..

Suara Marcus deep and soothing. Marcus alihkan tangan dan pandangan. Masuk tangan dalam poket. Turning around. Eh? What? Kay keliru. Jadahnya senior aku sorang ni? Kay annoyed pun ada. Cepat-cepat jalan ke ruang tamu.

Entering the living room, the kids are on the floor looking jolly and intoxicated. Kao mumbling something while handing a glass of red drink to Kay. Kay cium-cium. What is this smell?

Semua yang minum red drinks tu dah macam mabuk. Seriusly? Ape Valerie letak dalam minuman tu. Kay mula perhatikan everyone punye gelagat. Terus terlupa ape yang dia tertengok dalam bilik tersembunyi tadi. Marcus pulak macam tak kesah. Tak amek port sangat.

Kao: Senior.. I'm curious.. -terhuyung-hayang
Luke: Which senior are you referring to Kaooo? -sengih macam sewel
Kao: umm.. Let me see.. Luke? -tunjuk Luke, tapi toleh pandang Jayden- Jayden? -tunjuk kat Jayden, confusingly last-last toleh menghadap Jason, tersengih- Senior Jason!
Jason: Mee? Hehe -garu kepala- What are you so curious about? -muka pinkish
Kao: Yup. I want to know everythinggg.. tell me everything about all of us. Tell meee... -started not making  any sense

Kao tiba-tiba merangkak dan terduduk bersimpuh sedepa depan Jason.. Kay tersentak jap. Why are you behaving so weirdly Kao? Valerie yang dari tadi lagi terkekek bergelak ketawa dengan Luke (Entah apa yang diorang borak pun tak tau) that's not them. Ignoring the odds Kay melirik tengok Jayden yang menongkat dagu di meja kopi, tersenyum bahagia pandang Kao. Is he in love or what?

Kao: Senior.. How did you guys get called as Killjoys? -gelak, sedih, gelak balek
Jason: You know this, don't you? -tergelak same, jentik-jentik dahi Kao, tepuk-tepuk pipi Kao

Senior Jason is acting weird too. What is this. I can't brain this scene. Not that Kay minds it. But.. ahh, why am I so jelly? I am sure not in love with Jason. No.. I do love him.. but not like that. It is hard to explain. Never mind. Ehmm.. that aside, aku pon curious benda yang sama, how KillJoy was first created.

Kao: I know that you guys beat up the upperclassmen long ago, but why~~-whiny

Sejak bila Kao pandai whiny nie? oit.. Kao, are you possibly drunk? This seems familiar. Tapi impossible, there is no alcohol drink in Jason's place. Is there? He obviously under-aged. Takkannn lahhh..

Jason: I didn't beat them up.. Jade didn't too.. Luke and Marcus did.. -tergelak- I was just there..doing this to Jade.. he can't see thatt.. it is dangerous. -Jason tarik Jayden peluk dari belakang, tutup mata Jayden dengan sebelah tangan.

Muka Kao dan Kay dah merah dah. Blushing. What is wrong with these two kids.. Acting all lovey dovey... padan lah Roderick syak diaorang gay. Hahaha.. they ask for it. But... they suit each other too much. Boys who make fake flowers bloom.

Kay: But why? -paling pandang tempat lain. Annoyed
Jason: Because there's blood everywhere.. Right Jade? -patting Jayden head.
Jayden: Right..... -tersengih-sengih, enjoying the patting like cats did.

Ape jadi kalau Jayden nampak blood? Dia ade mabuk darah ke? Severe sangat ke sampai kena tutup mata bagai. Just now, no white choc for him.. and now no peeks of dripping blood too? We seriously stuck with weirdos here. Hahaha..

Kay menyadar ke sofa sambil menoleh pandang Marcus yang macam kesunyian je atas sofa. Nope, Marcus as always dah berlayar masuk dunia sendiri. But, weirdly.. he's the only one who seems proper now. Kay silently perhati Marcus yang kadang-kadang macam mumbles..

Kao: Hik hik.. You guys are cute..- peluk lutut sendiri, pandang Luke and Valerie fall asleep- They're cute too.. -tersenguk- I'm so funny. I'm cute too~

Kao gelak-gelak.. Disrupted, Kay kembali perhatikan Kao. Since when is falling asleep cute? Hahahaha, sah mabuk nie.. Kay ikut toleh tengok Valerie yang dah terlentok di bahu Luke. That is sure cute. Ternganga dua-dua. Kay bangun and keluarkan phone, snap few gambar budak-budak nie yang dah comfirm wasted over some hidden alcohol content dari minuman volcano Valerie nie.

Kay: Senior Marcus!!

Kay terkejut bila terperasan Marcus yang rakus meneguk minuman tu dari jug. Kay pantas merampas jug dari tangan Marcus. Kao gelak lagi.

Kao: Hahahaha... He finish the whole jug.. Whee... -sambil tunjuk Marcus

Marcus stare down blankly over Kay face, smile like a sunflower, mumbling some inaudible words, having few hiccups before passing out atas sofa tepi Luke and Valerie. Oh no.. Not him too. Kay tengok jug di tangan, kerutkan dahi. Something is definitely off here. I need to see myself ape yang Valerie letak dalam nie.

Kao: Now.. Senior... umm -pandang Jayden, pandang Jason- Senior Jayden.. You can't stand the sight of blood.. What else can't you stand? -angkat kening, blink blink..
Jason: Ah!! I know this! I know this! -gigih angkat tangan tinggi.- I'm his hyung so I know.. I know this..

Kay pandang sekeliling, tengok sorang ke sorang. These kids are definitely wasted. What is this drink? Kay cepat gerak pergi ke dapur living behinds everyone yang dah tak berapa nak sedar.

{Kao Mikasa's P.O.V}

Kayyyy... mane nak pergi tuuu. Kao dalam samar mata terperasan kelibat Kay yang berlari anak masuk ke dapur Jason. Kenape laa.. Kepala dah start berdenyut. This feels familiar.. Macam rase pening time mabuk... in my future 24 year old body. The thought slowly wander off, back to Jason.

Kao: Ok, Senior Jason..What is it that he can't stand watching?

Jason pandang Jayden, tergelak besar.. Hey I really know this. Jason mengundur kebelakang, gerak jauh dari Jayden, mula rapatkan badan ke arah Kao. Kao macam sleepy, senyum je.. Jason tenung muka Kao yang merah-merah sakura. Glowing... Jason blush same.

Jason: You really wanna know? -smirk

Kao angguk-angguk laju. Kepala bobbing up and down nonchalantly. About to doze off. Jason senyum meleret, macam scheming something naughty. Ehhh.. I never see Jason being this active. His face slowly drawing closer and closer and closer... chuupp. He smells like candy.

What are you guys doing?

What is this wet things on my lips? Kao feels uncomfortable, someone breathing on her face. She slowly opened up bukak mata perlahan to see Jason.. kissing her. Lightly putting his lips upon hers. Mata Kao membulat.. Reaction macam lambat... snapping from it, she push Jason hard on his chest. Jason is smirking... pastu gelak.. then toleh tengok Jayden.

Kao: Emm?? -muka confuse, tangan ke bibir
Jason: That one.. it's definitely that one. -muncung bibir tunjuk kearah Jayden

Kao pon cepat-cepat tengok Jayden, yang staring.. gawking at us. His eyes fills with fire. Noo! That's my first kiss?! Noo.. not Jason. Jason's is Kay's. Arghhh!! what have you done senior. Kao tatau nak buat reaction ape, Jayden.. please, jangan salah paham. What's wrong with all of us!

Dalam kepala Kao serabai, in between nak explain kat Jayden and nak marah kan Jason. You just stole my first kiss!! My 16 year old kiss.. Huwaaa.. but he smells like candy. Sweet candy. What the hell brain.. this is not the time to describe his smells. You need to panic. Panic.. tapi otak Kao pending.

Blood rushing, otak dah pusing-pusing, before completely gone blank Kao sempat nampak Jayden bangun datang ke arah Jason and give him a hook down. Jayden.. this is not right.. no...

Kao within the struggle to keep on being awake finally kalah.. tumbang, diekori Jason (it is believed due to Jayden spike)


{Karyn Lee Faraday's P.O.V}

Kay melangkah masuk ke dapur, BER-SE-PAH. Valerie! Kau buat air je kan? kan? Kenapa sampai semua benda yang tak perlu pon berterabur kat luar nie? Hahaha.. aku lupe kawan aku sorang nie memang kitchen klutz. It is a big surprise dia leh siapkan air tu, walaupon something is surely not right with the drink..

Bau dia masam, macam makgeolli (Korean traditional alcoholic beverage). Is it? But I doubt that, knowing Jason.. dia mane minum, lagi-lagi underage. Tapi... maybe he has been hiding everything from us. Macam bilik tadi tu.. Kay terbayang suasana bilik mystery yang baru dia terokai tadi dengan Marcus. Geleng-geleng kepala, cuba buang imej dari otak.

Tengah-tengah buat inspection bahan-bahan yang Valerie guna untuk buat air tu, Kay decides to open up the dustbin.. as predicted, in there.. lying around a bottles of makgeolli along with cranberry's cans. And what is this? You crazy kids, you put soju too? No wonder she lump up so much cranberries in there, to cover the taste of soju. She must have mistaken this as soda drinks. Knowing her... a girl named Valerie would surely make this kind of mistake.. yup. Tutup dustbin.

Menjengah ke living room, semua dah tumbang.. yang still standing only Jayden.. Wow, high-tolerant nampak. Tapi.. makgeolli not supposed to be that strong, maybe just because they are kids, tak penah minum lagi, and you.. Jason, really need to explain this. Macam ne dia leh ade minuman orang tua nie. He lives here alone right? Is he? Kay patah balik ke dapur. Tolong kemaskan Valerie's mess.

This will do. Siap kemas.. Kay tongkat tangan penat ke middle bar. Soju and makgeolli.. Ahh, only a few years left before I can taste that heavenly beverages again.. Huhu (Kay enjoy soju a lot.. A LOT).. Let see if we have some more left. Kay bukak peti ais. Ahah.. We got a lot! Huhuhu, Senior Jason, you sneaky little doe eye. I won't judge you, I just want to taste some.. Kay capai sebotol soju, twisting the cap. Smelling the aroma. Ahh, like a fresh turpentine. Come to mama...

"What are you doing Karyn Faraday?"

Mak kau.. Kay slow-slow toleh, gelabah. Cepat-cepat letak soju atas meja. Unstable, the bottle terbalik, tumpah. Good heaven Kay! Now what..

Kay: Senior Jayden... -gelabah, sengih awkward.

Jayden jalan mendekati Kay, garu-garu leher. Jayden stop di sebelah Kay, capai botol soju yang dah separuh tumpah ke lantai. Ambil paper napkin di atas kitchen countertop, lap-lap soju yang tertumpah. Ugh.. the smells spread.

Kay: I was just checking the content. Ehehe.... Alihkan mata dari

Jayden pandang Kay. Smirking slyly, as if saying. 'Heh, little kid. I know what you were doing'.

Kay: I suspect Valerie mistaken the booze in here as cordial, explaining all those break loose tipsy behavior.- awkwardly making up excuses, laju bukak tong sampah, cuba nak buktikan dia takde niat lain selain nak menyiasat.

Jayden smirk lagi. Ahh, please senior.. You're making me nervous. Stop making that I-Know-Everything face.

Jayden: Who on earth would mistake soju as cordial. That thing is down right lethal.. -menyandar ke bar

Kay menghela nafas lega. He didn't suspect anything right? I bet he did.. but he's not going to judge. Just not his style. Haha..

Kay: Yeah, I know right. Silly Valerie. How come something so bitter could be a cordial? Hehehe..

Ooops.. Damn it Kay... Kay toleh tengok muka Jayden yang dah tahan gelak. Now.. now, let's do some damage control.

Jayden: Save yourself the trouble, Faraday.. You don't have to explain yourself.. -gelak
Kay: But Senior.. -ahah! see.. he didn't bothered.
Jayden: Hahaha.. But before you misunderstand the condition we are in now, Faraday..
Kay: You can call me Kay if you like... -nyampuk
Jayden: ... Kay... -panggil separuh mengejek, snarky senior- These peculiar 'cordial' belongs to Minwoo Hyung. Jason's older cousin. Dia lepak sini at times.
Kay: Ooo... -angguk2.

Not that I ask for an explanation but thanks for the info. Huhu, Senior Jason is innocent after all.

Jayden: Now, I'm heading home. Have you seen my handphone anywhere? -pusing tengok around.

Jayden berdiri tegak. Terhuyung hayang. Ahh.. Still a little bit drowsy from Val's special mocktail are you senior?

Kay: Senior.. Why don't you sit here. I'll cook something for your hangover..

Kay perlahan tolak badan Jayden, forcing him to duduk di meja dapur. Jayden did not try to get up. Ikut je.. His head is throbbing. The floor seems uneven. Jayden picit batang hidung. Arghh.. This is terrible.

Sambil menongkat dahi ke meja makan Jayden recollect his mind. Just now.. Jason Hyung.. Did he just kissed Kao? Why... Why do I have to see that? Jayden felt anger, creeping inside. Stop it Jade.. They were drunk.. But what if I did that to Kay? You wouldn't like it if I do that, would you hyung? Snap out of it!

Jayden observe the petite little girl in front of him running here and there, from the fridge to the sink to the kitchen counter to the stove. The sound of knife knocking on the kitchen counter top is like a soothing rhythm, the sound made by moms. Jayden tersenyum. He closes his eyes for a while, listening to the sound of water running, the smell of onion and ginger boiling in the pot. Ahh.. Smell so delicious..

" Ja jaaang!! Senior.. I give you haejangguk"

Jayden terjaga dari tido. Eh, tertido ke tadi. In front of him, a bowl of 'haejangguk' (korean hangover soup) served with a cup barley tea (straight from the fridge). Kay duduk depan Jayden, tongkat dagu dengan tapak tangan, looking so proud and content.

Kay: Taste it. I bet it taste just right..

Jayden tergelak. Ambil sudu,cedok sikit. UU.. panas berasap. Kay excited tunggu Jayden rasa. Jayden hirup kuah dengan berhati-hati. I guess he's a bit traumatized by Val's mocktail just now. I bet he's thinking "I can't trust these kids. This might be dangerous". Jayden terkaku as the soup run down his throat.


Super delicious!

Jayden starts eating quickly. Kay tahan gelak. Hahaha.. Why are you so surprise? Don't I look like someone who can cook a decent meal? In mere seconds (exaggerating) Jayden finish a whole bowl. Kay kutip mangkuk, gerak ke sinki.

Jayden: You can cook. That tastes just like hyung's cooking.. -impressed

Kay tak toleh, just busy cuci mangkuk, happy sebab orang suka makan masakan dia. Yeah, this is what it feels like to cook for somone. Back in her 24 years old life, she lives alone, eats alone. She never pay much thought over the fact that she has thrown away pretty much everyone in her life away. Why Kay? Are you that afraid to be close to anyone? Not after Jason.. Stop it Kay.. Kay geleng-geleng kepala. No, don't dampen the mood.

Kay lap tangan, gerak ke meja makan. Tuang segelas teh barley, teguk segelas. Pandang Jayden yang seems lost in his thought.

Kay: So Senior Jason can cook? -late respond
Jayden: Huh? -distracted
Kay: Hehe. Nothing. I was just asking about Senior Jason's cooking skill. -tenung sekeliling

The kitchen is well equipped. He has all sorts of spices in the closet. Veggies, meats, even a lump of truffle stored somewhere in the kitchen. Yeah, pretty much everything which is very amazing for a 17 years old guy living alone.

Jayden: Yeah, hyung can cook. He's a decent cook.. -distantly looking afar
Kay: Senior, you keep calling him hyung. Huhuhu,for other people that might seems a bit.. -tahan gelak
Jayden: A bit what? -senyum
Kay: A bit scandalous.. -gelak

Kay tuang barley tea dalam cawan Jayden yang dah nampak kosong. Jayden sambung minum. Enjoying the fresh warm barley.

Jayden: I'm used to call him Hyung. It's weird to call him by name.. Not now.. Not ever..
Kay: And why is that? -taunting
Jayden: Karyn Faraday, I never know this side of you. A bit curious are we? -smirks

Kay menyandar ke kerusi. Peluk badan. This is a chance to know something about Jason. I have so many question but the one I want to ask the most is about Jason and Jayden. Definitely not letting this one slides.

Kay: Senior, forgive me for asking this but are you and Senior Jason.. Um.. -contemplating..
Jayden: What?
Kay: Well.. Are you.. -pandang tempat lain
Jayden: Are we what? In love?

Kay feels like electric current flows through her body at the mention of the word love. Yeah, she doesn't really like the word. She dare not to look at Jayden's face now. Mamposlah.. Why do I have to ask this? Tiba-tiba Jayden tergelak besar. Siap tepuk-tepuk meja lagi.

Jayden: You kids really love to speculate.. -gelak-gelak.

Jayden tuang lagi the remaining barley tea into Kay's cup. Looking deep into Kay's eyes. Kay dah blushing. Charming eyes. Deep one.. sharp looking.

Jayden: Believe me when I say I prefer girls.. Even though hyung is prettier than most girl I've met.

Really, do you have to say that? So much to lower my self esteem. Hah.. Senior Jason, why do you have to be so beautiful? I am not blaming those yang ingat there is something going on between Jayden and Jason. They fits each other.. well too much?

Jayden: And he loves girls.. -tone down
Kay: So you guys are not gay couple?
Jayden: Have you not been listening Kay? -gelak- We're definitely not. Interesting though. Why do people always think that? Roderick last night.. Those upperclassmen.. Pfft.. -chuckled
Kay: Upperclassmen? Is that why you beat them up?

Silence in the air. Jayden macam menyesal tersasul cakap pasal benda setahun lepas. Kay dah menyorak dalam hati. Yes! Finally, some scoop. Jayden bangun, pergi ke peti ais. Keluarkan ice cream. Heh, sudden late night gossip calls for a bucket of ice cream. Walking towards Kay, Jayden grabbed two spoons.

Jayden: If we were to talk about this, might as well savor some ice cream. What do you think? -sengih
Kay: Fine with me! -excited amik sudu dari tangan Jayden.

Jayden mula cerita pasal diorang berempat. Kenapa diorang belasah senior over a simple speculation about Jason. According to Jayden, Jason only join the group last year. He is a transfer student. Their families have always been friends so Jayden knew Jason when they were really young. When Jason got transferred to their school, Jayden was the only friend he had. 

It's a different story altogether with Luke and Marcus. Jayden and the two guys were classmate. They are not really best friend or what. Jayden once caught Luke and Marcus fighting among themselves, almost turning them to the teacher. Jayden skip the part on how they manage to get on good term with each other but since then, Luke and Marcus had always been smitten with Jayden. Then comes Jason, an old friend from Korea. It's only natural for them to get stuck together.

Kay: So, the seniors thought that you and Senior Jason are a couple because of the white chocolate incident? -serious
Jayden: Yeah.. It's Valentine's Day. And there's this girl. Oh well, she didn't know. I took a bite of her homemade choc. The rest is history.
Kay: It can't be that bad.. -tak percaya
Jayden: They even video tape the whole crazy aegyo thing -shrugging in terror, trying to forget.

Kay tergelak besar. Jayden still buat muka. Taknak ingat pasal kejadian memalukan tu. He told me taht this is all Minwoo hyung faults. Experimenting.. he tried to help him with the blood frenzy thing by feeding him too much white chocs at once. He don't know where he got the whole idea of white choc curing blood frenzy. Why does he need to cure that? Biasa la orang takut darah. Haih.. Dah jadi satu lagi masalah. What a troublemaker this Minwoo person..But.. here Jayden end up being too hyper over a slight taste of white choc. Poor thing.. but what an interesting fella, Minwoo hyung.

Kay: So somebody taped your lovey dovey act with Senior Jason. People misunderstood. You beat them up? -digging deeper
Jayden: You don't understand. They were asking us out. When we said no, they threatened to release the tape. Really though. Everything happened so fast. We got Luke and Marc. You should know how it ends by now. -angkat kening, confirming Kay's thought.

Kay gelak lagi. This is super ridiculous. Jayden tersenyum bila tengok Kay gelak sungguh-sungguh sambil tekup mulut, hindering the loud laugh.

Kay: So did you destroy the video? -sambung tanye lepas habis gelak.
Jayden: The seniors deleted all copies out of fear. I guess Luke and Marc did something useful for once.
Kay: Hahahaha. I can't believe that happened. -squinting her eyes, cuba tahan dari gelak lagi.

Jayden suap ice cream. Kay suap ice cream gak. Falling into the same previous awkward silence..

Jayden: So is it my turn to ask question now? -prompting another chat.
Kay: Hmm.. Sure.. I must warn though. My life is not nearly as entertaining as yours. -trying to be open.

Jayden tersenyum. Is that so? Hahaha.. I doubt that Kay. You just didn't realize how interesting your life is.

Jayden: What were you and Marc doing in front of the last room down the hall just now? -straightforward.

Kay terdiam. Did he saw us just now? Wait.. What did he saw?

Jayden: Allow me to put it in another word.. Are you going steady with Marc? -muka mengusik
Kay: No!! -stop eating ice cream. putting down the spoons- No no no no.. It's not like that. Come on.. Senior Marcus is a friend. I can't fall in love him. No.. He's my senior. Senior Jason's friend.. No no no way -hayun-hayun tangan cuba menafikan
Jayden: So it's Jason then? -sambung pancing, his turn to dig.

What? Kay tenung muka Jayden. Oh I get it.. Sneaky guy.. You're actually curious about me and Jason, aren't you. It's not about Marcus at all. Beating around the bushes.

Kay: Well... Well.. Curious are we now? -smirking- Just so you know Senior. I just got rejected by Senior Jason. Saying something like 'you must not fall for me in a romantic way' -buat suara- I don't even mean it that way

Jayden: Jason said that? -terkejut
Kay: Yeah.. What ever you do, never fall for me..He said -serious
Jayden: That cannot be true. Everything he does is talk about you all day. You don't tell me he rejected your love confession -intrigued
Kay: It's not a confession! -blushing
Jayden: Unless.. -ignoring Kay

Jayden pandang muka Kay. Pegang muka Kay, tolehkan muka Kay ke kanan, kiri.. Apahal lak senior aku sorang ni. Mabuk lagi ke apa?

Jayden: Oh I get it. That little bastard.. Hahahaha -gelak puas hati

What is it.. What do you get?

Kay: What is it Senior.. What is it? -curious
Jayden: Nothing.. Hahahaha

The chat goes on until before dawn. It only ends with both have slowly fall fast asleep, tired.


Kay gosok mata, terpisat-pisat. Pandang sekeliling. Huh, dapur? I fall asleep at a dining table? Kay tengok ke depan. Jayden is still fast asleep. Kay grab the knitted scarf on her back. Huh??

"You might distort your face sleeping like that.. you know"

Kay toleh ke arah suara. Jason tongkat badan di middle bar. Tersenyum. Kay betulkan rambut yang kusut masai. Tercium bau yang sedap. Ahh.. Smells super nice.

Jason: Come, help me serve breakfast...

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013