Reaping Clockwork: Chapter 9
Not another Day of School. KillJoy is here!

{Kao Mikasa P.O.V}

Kao berlari-lari anak menuju ke bangunan tengah sekolah  bersebelahan dengan bangunan guru. Baru lepas jumpe Miss Silmy, passing our proposal of establishing a new club. I hope it goes well... Eh Kao, kau nie kenape pulak. Dah tahu kan ape yang akan jadi. We got it and hello, we even got our own operation room okeh. Mr.Headmaster approved the proposal sekelip mata je.

Here we go.. there is our school clubhouse. Melangkah masuk bangunan agam yang super ancient. Where most of their school memories took place.

Lennox Clubbouse

Just now Valerie called her, sounds frantic. That's odd. Valerie never had been that jumpy before. Always too calm.. My past was a mess in my head. 2004 nie ape plotting timeline KKV (KaoKayVal) eh? 

Hmmm... KillJoy. Everything circulating around KillJoy... Oh Jaydennnnnn <3. Teringat her 1st crush. A year senior. Kao berjalan perlahan-perlahan, in awe bile teringatkan dia. Fluttery thrill went through her!

Kao buka pintu prefects' operating room, kelihatan Roderick and Zach (Zachary Oppenheimer) tengah men some arcade game di ruang rehat corner depan bilik. Bunyik macam game kanak-kanak (sila bayangkan)... jenguk tengok dari belakang. Pacman ke oii. Hahahahaha.. Kusyuk bnor men game. 

Kao: Erick! -tepuk bahu Roderick- kau nampak Valerie?

Roderick: -toleh jap- Yo Kao! She's in the back. -sambung men game-

Cehh... Boys and game. Pacman pon jalan. Kao pergi ke ruang belakang bilik dimana kelihatan Valerie yang bercakap di telefon dengan senyuman lebar. 

"Sooo... will you guys.."  " ahah, I am soo glad to hear this" "Ehemm.. ok, will update about the club later" "Thank a lot Luke!!"

Valerie letak phone, pusing tengok Kao dengan mata bersinar-sinar. Lari and lompat peluk Kao. 

Kao: Did I heard it wrong. Luke?
Valerie: No dear. U heard it right! it's Luke Rockerfellar.. and we got KillJoy to join us -hug Kao again.
Kao: Oh.. My... Precious Karl <----------- Kao's OMG. 

Kao seems in lost of words... Baru sedar tentang timeline 2004. The Club.. the theater competition and KKV got KillJoy to collaborate in their future movie. What an achievement.

Suddenly thinking about the Kao of the  future yang dah tak berape passionate about anything in her life. She loses her touch. Mane pergi semua passion kau Kao Mikasa.

{Karyn Lee Faraday P.O.V}

Kay cannot stop proudly smiling, looking at Kao and Valerie walking up the stage side by side. The school recently approved the proposal to establish their own Movie Club by announcing it during the school assembly.

Listening around at the wowing sounds of the crowds, baru Kay sedar yang dia berada at school monthly assembly. Dalam the Great Dome.. school main hall.

Girl 1: Winterfrost and Mikasa? Wow... they won a contest during their second grade! I heard that it was a full movie set along with a year worth budget to make their own movie.
Girl 2: I heard that, there is gonna be a new club under them. I want to join!
Girl 1: That is sure a thing. Am surprised.. we have kewl seniors. -terloncat excited

Kay tergelak. You bet little girls... that club gonna be packed with kewl beings. Tak sabar nak berkenalan dengan Senior Jason. Butterfly in the stomach. This feeling never get old heh. Kay feelings jumpy.. ikut kan hati nak je fastforward skipping the unimportant.

Kao: Good Morning Lennoxerssss! -try to attract the crowd, her voice echoes through the hall.

"Ehemm.. test mic one, two, three! peace..." Kao starts her brief speech funnily to introduce their new club. "If you can hear me, please start clapping as to confuse those that cannot make out what I am saying. Bad Jokes... I know" grinning, the crowds start to laugh along with the clap . 

"To make it supershort.. cause I am pretty sure, nothing is more detestable but a hell-long boring speech. With that... I would like to announce about this new club concentrating on acting, directing movies and creating fantasy into reality... Movie Club". Crowd start the chatters, talking about the club.

Last week Kao and Valerie busy gila prepare proposal and present it to our headmaster. A week missing both of them.... Lepak, ponteng sorang-sorang in their official tree house on the school back yard hillock: small natural hill, near the lake.

(It was made by previous Winterfrost of the school, tree house for them to mingle among them).

Inilah spot ponteng KKV (KaoKayValerie)

Dalam crowd tu ade another pretty large girls crowd. Ape yang dikerumun tu? Ehhh.. Focus lah woi, a new legacy by KKV is about to commence. Pengawas buat apeee lah, tak tegur ke. Kay sibuk mencatit ape yang Headmaster point out pasal exam dalam previous speech tadi sebelum perasan yang senior Tae Hyun kelihatan berdiri paling belakang di barisan student lelaki.

His specific spot during the assembly, and me... always dragging Kao and Valerie along to stand as close as possible to that spot. Kay excited dapat lihat kelibat Tae Hyun pagi nie. Sebelah Tae Hyun, siape tu?

Some random boy, senior jugak kot... di mulut, berambu-rambu, janggut kah? that sotong kering? What the? In a morning official assembly?  Biar betikk.. Berdiri macam malas. Tangan kiri duk garu-garu bontot. Tangan kanan duk garu-garu kepala.

Do we have such free spirited boy in this school? Wait... kecikkan mata, tolak spek keatas rapat ke muka. Oh, that's Marcus of KillJoy.. our weird senior.. (> 3 <)

Almost forgot about that quartet, the legend of this school called the KillJoy. Patutlah penuh female students berderet, flocking around kat situ. KillJoy rupanya...

Luke Rockerfeller, Jayden Xu Lambert, Jason Lee Tae Hyun, and Marcus Demetrius. Four horsemen of this school, Lennox Academy.

Lennox Academy

Pergi mane-mane je bawak apocalypse sekali. Hura-hara semua gadis-gadis. Hahaha..It's about time to be friends with the guys and Tae Hyun is one of the KillJoy. On the stage, Kao is passing the mic to Valerie. She mumbles about something inaudibly. 

Valerie: Here, we would like to introduce the main board of this new club. For the post of Vice president.. Kao Mikasa!

Kao melangkah kedepan pentas, holding her right hand up, waving to the crowd. Some boys jerit nama Kao dari bawah. Kao angkat kening. Konon layan fan. Ceh..

Valerie: andd.... the president which hardly able to be recruited.. (senyum) Jason Lee Tae Hyun! 

The girls crowd went hysteric after that 2nd announcement by Valerie. Wow.. chills down girls.

The name of KillJoy dah mula disebut-sebut dalam desas percakapan mereka. Excited sangat la tu. Ye ye.. betul la gossip yang korang duk dengar for the whole week nie.

Kao: Hello, hello.. -Kao ambil alih mic dari Valerie- girls.. I can read your mind -grinning- Yes.. Along with Jason Lee, KillJoy is here. 

Dengan itu, kedengaran main KillJoy stage music bergema mengiringi the KillJoy yang berjalan di tengah ruang hall menuju ke pentas (insert Pirate of Carribean theme soundtrack).

Luke.. Jason and Jayden.. Marcus--->yang still tengah kunyah dry squid (=__=). With them...this 2nd jump gonna be super interesting. Asyik memerhati langkah KillJoy yg dah naek ke pentas.

Out of the sudden...

Kao: Oh oh.. and lastly, not to forget another important catalyst member of this club...-drumroll- Miss Karyn Lee Faraday!!

Emmmmm? Who is that, cam kenal je name tu? Kay still blur, sebab mata asyik tengok Jason and highly distracted by Marcus weird walking posture. Terhuyung-hayang.

How Marcus walk XD 

Tengok sekeliling, semua orang toleh kiri kanan mencari-cari kelibat tuan empunya name. Kao... what have you done. Kepal tangan, geram. 

Kay awkwardly simpan her little notebook dalam pocket. Betulkan spek.Perlahan-lahan gerak keluar dari barisan. Berjalan di tengah perhimpunan. Cis cis cis...Great.. Kao... I will kill you. I will KILLYOUUU.

Dari kejauhan atas pentas kelihatan Valerie and Kao are grinning widely. 

{Kao Mikasa P.O.V}

In the tree house, waktu rehat. Valerie baru turun nak pergi beli lunch and dalam mase yang sama nak pergi jumpe Luke. Laju je kau Val bile Luke panggil.

Kay: Kao..What just happened? What was that all about? Aku tak ingat pon before nie aku dikenalkan dalam assembly tu. Argh!!!

Kay kusutkan rambut sendiri, cabut speck. Melabuhkan diri henyak bean bag di depan ruang rehat. Ahaha.. sorry Kay. Aku nak sangat kenal kan kau as one of main person dalam club nie. Kau kan orang kuat kami jugak. Tapi dulu, you got the least exposure.

Besides, the junior just needs to know more about you since kau banyak contributes idea dalam activities kite nanti. Aku tau sangat kau tak suke attention. But I can't help.. terlepas cakap. Keh3...

Kao: Weh, slow skit.. Valerie dengar karang. -jari ke bibir,mata tengok kearah pintu.
Kay: Hell yaa.. stress aku dengan attention pressure tadi. -ketap bibir
Kao: Sorry laa.. aku excited sangat bagi speech... ehehehe -weak reason

Tangan meraba dalam bag, capai diary KKV. Our little chronicle. Today's event have to be written down in here. Pilih pen dalam pencilcase.

Kay: Tapi boleh ke ubah scene.. bukan ke kite kena ikut timeline asal ke? -tenung Kao, pretty scared.
Kao: That one, might be partially true.. I have this gut feelings that something isn't right.
Kay: Meaning? -interested.
Kao: Sebby.. his sudden appearance brings up ambiguity into this time travel madness. Aku saja je brings up a little twist from the real timeline, lepas tu aku nak perhati ape jadi. Aku just pelik, sebab sebby is not suppose to be here, he doesn't exist in our memories right?... and don't worry, aku tak rasa something bad will happen from this twist. Just, Karyn will be known more by others. 
Kay: Can I trust your gut? -side eyeing Kao yang berdiri menyandar di meja study membelek diary KKV 
Kao: U can trust me. I am here to protect us. -senyum


Kao heret bakul yang berisi tin-tin cat ke dalam Lennox Clubhouse. Menuju Movie club given operating room. The room is a MESS. Aku ingat lagi, berhari-hari aku sakit belakang. Mengecat, angkut sampah lame, meja and kerusi buruk keluar dari bilik tu.

We have to do it sendiri since sekolah tak bagi kami upah orang luar. No strangers allowed into the academy. Even family pon kadang-kadang di inspect, security ketat. Since sekolah nie semua the richest and the royal.. security memang over lah kan. Konon takut ade kes culik.

Arghhhh.. berat nye benda alah nie. Kao berhenti sekejap dikaki tangga, urut-urut tapak tangan yang mula pucat. Suddenly someone wearing black-grey school tracksuit datang dari belakang angkat the whole bucket of the paints. The boy naek tangga, berhenti.. pusing toleh. It's Jayden.

Kao: Errr.. senior, berat tu. -dalam hati terloncat-loncat gembira, its Jayden Xu!!
Jayden: Alah, sikit je nie.. Come.. -beaming handsomely.

Dari belakang kedengaran sekumpulan lelaki berjalan.. Kao toleh curious. It's the whole KillJoy with Valerie yang berjalan tepi Luke, gembira nampak cik kak.

Luke: Hey Kao. Just let Jayden shows off some muscles ok. -tergelak
Kao: -blushing, senyum kambing
Marcus: Hek eee leeeehhh, aku pon leh angkat tu -garu perut sambil kunyah dry squid, naik tangga berebut nak angkat bakul cat dari tangan Jayden =__=. The random ridiculous Marcus.

Kelihatan Jason Lee di belakang Luke tersenyum melihat gelagat Jayden dan Marcus yang macam Tom and Jerry diatas tangga. Berdiri diam.. I can't believe my eyes, to see Jason again. Kao, please control your feelings.

Yes, nie prominent memory aku... lepas dapat bilik operasi Movie Club tu, KillJoy datang  tolong kami cat bilik and renovate the whole room. Being with them is what I miss the most. Funny seniors.

Valerie: They volunteered to help us with the room. -senyum meleret.
Kao: I see... Thanks guys! - angkat tangan dua belah, thumbsup.
Luke: No sweat.. since Valerie is my dearest little distant cousin. Dah macam adik sendiri.

(Luke Rockerfeller, distant relatives of Valerie Winterfrost sebelah ibu.. who's originally a Rocekerfeller too but then lepas kawen dengan ayah Valerie, the Arthur Winterfrost, ditukar surname ikut husband)

Luke naik tangga meleraikan cute bickering of Jayden and Marcus. Lastly, Luke yang angkat bakul berat tu sendiri diekori Jason dari belakang. Oh I miss their back profiles... they are just perfect.

Hahahaha.. ok Kao stop it!. Stop admiring them. You did it a lot back then. They are now younger then you. 24 and 15. Big No No. KillJoy and Valerie continue the walk to the room leaving Kao yang perlahan-lahan mengikut langkah mereka dari belakang. I hope you are ready.. Jason is here Kay.

{Karyn Lee Faraday P.O.V}

Kay terpisat-pisat tenyeh mata. Mana diorang ni. Lama dah tunggu ni. Tadi cakap jumpa kat club house. Kay check phone. This kids.. Nak sambung tido leh tak?


Terus pergi operation room? Cakap nak jumpa dekat common room. Ah diorang ni cakap belit-belit. Ini menghabiskan tenaga aku yang sedia adanya terhad ni. 

Kay capai hand held mirror. Oh great. Now my eyes are all puffy. Kay mengeluh. Having to walk around this humongous landscape is annoying. Sekejap jumpa dekat tree house la. Nanti nak patah balik pergi club house la. Club house pulak punya la besar, nak cari operation room pun belit-belit. Ni japgi kena masuk kelas balik. Mak aih jauhnya.

Mengeluh pun Kay angkat bontot jugak last-last. Bawak beg dengan malas. Check mesej di phone. "Level 2 end of corridor - Kao"

Kay mengangkat kaki, langkah malas-malas. Ah, tangga lagi ke. No wonder I was so kerempeng back then. Kay hentak hentak kaki while stepping on the stairs. Di tangga kedua Kay nyaris nak tergelincir bila nampak this one guy..

Errr.. Senior Marcus?

What the heck is he doing here? At the stairs? With a bird? What the fuck? Kay tunduk hormat. This weird senior of mine is a lost cause. Kay tengok rambut Marcus yang dah berkaler. Haritu kaler lain. Nak tanya ke? Tapi macam malas je nak tanya.

Marcus: You seems taller.. -malas- and puffier.. -gosok-gosok burung dibahu. 

Kay spontan sentuh eye bag. Ergh.. this is why I hate napping at school. Kay sengih awkward. What the heck am I supposed to say to this alien in human form?

Jason: Marc, get back to work please. -past tuala lap cermin dari atas.

Kay dongak. That majestic senior of mine. Muka Jason macam terpancar-pancar. His beauty is unworldly. At least to me. Kay senyum. Marc dongak tengok Jason kat sebelah.

Jason: And please return that taxidermied bird to where it belongs -jeling atas bahu Marcus

Marcus juihkan bibir. Eyh? that's not an alive bird? Ohmygod, what the hell is wrong with Senior Marcus? Can you be any weirder?

Marcus: Baru nak bonding-bonding dengan Johny ni.

The heck? He even gave a name to that poor bird. Marcus bangun, patting the taxidemied bird on his shoulder. Sewel ke apa la senior aku sorang. So unpredictable. So random. Kay pandang Jason yang still berdiri di puncak tangga.

Jason: You're late.. -lembut, totally a different tone
Kay: Senior, sorry about that. I was waiting at the common room just now and fell asleep.
Jason: It's ok as long as you are here. Come. Let me show you the operation room.

Jason masukkan tangan ke poket. Kay turut je belakang Jason. Kay tunduk sepanjang jalan. Heart pounding like a nail. Kay, be strong. Look in front of you. Jason is here. Cherish the moment. Kay almost choked up of emotion while staring at the back of his head. Senior, do you know how much I missed you, all these years?

Marcus: You are short -dari belakang

Eh datang balik hantu ni. Kay toleh. Marcus gigit sotong kering. Uhh baunya. Tak paham aku apa yang bestnya dengan sotong kering tu.

Jason: Marc, stop teasing her -tak toleh, jalan terus je
Marcus: But I'm not teasing her. It's true. See..

Marcus tarik badan Kay, rapat ke dada. What in the world. Jason toleh tengok. Marcus peluk bahu Kay yang dah blushing sebab terkejut. Kay terpinga. Senior Marcus is hugging me. Is he really that clueless? I can feel his 6 pax tummy on my back.

Marcus hayun-hayun tangan kat level kepala Kay. Baru dekat dada. Pendek. Muka Jason berubah. Jason tarik tangan Kay.

Jason: It's not funny Marc. Go back to the room. And loose the fake dye spray on your hair.
Marcus: Chh.. -stinking smirk

Marcus melayang-layang (as in jalan huyung hayang) ke kelab. Kay rasa macam nak terkeluar jantung. That kid is super ridiculous. Jap, senior Jason is holding my hand. Jason perasan.

Jason: Sorry about Marc -lepaskan tangan- He's a bit.. 'Special'-senyum

That smile. Kay balas senyum. Angguk. You are the special one, senior. Kay terus follow Jason macam tadi. Senyap.. Sunyi.. But she enjoy the walk. No voice, no conversation, just the sound of their foot steps. Kay senyum. It's true that I spend my years following him from behind, being happy in his shadow. She felt that familiar coziness. A sense of security. That is what Senior Jason means to me. A protector. A brother I never have.

Langkah terhenti di satu pintu mahogany. Jason tolak pintu. Shining from behind are these beautiful people. The Killjoys, Kao and Valerie all beaming at her (except Marcus who is so engrossed with his dried squid).

Jason: Welcome to Movie Club...

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Thursday, October 17, 2013