Kay takes out the card from the pocket, closely looking for clues. The handwriting is definitely different from the notes in the Encyclopaedia. Or maybe I'm imagining things. Kay turn the card around. DePalma Cafe. So that's the meeting place huh? Kay feels a jab in her head. The headache came from lack of sleep and skipped meal. She kneads her throbbing head, eyes tightly shut.
It's not just the headache. Her tongue constantly taste of putrid acid these past few days from the uncontrollable vomiting. Even now, on empty stomach, she could feel the fluid raising from her stomach to her throat. Ugh.. sour..
Kay quickly gets up on her feet, trying to force the stomach fluid down. She walks to the small window facing east where the sunlight peeks through the creaks. She opens one window leaf, letting in some breeze inside the stale cabin. That's better. Kay sits on the ledge, breathing in the morning breeze. She turns her head to the centre of the tree house where the blackboard is nailed to the tree trunk. The three of them never bothered to check every nooks and crook of this tree house. It's so retro and untouched that they never wanted to do anything to damage it's perfect condition. Valerie was so proud of the house when she first show it to Kao and Kay. It's her kingdom. Her sanctuary. A place which soon has been the sanctuary for Kao and Kay too.
Kay hesitates for a while. This is not right. If there is a secret vault in here, Valerie should be the one to open it. It's not supposed to be her, an outsider. But this might be the key to all of her questions. What lies inside the safe is supposed to answer all her doubts about Sebastian and the travel and maybe the reason behind Valerie's attempt to end her life. Arghh.. Stop it Kay. Don't think about it that way. Nothing is for sure. It might not be suicide.
There's a battle inside her aching head. To open the safe or not to. To keep it between Sebastian and her or to tell Kao about it all. It's a constant contradiction. Choose!
Kay walks to the blackboard. She runs her fingers on the surface of the blackboard. "KKV" is written on it. She checks for any suspicious details on the board. The board itself looks ordinary. No weird finishing on the sides. No trace of secret button or hidden sliding panel. Did Sebastian just tricked me to be this nervous? That snake!
Comes to think about it, there is now way that a safe is located behind the blackboard. The board itself is nailed to the tree. Unless..
Kay moves closer to the tree. Examine the tree trunk very thoroughly. Uhuh! So that's how you hide a safe! It's not the board, it's the tree trunk! She was always suspicious about the tree. The branches do not match. She always thought that it's weird to have two big trunk running through the house when from the outside it seems like the trunk only protrude once which is near the tea cupboard about two meters away from where she is standing.
She goes to the second trunk, a bigger trunk. Ah yes. I should have known. The second trunk had a few old framed photos of Valerie's parents when they were the king and queen of this tree house. It is hanged a bit higher than the regular height. The blackboard however, it is as ancient as the photo but remain hanged at it's relevant height. It might not mean anything but Kay refuses to accept it as so. It must be because the trunk is not growing. It's a faux tree trunk. Which makes it possible as a secret safe. But how to open it?
Kay return to the first trunk. Her fingers examine the creaks of the trunk. It is oddly sparse like a dial ring. The pattern on the trunk is also a bit suspicious. Maybe it is a dial ring and the pattern is some sort of a counter. Kay grabs the frame of the black board, trying to slide it sideways. It stuck. Or maybe she is wrong about the secret dial ring. Ok, one last time.
Kay gathers all her strength to loosen the grip of the dial ring. She slide the bark sideways, right to left, left to right and repeat. She could hear creaking as she throw the weight of her body to move the ring. Creaaakkkk.. Clack..Clack..The bar slides in rotation.
The sound of gear locking. Yes! It is a dial ring. Kay could see the pattern on bark now look even more obviously resembling a dial ring on a luggage only bigger and wider. The problem now is how to dial the combination number? Usually the dial ring lock would have four rings for four digits combination. But the trunk only have one ring and identical counter to left and right. If only I have Google in my hand right now. oh how I miss smart phones!
Let's try.. The combination number is 2-4-3-1. Kay slide the trunk to the left but it's stuck so she slides it to the right. Two clicks. Kay accidentally tug the faux trunk downward. The bark slides down about half an inch, revealing a metal like surface underneath the woody trunk. Yes!! Closer now! Kay slides the ring to the right, further dialling four clicks but it stuck again like her first try so she slide it to the left, carefully marking four clicks. Click! Click! Click! Click! Now, tug it down, following the pattern on the metal surface. And the ring fall downward for another half an inch, further revealing the metal container inside. So that's how it works. Dialling to right-left-right and lastly left and tug it down for every dial to shift it to its next dial. Kay follows the process for the remaining 2 digits. For the last digit, the ring slide further down, exposing approximate solid 5 inches of metal. What now? Kay tries to find any openings of key holes but nothing. The surface of the metal is smooth with only a bit discolouration.
"Ahh.. Come on. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" Kay speaks her mind out of frustration. Just a little bit more, right? Think.. Come on, Kay. Use your brain. The faux surface need to be lower down more but how? There's no rotation left. The dial finish at four digits. Kay tries to slide the trunk left and and right but it doesn't budge. How about downward?
Kay forcefully drag the faux surface downward. With a lot of strength, the trunk slowly slide down, revealing an opening about 5 inches. Yes!! I did it! There's the safe! Kay quickly reaches for the content of the safe only to be frustrated by the faux surface sliding back to it's position. The trunk is fixed to a spring or something that snap back to it's original position once you let go. Kay dreaded for a while, thinking on how to how the spring from shutting the opening. Just gamble your luck. Quickly reach for the content and move your hand before the lid closed on you and perhaps snapping your hand into two. Sure. No biggie.
Kay drops the weight of her body onto her left arm which is pushing the the lid down while her right is getting ready to grab anything on site. That's it, just a bit more. Kay reaches for the content when her finger landed on a wooden like box. She carefully grabs the box and quickly pull it up. The strength in her arms weakened and accidentally slip, shutting the lid. GOD!
{Kao Mikasa P.O.V}
Madam Rivera sure know how to make a big deal out of anything she decided to hate. They got reprimanded and a free hour of lectures really is adding insults to the injury while Kay is nowhere to be found, probably off reading books somewhere, how would she know? Kao reaches into her pocket flipping her phone open, hoping to see a decent apology message from Kay only to be left feeling rather empty.
Kao: Ugh, please don't kid yourself Kao. Kay isn't the apologetic kind of kid.. -huffing to herself
She almost sure that Kay isn't half aware of what's going on. Valerie is busy attending meetings again. School festival is around the corner and soon... the short movie. Yeah, painful fruitless one. But then again we still need to complete it. No more risk changing the future.
About Kay. She would be more than glad to cover things for her friend and that's exactly what she has been doing all the time, but this is just too much. Kay is now left skipping classes rather frequently without a single note and what is pissing her off the most were the ignored messages. This is just worse than the old Kay were used to be. The old Kay did skipped few classes but not as often as this older Kay. Does she really have to act so distant? Again, what if this gonna affect anything? She screams a little inside.
The deserted hallway heading to school music archive is a lonely road with old benches and recluses lamp posts, at first she thought of finding Kay until she figured it wasn't exactly what she wanted to do. She's still angry and dealing with Kay is the least unlikely upshot she wish to confront. It is the early 15 minute of recess and she wants to be alone. Valerie got her prefect duties and she suddenly feels like visiting that excluded sanctuary of her.
The old music archive of Lennox is an exclusion building placed far aside to the east. It is where most of classics and old records are left abandoned, only were used years back when those musics were still relevant to ears and famous. Some are still famous but riches and nobles of Lennox never a bunch of grateful slot of kids. Lennox probably got everything other school don't but no one particularly have the decency to appreciate the bountiful sources the school has provided massively. She remembers spending most of her time there alone at school whenever she's not with Kay and Valerie.
The old paper scraps written with motivational notes, novel inspire catch phrases and quotes she found last night in a way refreshed some of her life happy bits, more like the forgotten memory. It is badly forgotten that she never has a single retained perspective left from it. When she read those stuffs, it feels like she is reading on someone else insight stories. So today she thought having a visit there would in some way help her retrieving those bits back. How can she forgot something as prominent as that?
Entrance to the archive guarded by and old hemlock grand door, it creaks of age and senescence as she slowly push it open. The familiar calming chamomile and the same interiors placement in the archive are slowly invoking her inner vision, working to discover the forgotten memories.
“Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.” invisible whispers passing her ears and “Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.” another once echoes through her head as if someone is reading it out loud.
Blow me, those notes are unbelievable pieces of inspiration. At least it is what she always chants around her old days. She used to be obsessed about it, often enunciating most of the phrases as part of her life mantra and those are one of the reason she's still able to remain sane back then when her teen's life was pretty splayed into chaos which Kay and Valerie having no idea of it. Sometimes being best friends and all, we still kept secret from each other. The unfavoured side of us.
The memory flashes of some occurrences that took place inside the archive are slowly getting clearer, playing like a record inside her head. There, near that clear glass window. She used to sit crossed legs for hour just that she can directly reach out for more cassettes records from the nearby shelf to be played in her old fancy 90's walkman. The early jazz or known as Dixieland music were her favourite. Particularly the famous Basin Street Blues. When it comes to jazz Louis Armstrong is the best. Well he was after all the father of all jazz.
Here on this corner, she used to share her inner troubles with that 'familiar stranger' of her where everything was written in just abstracts codes and depicting it was so exciting. They used to include copies of novel pages from a story and started asking one another questions then to write the later insight or some sort. They left then the written notes inside the phonograph album sleeve.
They are both careful not to reveal their identity, she didn't know a single fact of he/she nor did the other side. It happened, getting attached would only stained the pureness of their friendship and they cease agreeing to remain anonymous.
It is weird that she had no trouble trusting this 'familiar stranger' when most of the things she shared are mostly things she kept away from her own best friends. He/She really was her source of strength. Whenever she was down those pieces of papers encourage her like no one can. Having all this unravel inside her mind she wonders what actually had happened, why she ended up forgetting all of this.
She walks around slowly, recalling every bits. This incomplete feeling she always had growing up, feels like it was about to get caught, and her gut is telling her that the archive holds its ultimate key to the answer which she isn't sure of it question.
The archive's keeper is an old lady in yellow uniform, her funny smile revealing her golds when she friendly greet her. Footfalls and whispers are telling her the archive isn't completely abandoned empty by the students and she's glad for the fact that there are not so many of them left lingering. She walks eagerly toward the nearby shelves, wanting to have a little me time listening to some classic of "their" favourite record.
Kao: Let see the old record for Bach would be.. Stepping from here, 1.. 2.. 3.. wait? Was it up to three or five.
She turn to her left. looking along, ah.. it's three step to the west! She finally remember the instruction given by the 'familiar stranger' when she ask for some old music suggestions to uplift her spirit. J.S.Bach's Air composition is calmingly therapeutic and motivating.
"I thought you didn't come here any more". A very familiar voice greet her from behind and it left her jumpy. She turns around to find someone is laying against one of the shelf end, crossed arms. His face is hidden under the intense shadow of clear boundary shaded by the strong strike of a peaking sunlight from nearest window. Squinting hard she try to identified the leaning figure, walking closer to him.
Kao: Senior? -surprised
It is Jayden. Smiling charmingly Jayden.
Jayden: -laugh- are you serious? Can't you recognized me by my voice. Now I am hurt.
Kao: How am I supposed to? Your not that chatty.. you know that right? -rolling eyes
Jayden: Double hurt. -sad face
Kao suddenly feel that familiar jolt, the get-go of her panicking troop. I need to cool down, he's just joking you dumb. She turns to her left slowly leaving Jayden who tailed her around with his eyes. Still leaning against the shelf end, watching closely her every single movement. In order to hide her obvious nerve wreck Kao pretends to examine the charts on shelf, running finger along horizontally stacked phonograph records of 1879-1884. Her mind isn't exactly functioning.
Kao: -smile- No.. it's... -grinning- oh whatever. But what were you asking again? -asking, facing aways from him
Jayden: I thought you didn't come here that much anymore... -following Kao from back pretty closely
Kao: Excuse me? I did what? -turn around and is confused as she find Jayden standing too close
Jayden: -frown- Seriously? Do I need to repeat it for the third? -tilting eyebrow
Kao: -laugh- Yeah... I am pretty busy you know.
The heck Kao! Busy? That's it? That's the best answer you can give? Kao turn her face away closing shuts her eyes, cursing under her breath. Someone please slaps me.. and unconsciously the slapstick image of Kay literally slapping her right in the face projected inside her mind. It stings. Thanks mate. She can't believe after all this time she can still get easily agitated facing her favourite man like this. If this continues she gonna always had trouble expressing the philia she felt.
Jayden: So what brought you here today hmm?? - cliché, trying to chat
Kao turns around facing him again, braving herself. In the midst of panicking herself, her sharp eyes still able to catch a glimpse of Jayden's blush and that is when she finally able to breaks away from her nerve wreck and started to look more comfortable in her skin.
Kao: Music obviously... -grin
Jayden: -eyes dilated-
Right, it makes sense.. why I didn't even think of it.. -laugh comfortably
Surprisingly, Jayden followed her emotional roller-coaster ride really well. And he finally be at ease too while looking at her affectionately as if she's a puppy or somesort. What an awkward situation. She can clearly see the eagerness in his eyes. Eyes are always honest you know. Yeah... we really want to be with each other but we both simply can't lead this relationship well. Timid.. too timid. Both of us.
Music! Music is the thing which finally got us smitten toward each other. She slowly remembers it now, she originally comes to this archive after tailing Jayden around. At first he was cold toward her, probably thinking of her as just another nosy KillJoy's fanatics... until Bach.. Bach's Air brought them closer. Another surprise... that "familiar stranger" music suggestion help her.
Jayden: Say Kao... why is that, when I want to..
Jayden is pausing as he noticed Kao who's busy reaching into her blazer's left pocket. Her phone being buzzing all this time and only now she can feels the tingles from it's constant vibration. Flipping open her phone to see 14 missed calls and 2 short massage from Valerie. Herghhh! What happened?
Kay is at the sickbay... again, hurry up.. -Valerie
Where are you Kao! She broke her arm!! It's pretty bad... TT_TT-Valerie
Kao froze at the mention of the broken arm. Her face goes white as if her blood got drained out completely. She slowly looks up to Jayden who's puzzled by her sudden worried expression.
Jayden: What happened?
Kao: -not really listening
Jayden: Kao... are you okay? You didn't look good.. -frowning, worried sick.
Kao: Kay... she broke her arm...
{Karyn Faraday P.O.V}
Luckily she manage to get the thing out before the lid could slam her hand. Kay heart is thumping like crazy. You lucky thing! The box is small but relatively heavy. There is some chipping on one of its corner and scratches all over its veneer. It's not a decorative box, just a simple box. I wonder what secret it holds that its owner decided to go through such intricate means to keep it hidden. I'm sorry that I have to be the one to uncover this secret. She said to herself as she uncover the box in her embrace. She undo the clips carefully and bare it open.

Old photos? Quite a lot of them. Is this what Sebastian is after? Some old photos? You have got to be kidding me. Kay let out a disappointed sigh. That snake really know how to annoy people. And to think that Kay almost lost her hand trying to get the box out. Speaking of which, before she forgot, she has to close the secret vault. Kay put down the box and move the tree trunk, undoing the metal shifting so that it will return to its original hidden self. Now that we have successfully undone the breach, time to dig up some dirty secret, if any. Ugh..Kay rest the box on her lap, reaching for the photo only to be startled by a calling from under.
"Hey, mushroom. Come down"
What now? Kay snap the lid shut, another disturbance. She lazily got up on her feet, leaving the box on the floor and walks to the window. Kay sticks her head out of the window to take a peek at the caller. It's a familiar voice. Looking down she sees Marcus lying on the ground grinning happily, making a snow angel of some sort with the dry leaves. The moment his eyes meet Kay's, he stretches his hands towards Kay.
Marcus: Let down you hair, so I that I may climb the golden stairs.
Kay chuckles at the surprise fairy tale rendition by the jolly looking senior of hers. All the anger and anxiety just got blown away. She stood there, smiling sweetly at Marcus. Why is it that it felt like she hasn't seen Marcus for ages? It this missing she's feeling? Kay shrugs it off. Don't be ridiculous, Kay.
Kay: What are you doing here, Senior?
Marcus: I heard you. Do you need help with something?
Marcus' honest explanation sends ripple across Kay's forehead. What? When did I? Kay try to replenish her memory. Did I send any SOS just now? No, definitely not. Don't tell me he could receive distress call from my brainwave. Gasp! Oh wait..
"Ahh.. Come on. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?"
Is that it? Did he hear me when I scream that? How? I was talking to myself. Kay shrugs off her curiosity. Nothing could ever be answered when it got something to do with Marcus. She looks at Marcus with a relaxed look. You alien, one day I will dissect your brain and write a paper about it. She chuckles.
Kay: How do you know it was me?
Marcus: Because it's you, of course. Don't be silly.. -smiles
So I'm being silly now? Not him? What ever mister. The more she looks at Marcus the more she wanted to just fly down and join him in the piles of dry leaves. Marcus surely knows how to bring the inner child in you. I guess that's the valid explanation of why everyone end up chasing him around everyday. You playful demon, you.
Kay: I'm coming down, so close your eyes.
Marcus: Why?
Kay: Because I'm wearing skirt..
Marcus: So?
Kay: Do that and I'll give you some dried squid.
Marcus' eyes glistened with excitement. That's how you manage an alien like Marcus. Not lengthy explanation, only childish bribery will do. Kay waves good bye before returning to the centre of the tree house. Why did I wave at him? I'm going crazy, aren't I? Kay shakes her head in disbelieve. Kay grabs her blazer from the sofa arm rest and then grabs the wooden box, wrapped it in her blazer. She carries it like a bag pack by tying the sleeves around her waist. She tug the sleeves a few time, assuring that the knot is secured. This is important. The excitement is killing her but everything in its own time. The secret will be unveil, later. Kay open the floor trap door leading to the ladder made of planks nailed to the tree.
Kay: Don't peek.
Marcus: I won't. -shutting his eyes with his palms.
Kay climb down the ladder. One hand stretch to her back, protecting the box, another hand holds the ladder as she steps down the creaking panel, one by one. Careful now. It is a long way down and Kay only has one hand to secure her climb.
Marcus: Are you here yet?
Kay: Almost there. Keep your eyes shut.
Kay is half way down now. A few more step and she is grounded. A gust of wind blows through the field, ripping the leaves from the stems. Oh great. Kay hopes that Marcus is not peeking. Her skirt must me flailing up by now. She needs a third hand. Dust falls down from above and lands into Kay's eyes. At the moment Kay could longer keep her balance as she put her feet on the wrong edge. Within seconds she lose her grip and plunges to the ground. She didn't even got time to scream. BUP! Her body slams the roots. Marcus quickly open his eyes at the sound.
Marcus: Kay!!
Marcus runs to assist. Kay is lying on her hand, barely speaking due to agony. She just got well from spraining her wrist and now.. I think it's broken. Her hand is pinned between her ribs and the box. Marcus helps Kay to get up but she can't lift her body without causing pain in her chest. It's like something is stabbing her lung as she breathes. Kay gasps for air in series of short breath. Marcus quickly undo the sleeve knot from around Kay's waist, removing the box from pinning under. He is looking for injuries but none is so obvious other than Kay's arm.
Kay: Senior.. -weak
Only pronouncing a single word makes Kay feels like dying. Her right hand is grabbing Marcus' blazer as if hanging on to her last ounce of strength. Her eyes filled with tears. Marcus removes his blazer, placing it on Kay. He quickly places his hands under Kay's neck and thigh, lifting the petite frame close to his chest. Kay could hear his heart racing. She could smell a sweet aroma of sandalwood and bergamot. Weirdly, the smell calms her down.
Marcus: Breathe.. Breathe
Marcus consoles Kay as he runs towards the school building, heading to the west wing where the sick bay is. Kay catches a glimpse of the wooden box, lying in pile of dried leaves just underneath the tree house. She tries to ask Marcus to turn back to the tree but her voice stuck at her throat. She swallow her words, trying to keep calm by listening to the rapid pounding from Marcus' chest. Senior.. Kay curl her fingers around the shirt button, desperately clinging to her consciousness.
Marcus: Stay with me, Karyn..
The soothing words melted away as Kay blacks out.
{Kao Mikasa POV}
Kao can't think straight and Jayden keeps on giving her this concerned look as if trying to help calming her down, as if telling her that everything gonna be okay. She's glad the she's not alone. The corridor smelled of detergent from fresh laundry and the air got a bit different as it goes mixing with the faint jasmine swept in from the nearby garden by its west window. Kao peeks from one ward to another, baby running with Jayden tailing her from behind. Mostly empty. A nurse run past Kao and Jayden towards the last room on the left. She carries some kind of schematics but Kao did not get a good look at it.
A few seconds later, another nurse runs out of the room carrying metal container with bandage and scissors. As she rushes along the clanging sound made by the scissor and the metal container echoes through the corridor. Kao turns her head to Jayden with a frown on her face "I think that's the room". She said in her head. Magically Jayden seems to understand that.
Kao slide the door to the right exposing three figure in the room. A doctor, a nurse and her friend, Kay. Kay turns to her looking vacant with no expression. Kao once again froze as her eyes caught Kay petite figure with her lips pale and chipped. Her left arm is bandaged and secured in an arm sling. She is sitting up straight as if her life depends on it, hissing every time she accidentally hunches her back. The doctor is reading the chart given by the nurse, nodding a few time seemingly satisfied with the test ran on Kay. Kao is brought back to earth as Jayden hands claps her right shoulder giving this warm squeeze. Kao calms herself before going in. She won't forgive herself if she loses her cool in front of the school staffs.
Kao: May I come in?
The doctor turns to Kao with a smile on his face. The smile quickly melts away into a more serious expression. Nobody is going to be all chirpy when Kao makes her party killing stoic expression.
Doctor: Sure, come in. We've finished with the first aid.
Kao: Is she all right?
Doctor: She's fine apart from breaking her arm, dislocating her shoulder and cracking her collar bone. Oh, and bruising her back.
What is that? Some kind of sarcastic walk through on a clumsy patient? Kao tilted her eyebrows in annoyance as if she's ready to strike back. She really hates someone who can't be serious at time like these. She turns her killing gaze at Kay now to which Kay tries really hard to ignore.
Kay: Does that mean I can go back to class?
Doctor: Oh not this time. We are sending you to the hospital. You have to be admitted.
The doctor clasp his hands together as if he is actually amused by the idea of admitting Kay to the hospital. There is something clearly off with this doctor.
Kao: What do you mean by this time?
Doctor: Your friend here is a bit of an adventurer. Always cutting and bruising herself every now and then. She's my regular 'customer'. -chuckle.
Kao was about to ask another question before rudely got cut off by Kay who is really in a bad mood.
Kay: What hospital? I'm fine.
Doctor: You feel fine because I've administered some painkillers for you. But since you have difficulty to breathe and the bruising is spreading, I think it is wise to send you to the hospital. Be a good girl and wait for the ambulance to be ready to ship you off.
Kay: I'm not a piece of meat to be ship off. -scoff
Doctor: Well, maybe next time you pay more attention on your safety, young lady. I'll leave you to your friend now.
Kao: Thank you doctor.
The nurse leaves with the doctor. Kao swears she could hear the doctor humming his way out like it's nothing big. For goodness sake, my friend is wrap in bandages as if she is some kind of present. And this clumsy friend of hers got some serious explaining to do. Kao folded her arms, tapping her shoes on the marble floor, waiting for an explanation. Kay ignores Kao who growing impatient with her silence.
Kao: Well??
Kay: I fell in a drain while reading.
Kao: Seriously?
Kay: Yeah.
Kao: You skips Madam Rivera's class to go reading while strolling along a drain and you fell into one?
Kay: It's almost recess and I have to finish the book by then.
Kao: What could be so important that you have to read while walking? Haven't you heard that we have a library?
Kay: You don't understand. So don't bother trying to. Things happened. -turns away
The moment Kay turned her face away from her, Kao immediately feels her rage boiling inside. It is unclear why she felt so much anger toward Kay at that moment. Maybe because Kay is a grown up who should know better on how to take care of herself or her lack of effort to answer to her worried query. Or maybe, just maybe, it is because of her moment with Jayden got robbed off of her due to the sudden call. Jayden.. Where is he?
Kao: Senior Jayden.. Why won't you come in?
Kay: Jayden is here? -whispering
Kao nods. Still with her stern face. That is not the point, Kay. The point now is you are giving me a cold shoulder and I hate it. Why can't you understand that? I am worried and annoyed by your carefree way. But there you are, pretending you didn't see the elephant in the room. And that elephant will soon burst into a full scale tantrum, I promise you! Kao's anger grows more intense at the emotionless friend of her.
Kay: Come on in. It's not like I'm 'painted' in blood or what. -chuckles
What is that supposed to mean? Since when do they have inner jokes? Adding to her already sore chafe Jayden enters the room looking worried with eyes half opened. Kao knows that she is not supposed to feel the way she feels right now but seeing Jayden suddenly turned so worried of Kay and how Kay is so carefree around him makes her heart scream in pain. What is this horrendous feeling?
Jayden: I've just spoken with the doctor. They are sending you to my family's hospital. Don't worry, we'll take care of you.
Kay: Does that mean I don't have to pay for it?
Jayden: Only if you get better as soon as possible.
Jayden reaches for Kay's frocks and ruffle her hair to which Kay responded with a smile. A simple gesture but enough to make Kao uncomfortable. Left over rage from last night quarrel with her mother makes the matter worse. Kao feels the need to stop them from going further into unnecessary inner jokes and smiling at each other like they have something hidden behind that weird looks on their faces. Kao knows that look. Its the same look Kay does whenever conversing with Kao and Valerie with her eyes. How did they get to that level of comfort between them? This is unacceptable.
Kao: Have you informed your parents?
Kay: Not yet. I've lost my phone when I fell. I'll give them a call later. -again with the stoic reply
Kao: Never mind. I'll have them informed.
Kay: Thanks.
Kao forces a smile at Kay. The way she response to Kao is so different from how she responds to Jayden. It makes it severely uncomfortable for Kao who is now lost for word. Kay, why are you doing this to me. Why won't you look into my eyes and really talk to me? Are you ditching me over Jayden? No Kao, stop your baseless accusation! She is a friend, a dear friend at that. Having this ugly feeling toward two of the most important figures in her life makes her hates herself. Kao shrugs of the remaining bits of jealousy at the thought of her friendship. She can't even make out why she is jealous. Is she jealous of Kay or Jayden?
Kao's heart skips a beat at the sound of shrieking cry. Valerie runs to Kay and quickly pull the injured girl into her embrace. Kao did not get to stop her. Uuhh.. That must be painful. Kao almost feel sorry for Kay but a tad bit content for that sudden revenge by the work of fate.
Kay: Ow!! Careful Val! I'm broken.
Val: I'm sorry! -quickly distancing herself from Kay- Kay, I was so scared. How's everything? Are you okay?
Kay: Yeah.. -wheezing in pain- Splendid..
Kao: I thought you're already here since you are the one who call me. -turning to Valerie
Val: I was just filling up some form and informing the teachers for Kay, haven't got to see this kid before you. Where were you just now? You said you're out to find Kay, how come.. -Valerie turns to Jayden- ooohhh.. -naughty taunting
Kay: So you skips class too...
Kao: The class ends early I thought I would go and drag you back to class..
And why didn't I? Oh yeah.. I was preoccupied by this guy. Kao throw a shy gaze at Jayden who is still keenly looking at Kay. Senior, why is it so painful to see you like this. Kao is no longer aware of the floating chatters around her. Her attention is fixed at the guy who is now so worried of her best friend and it's killing her. Why do you have that look in your eyes?
Jayden: Have you informed Jason?
Jayden's sudden query sends Kao's fixated gaze to the farther corner of the room. That was close. Wait. Why am I acting like I've done something wrong? Get yourself together Kao. Snap out of it!
Val: Nope, I didn't think it was necessary.
Jayden: He's going to throw a tantrum later on -mumbling will clicking on his phone
Another surprise visit. Everyone quickly turns to the door where Jason is panting anxiously. Jayden slowly steps back from the bed and hide himself behind Kao. Why is he acting so weird? Turning back to Jason who is loosening his tie.
Kay: Senior.. How..
Jason: Kay.. You..
Almost as if he is flying, the skinny boy throw himself closer to Kay. He rest his body on one knee, clasping Kay's face in his palm like holding a precious treasure. They stares into each others eyes for a while, ignoring the awkward staring directed to them. Why is he acting so dramatic?
Jason: Mani appo? -worried.
Kay: Nan gwaenchanayo, sunbe. Geongjeong hajimaseyo.. -blushing
Kao was surprised by the amount of attention Jason is pouring on Kay. Did they always act like this with each other? No wonder Kay adores him so much. She almost forgot. Kay only has eyes for Jason, no one else. Weirdly it gives her a sense of relief. Especially seeing how caring Jason is towards Kay and how much Kay is mesmerized by the affection. Mesmerizing, yes, but also awkward. Why is he sitting like that? Doesn't he get tired? Seems like he just finished a marathon, panting and sweating like that.
Kao: Ehem..How did you know about Kay's accident, senior? -stuttering
Jason: Long story.. Short version, I met Marcus and he told me..
Kao: Senior Marcus?? -looking around but Marcus is not in.
Kay: He found me and take me here.
Val: He did? How did he know where to find you?
Kay: Well, he's Marcus, who knows how he knows thing. -shyly smiling.
Jason: Why do you smell like him?
Jason with his knitted browns suddenly started to sniff around Kay like a dog. And the group began to do same. The awkward moment just makes Kay blush in embarrassment.
Kay: Huh.. Stop it..
Luke; Yeah, you definitely smell like him. And death.. Both..
Kao jumps at the sudden appearance of Luke beside Jayden. When did he come in? Why is it that everybody just pop in from nowhere? Sheesh.
Kay: Of course not. Why would I smell like him. It's..It's my new perfume.. -stutter
Luke: Hmm? But it smells just like Marcus'. It's his personal mix you know. His mother made it personally for him. She makes the most unique perfume in the market, right Valerie?
Luke turns to Valerie who is already at the door, sneakily trying to get away from the room. There are so many unanswered weirdness going on right now and I don't think we can address them all in one day. Kao feels dizzy by the dynamics of the people around her. It's like her head cannot keep up to process all the silent conflicts happening in the room.
Kao: Where are you going now, Val? -kneading her forehead
Valerie: I have to report to the prefect headquarters. That means you too, Senior Jayden. Let's go.
Without waiting for an answer, Valerie just sprint away leaving the obvious in guilt Luke and the rest of them. Jayden who seems conflicted to leave, turns to Kay and Kao before running after Valerie. Prefects and their crooked sense of priority. Now the room is left with Kao, Jason and Luke. But it seems like Kao and Luke are ruining the moment for Kay and Jason. Should we leave? A sudden vibration from her clamp shell phone stops Kao from moving. What is it?
In case you are thinking about telling Kay's mom about this, don't. I already did. She'll be there soon XOXO-Valerie
Oh nice. How thoughtful of her. Kao tugs on Luke's sleeve, throwing a signal "We should leave them". But Luke being Luke, he won't understand. I just have to drag this kid along with me.
Kao: Kay, your mom will be here soon. I'll leave you now..
Jason: Kao!
Again, Kao is startled by Jason's sudden reaction. Why is he so surprised?
Jason: Urm.. You stay.. I'll leave. Someone should be here when (pausing) her mom comes.
Kao: It's okay. You can stay. Kay's mom is nice, you might want to meet her -teasing
Jason: No! -coughing awkwardly- Sorry.. I mean, it's better if you stay. Besides, Luke and I has somewhere to go. Right Luke! -death stare
Luke: We do? -looking at Jason confused..
Jason: -Giving Luke a nice fast jab
Luke: Ugh.. I guess we really do..
Kao: Well, if you insist then, okay..
Jason changes his sight to Kay now. Gazing at her tenderly.
Jason: You take care now. -stroking Kay's head
Kay: Thank you for coming, Senior.
{Karyn Faraday P.O.V}
The air immediately goes stale the moment Jason and Luke left and the room suddenly feels smaller. Kay awkwardly looking away pretending to examine the white vacant wall on her left side of the bed. This is awkward. Kay is left with Kao now. She dares not to look at Kao. The fear of blurting out all the detail about the box is so terrifying that she refuses to even exchange eye contact with Kao. She always thought that people could see the lie in her eyes whenever she is hiding something. And right now, more than anything, she has to keep it as a secret from Kao. At least for the time being.
She could sense the angry stare stabbing her back. Yep, that's Kao all right. She has that terrifying eyes whenever she is angry and truthfully Kay is too afraid to fight. Maybe it's her smaller frame that makes it so intimidating to stand against Kao. In the future, Kay remembers not.
Kao: Now that everybody's left, could you please be honest with me and tell me the whole deal with this?
Oh no.. Did she sense it already? I really don't want to tell her about the secret vault. She will be so angry for keeping it from her. Not to mention the whole secret alliance with Sebastian. Kay could imagine Kao's reaction to that. She would definitely disagree, saying that Sebastian is never to be trusted. Not that she trusted the man, she wants to know more so she might fix these. She promised herself to be careful around him. She really hopes Kao would understand this. She wants to tell her but not for now.
Kao: Kay, stop giving me the cold shoulder. I need to know..
Kay: I've told you. I fell in the drain. -eyes looking away
Kao: You are hiding something, aren't you?
I knew it! She knows me well enough to sense that I'm hiding something. But, I could never tell her. Be strong Kay.
Kay: How many time must I repeat the same thing? I fell, broke my arm, that's it.
Kao: It's Shuwei, isn't it?
Kay: What??
Surprised by the sudden use of the bully's name, Kay sharply stares at Kao, not out of anger, rather out of disbelieve. Why Shuwei? That is so random. Kay could see the mumbling on Kao's lips. She's cursing that poor devil, isn't she? Kay won't deny, she would pin it on Shuwei too, but not this time. This is different. This is not an act of naught, this is her being clumsy.
Kao: I've always suspected it. You hurt yourself too often. There's no better explanation than you are still bullied by that brute, aren't you?
Kay: No.. I'm not bullied by Shuwei..-scoff- would you...
Kao: I should just break her face when I had the chance.. -cutting Kay off
Kay: Listen to me, it got nothing to do with Shuwei. She is history. For goodness sake, she is held back in junior high, remember?
Kao: Why are you protecting her? Just tell me the truth.
This argument is getting ridiculous. Kay feels the sharp pain in her chest as she breathes faster from the heated argument. She tries hard to keep her posture straight, minimizing the stabbing pain. The timing for this to happen just suck. Out of all her klutz's series,why now.. not to mention she just lost the hard earned vault. Great.
Kay: I am telling you the truth. Shuwei did not do this to me. Would you stop... I am not that weak anymore.
Kao: You don't have to hide from her. Kay. I can protect you. Valerie can. You know we will.Valerie and I could expel her from this school for good. You know that we can do that. We can do it now. The likes of her is not suitable here anyway.
Her face suddenly turned dead red as she stares at Kao, returning her sharp gaze.
Kay: The likes of her?
Kay is reaching her limit. She always is a bit sensitive about the generalisation of any family background. It's a taboo for her. And to hear her best friend taking advantage of her privilege is something beyond offensive. Vile words of curse come flooding inside her brain, jolting her throat and churning her guts. Kay is hurt in so many ways, the words and the stabbing chest pain. She bites on her lips, reassuring that the pain she felt is only superficial. Her mind quickly comes out with a sentence to address her disgruntle over Kao's wrong choice of words.
Kay: What do you mean by her likes?
Head thumping. Chest burning. Slowly turns blurry vision.
Kao: You know what I mean..
Kao went explaining her self which is obviously ignored by Kay, she can't hear a word. She's too angry now. The only voices left echoing in her mind are daunting her. Commoner. Charity. Outsider. Unworthy. Beggar..
Kay: Maybe the only reason she acted the way she did is because of you, snobbish rich kids. -suddenly turned stern voice.
Kao: What are you talking about Kay? This has got nothing to do with...
Kay: Oh yes I think it does!
Kay clenches her shirt, calming her chest.Oh no. She can no longer subdue her raging breathing. Kao quickly holds Kay's shoulders, worried for her. But Kay immediately pushes her away, disgusted. I don't need your pity.
Kay: All these years we've been friends, I always thought that you are different from other kids who taunts me for not coming from a distinguished family. My father is a noble man, maybe not in his name but he is no less noble than any of you rich kids. If I am treated as a trash because of his lineage, then so be it. But I don't need a friend who sees people like my dad as a trash. That includes Shuwei and everyone who share my common upbringing.
Kay can no longer contained herself. She's been bottling this thing in since ages. She hated this school so much to the point she once filled up forms for a school transfer back in the original past. If not for Kao convincing persuasion and Valerie unstoppable tears she's never attending this school any more. What is this Kao? I trusted you for nothing!
Kao: Kay, you know I don't mean it that way.
Kay: Get out!!
Kao: Kay..
Kay: Out I say!!
Kay is wheezing in pain, her previously red face suddenly grows paler. Panic stricken, Kao runs outside, frantically calling for help as Kay slowly lies on the bed, convincing herself that it is not that painful. But the very argument she had with Kao add fuel to her agony. Tears are flowing. Not due to the injury but rather the words she uttered a moment ago. Daddy, I need you.
{Kao Mikasa P.O.V}
Kao tucks in all the books into Kay's backpack, her slow motion clearly showing her dejected mood. It's 4.00 in the afternoon. Most of the students are either at their club meeting or went home for their next session of private tutoring. Kao sighs heavily and she can't stop blaming herself for what happened to Kay this morning. She never knows that... she never once thought of how painful it must be for Kay to be around them. It never crosses her mind that Kay might be feeling uncomfortable being their friend all this time. Watching Kay wheezing in pain is something unbearable. Especially when Kay was obviously pissed off at her.
Kao hugs Kay's backpack close to her chest, thinking hard on how to redeem herself. At this kind of time she really want to cry but her tough side is blocking her eyes from secreting tears. What is wrong with you, Kao? Nothing seems right any more. Everything in such a mess.
Knock! Knock!
A light knocks at the class door steal her out from her current thought. Kao turns to the door. Valerie is putting up her best smile to cheer her up but Kao knows better than to be fooled. She is worried too, isn't she?
Val: I've called Kay's mom. She's at the hospital.
Kao: How's Kay?
Val: She's doing better. It's her gastritis. Apparently, that little kid forgot to take her meals again. And you know how stress would affect her. She got a lot bottled up inside her, doesn't she?
Valerie pauses. She tries so hard to swallow her sadness. Kao waves at Valerie, calling her to come closer. Valerie weakly walks to Kao, her pace went faster before she wraps her arms around, hugging Kao tight.
Val: Kao, you must promise me.. If you have anything to say to me, don't hold it in. Just tell me. Kay is killing me with all her secrecy. Sometimes it's like she's pushing us out of her life. I feel like a failure as a friend. You too.. Why are are the two of you keep leaving me on the outside? -sobbing
Kao is shocked. She slowly pats Valerie's back to comfort her.
Val: It's okay if you don't want to tell me about it but please don't fight with each other. You guys are all I have.
Kao: It's not like that, Val..
Val: Why is it that I feel like I'm constantly in the middle? Like I had to choose between you two? There's something really off about you two and I don't know how to fix it. I don't want us to fall apart.
Kao: We are not falling apart. I'll make sure of that. Don't worry too much.
Val: Promise me you won't fight with Kay..
Kao: There's nothing to fight about.. except for your attention of course (joking)..
Valerie chuckles as she wipes away her remaining tears.
Kao: Now, let's go home. I'm dropping Kay's backpack at her house. Do you want to come?
Val: I'll do that. Why don't you go to the hospital and check on her?
Kao: We'll go straight to the hospital after that, okay?
Val: But Luke is there. He was going to the hospital with Marcus. I.. I just don't think that I can face him yet..
Kao: Val, when you are ready to talk about him, we are here for you. But I understand, you have a lot in your mind right now.. take it slow. Everything is going to be okay.. I promise you that..
Val: Thanks Kao. I know I can count on you.
Kao passes the heavy with books backpack to Valerie. She takes it into her arms and looks rather taken aback by the weight, her eyes widen and they laugh a bit. She takes the bag with her and goes away leaving Kao who is back seated on her chair, bleak. Kao lie her head on the table, shutting her eyes trying to catch a breath. Everything turned painful..
"Are you okay there?"
That voice. Kao smiles unintentionally. That is Jayden right? Kao stays unmoved. Still closing her eyes, pretending to be asleep. She could hear footsteps growing closer and closer and her heart thumps faster. Before she could say anything the most unexpected thing happen. Softly, Jayden strokes Kao's hair strands and it immediately send this electric shock down to her spine.
Jayden: Sleeping?
Ask Jayden as if whispering to the air. Kao tries hard not to burst out. But she can't stop herself from smiling and blushing red under her table. Jayden sits in front of Kao, trying to shield her from the piercing evening ray.
Jayden: Just sleep for a while and stop thinking too much.
At first Kao was so excited that she almost give up and just face Jayden blankly, maybe they could finally chats. But somehow she didn't. It was so calming and assuring, his voice and his touch. She feels like she can finally be at ease, secured. If this goes on Kao could get drown in her own happiness. Is this a dream? She wish not to wake up.
The silence is perfect. The air suddenly seems sweeter. Kao stares down at Jayden's black Oxford shoes as if it is his face.
"Hey Kao, I forgot to tell you! Jayden was looking for... you.."
Abruptly Valerie pops out of nowhere in from the door and the two love birds snapped out into an awkward posture. Jayden is sitting straight while Kao eyes are wide open. Valerie who had just understand her untimely appearance just smile slyly and goes away.
They both now are looking at each other, embarrassed. Kao tucks her hair behind her ear, thinking hard on what to say to Jayden. They are sitting there, being all awkward and shy. Jayden breaks the silent with the most obvious question.
Jayden: Are you going to the hospital after this?
Kao: Yep. That's the plan.
Jayden: I'm going there too. Do you need a lift?
Kao: Are you sure about that? There will be blood there.
Jayden: Hmm? And.. (looking away)
Kao: But I thought you can't see them. I mean. Bad things will happen (tone down)
Kao regrets bringing up the topic. Especially when she didn't get to really talk about it before. This is not a good time for this. Kao bites her lips as if punishing herself for being such a blabbermouth. Kao tries hard not to look into Jayden's eyes, fearing to see any discontent from the boy she adores so much. But Kao's worse nightmare comes to live when Jayden moves his face closer to Kao, looking at her, very seriously. Is he offended?
Jayden: Did Kay tell you all this?
Kao: What? No.. -panic- Kay knew? You told Kay about your family's curse?
Jayden shares such intimate secret with Kay? Kao is a bit disappointed. So Kay is someone special to him after all. Kao feels a jab in her heart, a sting which can't be ignored. How special is Kay to him? Why is this happening? God, all she wants to do now is to run away from Jayden. This is heartbreaking. Jayden lowers his gaze, looking at the tip of his shoes now. He sighs.
Jayden: She found out on her own. I can't keep it from her.
Kao: Senior.. I might misunderstand you but is there anything going on between you two? Are you... dating?
Jayden: Dating? No no no.. We're not dating. Absolutely not.
Jayden waves his hands around, denying everything. He just feels the need to clear the air. Kao must not misunderstand this. She cannot. There is some suspicion still but Kao tries not to entertain her own doubt. She lifts her face, looking into Jayden's dark eyes. Even if it's true that Kay is someone to you, who am I to question it. After all, I am no one to you, right?
Jayden: To tell you the truth Kao.. (deep breath).. I was afraid of Jason Hyung.
Kao: Senior Jason? Why?
Why is Senior Jason being mention in the matter of you two? I thought Jason rejected Kay's confession, even though technically I don't think Kay does have that kind of feeling towards Jason. Kao is way more than just confused. The relationship between Jason and Kay is unique if not somewhat mysterious. But one thing for sure, it's not a simple boy-girl relationship. Now to think about it, Jayden always act a bit different when Jason is around. He would stand as far as possible from Kay. Trying not to be seen as too friendly. She always thought that Jayden was trying to avoid jealousy, or is it something even more cynical? Senior Jason.. Just what is he exactly? Is he the reason why Kay is acting so weird these days?
Jayden: Never mind.. Let's just leave it at that.
Kao: Senior.. You must tell me. If this is about Kay, you must. I'm begging you.
Jayden: But Kao..
Kao: Something is not right with Kay. And if Senior Jason got anything to do with it, I must know. Please, just tell me what you know. I think Kay is not herself any more. She's in danger.
Jayden is reluctant to talk but the look on Kao's face is not jealousy. It's concern.
Jayden: I can only tell you that Kay is very special to Jason-Hyung. She is the reason why he is here. And if he knows that I sprained Kay's hand, he would never forgive me.
Kao: You did what?
Jayden: Come on. It's getting late. I'll tell you the whole story on the way.
{Karyn Faraday P.O.V}
Kay slowly opens her eyes. Adjusting to her now estrange environment she is lowly regaining her conciousness, she looks around her to see only blurred vision. Where's my glasses? She tries to reach around to find her glasses when a piercing tug from her skin made her realize that there's a tube punching it, connected to the saline solution hanging above her.
A tall figure hands her a piece of familiar frame. It's her circled nerdy glasses. Kay naturally slides it up plastering it close to her face like she used to, having no doubt of the unknown somebody. Getting her eyes back she looks at herself. Her left arm is still in the sling.Feeling very uncomfortable having things constraint her move she turns her head to the figure sitting idly besides her hospital bed.
Kay: What time is it?
Sebastian: It's well past 12.
Kay: Where am I? Oh wait.. I know where I am.. But where is my mom? -difficultly swallowing the barely produced saliva. Her throat feels dry.
Sebastian: She has to go home, attending to your brother I supposed..
Kay: Is that why you are here? Attending to me on her behalf? -chuckles
Maybe it's the numbing pain or maybe it's the medication entirely that is making her euphoric. Her head is spinning around.
Sebastian: Your sense of humour is admirable, Lady Faraday..
Kay: The morphine makes me whoozy.. Haha.. How did you come in? It's way past visiting hour..
Sebastian: I have my ways.. -grin- Have you looked into the box?
The box, I almost forgot about the box. Sebastian throws his glare pass her and naturally Kay turns to see the box sitting up on the table by her right side. How? I have lost it.. Sebastian gets up to reach for it before handing it down to Kay who's still lying on the bed.. Without further instruction, he pushes some button above her head which lifting the bed to a 30 degrees position. That's better, lying down suffocate her more.
Still in the state of numb Kay casts a stare down, looking at the box touching it's rough surface. She don't know why but her sense is telling her not to go any further. To leave the box alone and no don't open it again.
Kay: How did it get here?
Sebastian: Young Master Demetrius brought it for you. You really do have a lot of powerful friends around you.
Kay: He did? -smiles- How nice of him..
Sebastian: Have you opened the box?
Kay: It's just a bunch of old photos. Haha.. You've put me in a hospital for a bunch of old photos..
Sebastian: Look closely.. That is your past, Lady Faraday. A past that has been unrighteously erased from you.
Kay: Erased?
What's that supposed to mean?
Sebastian tilt his eyebrows, suggesting Kay to look at the photos herself. Kay shrugs off her dizziness and slide across the box, feeling it's rim. Kay slowly open the lid without a second thought, reaching for the photos inside. In the midst of other old photos of Frost there are some of it that looks rather familiar, deja vu kinda imagery. She look at them closely one by one confirming to her memories. No.. this can't be right. There's a strange hammering in her head, as if prompting her to stop going through the collection. Her eyes have definitely caught something she shouldn't. Trembling.
Kay: Is.. Is that.. -turn to Sebastian.
Sebastian crosses his legs, clasping his fingers together as if praying for things to get better. Slowly closing his eyes.
Sebastian: Yes... that is your mother and your... brother..
It is as if her soul just got pulled out of her body. She immediately sense no strength in her limb, her already banging head is burning. A piece after piece of recollection image running pass her eyes. That burning kid! It was not a girl. It's him. The boy in the picture. It's him.. She pushed the box away out of surprise.
"Ga In, help me."
The echoes getting clearer, a little girl voice turn to sound more like a boy whining in pain. Kay is trembling heavily, her face is wet with sweat, her every body's pore is now secreting massive fluids which none of it bothers her. Her eyes profusely fills up with tears as she is sobbing which by minutes slowly turning into a complete cries of wretchedness. The images are getting more vivid. The same kid in the photos. The burning house. She needs explanation. The clashing memories are frying her brain. Her pulse and heart rate were in complete mess.
Kay: Explain, snake.. -she pulls herself together and leer at the seating Sebastian.
Sebastian: You have an older brother, Miss Faraday. From the same mother, the same father.. Your real father.
Kay's brain is screaming 'Stop!' repeatedly but her lips are shut. This is not true. This is not true. Her head is chanting the same mantra over and over again. She refuse to listen any further. As if her life just got robbed of her, as if her living right suddenly got sacked, she denies it with all her might.
Sebastian: That boy in the picture is the heir of one of the biggest conglomerate in Korea. This might ring some bell. Surely you know the Hageum Group, currently the biggest contributor to your school.
Kay: Yes.. Of course.. It's well known that Jason's family contributed a lot to the school. But you are derailing.
Sebastian: I am not derailing. That little boy is Lee Tae Hyun, heir of Hageum Group, your biological brother. And you are the forgotten heiress, Lee Ga In.
Kay: This can't be. I am my father's daughter! I'm a Faraday. What lie are you sprouting here? Tell me!! -she reaches out to Sebastian collar and pull him close to her face in second. Threatening.
Sebastian handed a photo from the stack. The one with a burn mark on it. A photo of a family. Her mother, a man, a baby wrapped in silk and a boy. That is me. The baby is me or someone that resemble the baby me. I know that blanket. It has a lily and dragon embroidered to it. Her mind goes back to the day she entered the locked room at Jason's house. The same blanket. It was the same blanket. Her grips on Sebastian loosen up by it self before it went limp down to her lap.
Sebastian: This is not a lie, Karyn. -whispering- This is who you are. Your true identity. Your lineage. And this you must know... Your brother's life is in your hand. -slowly putting up hands of Kay's shoulders.
Kay: Jason's?
Sebastian: He was not supposed to die that day. He was supposed to be alive. He was the one who found you and exposed your identity. Only he was murdered before he could.
Kay: The car accident was not an accident, you say? -another shock
Sebastian: Yes, Karyn. And you are the only one that can save him now.. Just forget about fighting to get back to your faulty future. Fix it here.. now.
Sebastian starts explaining Kay's lineage that night. The truth about her mother and and her real father. Lee Doo Rim was an ordinary orphan before meeting the late Prince, a nickname given to a very promising heir of Hageum Group. Lee Yeul in line to be the next CEO only to fall from grace when he decided to elope with Lee Doo Rim. The marriage did not last long when the Lees finally located the couple and the fire incident happened. According to record, only Doo Rim and her son escapes the fire, leaving Lee Yeul and his four-year-old daughter perished in the fire. This record however, later on amended with only one survivor, Lee Tae Hyun. Lee Doo Rim was forced to leave her son.
Under the protection of Lee Yeul's trusted friend, the Mikasas and James Faraday's closest associate, the Winterfrosts, both mother and child survives with their name carved on tombstone back in Korea. Unbeknown to Lees, Karyn survives the fire. It's the only reason for Doo Rim to leave the country. To protect her only daughter as she failed to protect her son.
She asked Sebastian to leave and let her deal with it. At least for the night. It is more than she could endure. Her heartache is choking her. It is more painful than anything she ever felt. She cried the whole night. Sobbing rigorously while her hand tightly clasping her mouth, trying not to attract any attention to herself. She went through the photos over a thousand times looking for a hint of forgery. This cannot be the truth. If it is, someone please kill me. Or else, just wake me up from this nightmare.