RC Chapter 1 : The Now Us

[2013, May 2]

{Kazu P.O.V}

Kazu throws herself onto her bed. The reunion drains her energy. The four hours drive home to Larkins is more than she can manage in one day. Ah Kay, how nice is it if you quickly move out of that busy city. Kazu takes off her socks with her toes. Too tired to get up. Her body sinks deeper in her bed. The smell of steak and wine still subtly linger. Kazu usually hates smelling like food but today she doesn't mind it all that much.

Everything seems to pick up a momentum the minute Valerie is back in town. It is surprising how she doesn't change at all. That same style. That same sassy attitude. And that same flair for dropping a surprise whenever she can afford it. A wedding! Who would have thought? She has never mentioned anything about meeting a guy. It is better not be an arranged marriage. Kazu remembers how appalled she has been towards the idea. Valerie is never to marry anyone she doesn't love. She makes it clear when she decides to run away from her last engagement. It was a scandal that almost broke the company into two. That was 5 years ago. How time flies.

Kazu wonders how a guy manages to tame Valerie. She says he is an academician. He's not the usual chap she is brought up with. Maybe that makes all the difference. What was his name again?

She has never thought Valerie would be the first to walk aisle. She doesn't think either of them would walk the aisle this early in life. But she is genuinely happy for Valerie. As long as she has a say in it that is.

Kazu pulls out the phone from her rear pocket. No new message. Both of her friends are quiet after saying goodbye to each other. Kazu imagines Kay to be at her favorite bar. She was on her way there after being denied by Kazu and Valerie for a second round. It's Friday night. Nobody can come in between Kay and her weekly dosage of liquor.

Kazu's phone vibrates in her hand. A name is flashing on the screen. Aya-nee. Another infamous drunkard. She must have dialed Kazu in her drunken stupor. The door bell rings twice, forcing Kazu to leave her comfortable bed. She lazily walks to the door gazing at the clock on the wall. 3 o'clock in the morning is too early for Aya to reach home.

As soon as she open the door, Aya plops to her feet. Kazu sighs. She effortlessly picks her cousin up, praying hard that Aya would not puke on her in the process.

Kazu: Nee-san.. Mo.. *mumbling*
Aya: *Hicks* Kawaii Kazu-chan.. Nande koko ni iru?

Kazu lifts her body onto her back, dragging her across the living room towards her room next to the kitchen. The smell of liquor is almost unbearable. Kazu cannot understand the love for alcohol. They're bitter and vomit inducing drink. Why would you torment yourself with such poison? She throws the seems-to-be-lifeless model onto the unmade bed. Her eyes are quickly drawn to Aya's wrist. Her eyes widen by the sight of a familiar red bracelet.

Kazu: Nee-san!

Steam builds up in her head. If there is one thing Kazu hates the most is people who leisurely takes other's belonging. And this is not just a thing. Kazu takes of the red bracelet from Aya's wrist. She brings it close to her chest like a treasure it is.

Kazu wants to blurt out her frustration at that very moment but she's not someone who just burst out angrily. She takes a step back and recollects her thought. She ties the bracelet around her wrist, swearing never to take it off again. Not even if it doesn't match with her get up. Kazu pulls the blanket over Aya's chest. She needs to cool down. Maybe a drink or two.


{Karyn Becker P.O.V}

Kay cancels her plan to go to her regular bar. Weirdly, that lousy place is crawling with students. Ahh.. The summer break has started. No wonder the bar is filled with those penniless students. The only reason Kay frequents the bar is for the mere fact that it's terrible. Nobody likes the place. Kay has had the place to herself for almost a year. Now that it's blasting with questionable music choices, Kay knows that she has to steer away for a while.

Kay stops by the convenience store, grabbing two packs of her favorite beer and some dried squids to go along with the drink. Seeing the judging look on the cashier's face,  Kay throws in some party kits just to mislead him into thinking that she's having a party. Not that she needs to justify her spending but his judging look suffocates her.

She reaches her apartment after 15 minutes walk down the street. Everything is within reach in this city. She rents a small cozy apartment on the 4th floor by the 7th street. The subway is only a block away. She lives alone. She prefers it. The lack of interest from her neighbors doesn't bother her at all. In fact, she appreciates the shared nonchalant attitude adopted by the residents. They're as indifferent as she is and she loves them for it.

She stacks the some of the beer on the counter top and some in the fridge. Everything she does afterwards is a carefully crafted routine. She takes five steps left to the bathroom with two cans of beer; one she rested next to the tub, one she pops and drains as she waltz through her sets of action. She fills up the tub with warm water while loading her laundry into the washing machine. She undresses herself quickly despite the fact the skinny jeans is a bit tricky to take off. By the time she finishes her first beer, the machine is running and White Rabbit blaring from her turntable to mask the annoying honking from the busy road downstairs.

She dips her tired body in the bath tub, sipping her second beer. The smell of berry fills up the small bathroom. She doesn't bother to shut the door. It would only interrupt the music coming from the living room. Just as she is about to lose herself in the psychedelic song, she hears the door unlock.

"Kay, you're home?"

The familiar voice echoes from the entrance. Kay doesn't bother to answer. The steps grow closer to the bathroom. A face emerges by the door.  Kay turns her face away, uninterested.

"I thought you're at the bar. I'm just here to get my things"

Who is he trying to fool? He doesn't care if she's home or not. He does what he likes even though Kay has made it clear to him to never come here again. Kay is tempted to face him with her infamous rage but she is too proud to look like a fool. She could beat him up and reconcile afterward like countless time before but never again. Lashing out is the last thing Kay should ever do. Wouldn't that show how much she's truly hurt by him cheating? So she keeps it to herself.

She chugs down the beer, crushing the can as she would his neck.

"I'm leaving the key on the counter." He shouts from the living room. He doesn't need to shout, Kay can hear him clearly.

"And Kay.. "

He pauses.

"I'm sorry"

Kay feels a tug in her chest. There is no honesty in his apology but it hits deep nonetheless. Her ears follow his steps as he walks away. There is a click at the door and she knows he is gone. That's it, huh? That's the end of it. Kay begins to separate herself from her surrounding, allowing her emotion to take over. As the music blurs down, tears come running down her rosy cheeks.

You cheating bastard..

It doesn't matter how long the relationship is running or how in love you are in the beginning. Guys will always end up either cheating on you or grow too bored to care. Lucky she is never going to trust her heart to anyone ever again. Kay says that way too often it almost sound like a lie. Damn romance and all the heartache it causes!


{Valerie Romanov P.O.V}

Valerie tiptoes across the hotel suite. The room is dimly lit by the moonlight from the glass window. She takes off her high heels, placing them safely by the dresser. She unhooks her dress and changes into her silk night dress. Slowly, she climbs into her bed, hoping not to wake the person sleeping next to her.

He turns, moaning a bit before pulling Valerie closer to his chest.

Val: I'm sorry I wake you up..

He doesn't reply only softly kissing the corner of her neck. It tickles her a bit so she tries to wriggle herself away. He grins against her skin.

"Did you have fun with the girls?"

Valerie turns her body to face her fiance. She nods. His pale skin shimmers under the blue moonlight. His lips curls upwards, smiling at her ever so lovingly. Valerie kisses him softly. I'm so blessed to have you. He touches her cheek with his thumbs, grazing softly on her velvety skin.

"Did you tell them?" he asks.
"I did. They will be there". Valerie responds, slowly burying her face in his chest.
"I can't wait to meet them. Do you think they'll recognize me?"

Valerie sighs, not answering his question. He knows how heavily the question has been lingering on her mind. He chooses not to bother her with such question. At least not for now. Now we rest.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013