Shuwei tertunduk tekup hidung, keluar darah. Kao got really mad bile teringat tragedy Kay hampir lemas sebab Shuwei. Releasing her rage, she blows Shuwei with few under punches to the stomach. Grabbing her uniform collar.
Kao: U better stay clear from Kay! I know every single thing about you, your past.. and even your future. Kau jangan ingat kau boleh lari after kau buli kawan aku. I will pay back every single drops of tears and blood you take from Kay. -hissing to Shuwei's right ear.
Kao lepas collar dan mula berlari laju menuju ke arah tasik sekolah. Dari jauh nampak orang berkerumun. Kelihatan Valerie panic, menepuk-nepuk muka Kay. She comes close and watch from behind. Kay buka mata perlahan. Fuh... Walau ak tau dia pasti terselamat, I still can't help but being all nervous.
Seorang budak lelaki yang basah kuyup jugak kelihatan sama panic dengan kami berada di hujung kaki Kay. Its.... Late Senior Jason Lee Tae Hyun! That's him, and alive... that's it! Dia yang selamat kan Kay time tu.
She recalled that after the rescue, Kay can't stop pestering Jason everywhere he go. She kept telling us, he was her sole guardian angel. Yes.. we always believe that he was and we still believe that he still is. This gonna be hard on Kay.
This is too much of a sadness. Knowing about someone else death but having no right to change anything would be perniciously
painful. What makes it a hell of heartache is exactly this... when it comes to someone we dearly
Pusing tengok Kay, I hope she would be ok with all this, knowing the future is scary. We better off not knowing. Kay stare at Kao. Gerak mulut asking something. Seakan-akan paham.. perlahan buat isyarat 2..0..0..4.
{Karyn Lee Faraday P.O.V}
Jason: Are you ok? -looking worried
Kay: -cuba bangun dan dipapah Valerie
Jason: Can you hear me? Are you ok? -pegang kepala Kay, check kiri kanan kepala.. pegang bahu, check dari atas sampai bawah.. seems like is checking for any scratch or wound.
Kay: -stare at the boy, speechlessly.
Kay was so deep into her astonishment. Seolah-olah semua benda freeze. Macam tak percaya. Ini Tae Hyun kan? Dia.. bergerak. Dia.. bernafas.. at the same time, her eyes looks sooo sad.
Valerie: I think she is ok. -mula pelik dengan lelaki tadi yang macam terover risau.
Jason: -terperasan yang dia terlebih risau- Oh.. then I am glad! -senyum.
Valerie: Thank You senior. I don't know what would happened kalo senior takde tadi.
Jason: It's ok. -senyum sambil tengok wajah Kay lagi.
Kao: We should go. Jom, Kay.. kau basah nie. Nanti demam pulak. Meh pergi school care center. -cepat-cepat tarik Kay.
Kao macam bimbang kalau tiba-tiba Kay tak dapat hold her overwhelming sadness depan Tae Hyun. She can't let her forgot yang diaorang still tak kenal Tae Hyun time tu.. and Kao is definitely not gonna risk anything after what happened dalam jump yang lepas. Everything must go with the original flow.
Kay: -seems like coming to her sense- Senior, thank you..
Tae Hyun toleh, senyum. Tae Hyun ambik blazer atas rumput, gerak ke main building. All the spectator went away with him. Yela, diorang berkumpul pun sebab nak tengok the heroic Jason Lee aka Lee Tae Hyun kan? Who cares about Kay or Kao or Valerie.
Kay pandang je Tae Hyun blah. Fikiran kacau. Valerie genggam tangan Kay.
Valerie: Come, lets get you warm.
Kao: Kay.. -sentuh bahu Kay
Kay tak toleh. Just senyum dengan bibir yang terketar-ketar tahan sejuk.
Kay: I'm Okay. Don't worry.
(At school care)
Valerie duduk di kepala katil, lap rambut Kay. Kao tengah isi borang di meja penjuru bilik. Roderick berdiri di pintu ward.
Valerie: Roderick, are you sure we can stay here?
Roderick: Sure. You just have to fill up some form. I'll get you your excuse pass.
Kao: Don't worry much Val. They don't care whether or not we're in the class. It's the first week of high school. They are going easy on us for that club registration thing.
Kay angkat muka pandang Kao. Haah la. Minggu ni minggu pemilihan kelab. I guess I'll just join the manga club as always.
Valerie: Ah, speaking about that. Kay, Roderick.. Do you guys have any thought of which club to choose?
Roderick menyandar di dinding, dahi berkerut, tangan di dagu. Ewah, macam nak buat keputusan besar je.
Roderick: Umm.. I'm in the school council so club activity is not compulsory to me. I haven't give a thought about it really.
Valerie: You, Kay? - Berhenti lap rambut Kay.
Kay dongak, tunjuk manga kat tangan.
Kay: I guess, Manga Club. Just like last year.
Kao hulur borang kat Roderick.
Valerie: We're thinking about founding a new club. I was thinking about doing a movie. We haven't had that here right?
Kao toleh pandang Kay. It's 2004! We founded the legendary club! Kay pura-pura tak excited la tu. Kay tunduk baca komik. As expected. Roderick is definitely enticed. Of course you are.
Roderick: Eyh? What's that? Sound interesting.
Valerie: You know that we won the International Movie Competition during our second grade of Junior High? I'm thinking about handing over a petition for a new club. We already have the equipment, the funding, so why not? We get all the fun students to join us! -excited, mata berkilau
Kay pandang Kao. Kao seems disappointed. Ah, if it's not because of the stupid jump, I would have relive the excitement! Kay geleng kepala sambil senyum nipis. Never have any interest in that kinda thing. Although..
Kay: Are you going to ask the seniors to join?
Of course you will. Why do I have to ask. You will definitely recruit the Killjoys. Along with them, Jason Lee Tae Hyun.
Valerie: Well, I haven't thought about that but it would be nice to have Luke Rockefeller in the club. -blushing.
Kao tersengih. Valerie's first crush. Roderick kepalkan tangan, tumbuk ke siling. What? Imej handsome kau berkecai, kawan.
Roderick: If those awesome seniors are in, I'm definitely joining!
Kao tergelak kecil. I know you will join, dear. Kay tunduk. Pandang manga dengan pandangan kosong. Nampak muka Jason je kat halaman manga. Senior, if this is a dream, wish not to wake up. I wish to stay here where you're alive and breathing. Kay letak manga ke tepi, peluk lutut.
Valerie: Kay, you ok?
Kay: Yeah. Just a headache from the water.
Roderick: I think we have to let her rest for a while. Come, you haven't had your lunch yet. They serve good food here.
Kao dan Valerie tengok Kay. Kay just angguk tanda "It's fine. You guys go ahead"
Roderick: We'll come back for you later. -pandang Kay.
That was awkward even for Kay. Roderick is never a close friend to her but seeing how much he takes care of other makes her understand why Kao likes him. The way Roderick behave around people, it's some what mesmerizing. Good thing I'm only interested in what drawn and written on parchment rather than what moves around her. Kay toleh tengok manga. Well, maybe not this time. It's the time for someone alive to take the first place in my heart. The only one that truly stay. Lee Tae Hyun.. Lee Tae Hyun..
Kay langkah masuk rumah lepas lambai-lambai Valerie and Kao dalam kereta. They're off somewhere for a quick detour. Those wealthy family and their curfew. I don't understand the meaning of curfew but I enjoy staying alone in my room, doing homework. Ah heaven (Sewel!).
Mak yang tengah tengok drama senyum je pandang kat Kay. Karl sebelah mak tengah melukis. Karl pusing tunjuk lukisan.
Ahh.. My sweet Karl. That little boy really admires me doesn't he? Kay senyum balik. I'm sorry for ignoring you little brother but this is your sister, the emotionless monster.
Kay gerak ke bilik tidur. Bukak pintu. Lari, lompat atas katil. BAM! 10marks!
Kay pusingkan badan, menghadap siling. Last night. The time travel. It was real. And the boy was real.
"Kay, you remember last night during the time jump thingey?That guy was Sebastian" Kao separuh berbisik. "Sebastian who?" Kay letakkan manga di riba, pandang muka Kao yang concern. "Remember, Val's butler. The one we met at the hospital. The one who found Val in the first place". Kay kerutkan dahi. Kay dan Kao jeling tengok Valerie yang rancak berborak dengan Roderick. "Do you think that he killed Val?" Spontan keluar dari mulut Kay. Pok! Kena ketuk ngan Kao. Tu padahnya.
Kay gosok kepala. Adeh, bleh tahan sedap kena pelangkung dengan Kao. Kay sengih sorang-sorang. Padan muka aku, main cakap lepas je. Muka Kay berubah serius balik. Sebastian.
Kay bangun, duduk bersila ditengah katil dengan tangan di dagu, menongkat ke riba. Sebastian Michaelis. That dark aura guy. Lets see what we know about him.
He's Valerie's butler. He has this old old pocket watch and he's super grim. One thing weird about him is that he's aware of the time jump. Yeke? Aku agak-agak jela. There must be some kind of significant meaning. The Old pocket watch. Lagi pulak he jumped differently. I remember precisely, he evaporated. His eyes turned crimson red. Earlier that day I'm sure they were baby blue.
Sebastian.. Sebastian.. Argh.. This is confusing.. Bam, baring balik.
{Sebastian Michaelis' P.O.V}
Sebby pandang pocket watch yang dah sedikit retak dari pergelutan dengan Kay. I have made a big miscalculation. Sebby mengerang bila rasa ngilu merayap ke lengan. Tangan kanan Sebby semacam kena frostbite. The power of grand clock. Let's just hope that I can save the future in time.
Sebby menyelinap masuk ke rumah agam keluarga Winterfrost dari gua belakang. Don't forget Michaelis, here, you're just a butler in training. Don't draw any more suspicion.
{Karyn Lee Faraday's P.O.V}
Karl: Aein.. -jenguk dari pintu.
Kay bukak mata. Aku tertidur ke tadi? In my filthy uniform? Eww..
Kay angkat kepala, tengok ke muka pintu. Si kecik Karl. How cute.. But really, I don't have time for this. But then again..
(Aein. as from Karyn, since Baby Karl still pelat. Karyn sound short jadi Aein. The cute part is Aein (애인) in Korea means lover. Kyaaaaaa!)
Kay: Come in.. -dingin. Rebahkan balik kepala-
Karl lari ke arah katil Kay. Kaki katik. How cute is that? In a few years you grow up just fine.
Baby Karl |
Kay: Why are you here? Where's mum?
Karl: Mum down stairs. Shcary uncles is there. -pelat-
Kay: Scary uncle?
Karl: Uhuh..
Kay: Daddy?
Karl: No no.. Not Daddy. Shcary.. -tarik-tarik muka buat muka momok
Kay tahan gelak. Hahahaha. Cute gila adik aku ni.
Karl: Can I stay here with you?
Kay: Ok. But I'm taking my bath. You just stay there in bed.
Karl: Ok.. -sengih-
Kay bangun bukak blazer dan kemeja. Pergh dalam ni still bau air tasik la. Kay keluar bilik, gerak ke bilik air. Terdengar mak cakap-cakap dalam bahasa Korea. Pemiutang lagi ke? Dulu kalau Kay tanya siapa pakcik-pakcik yang selalu datang jumpa mak, cakap-cakap dalam bahasa asing mak selalu pesan suruh stay away. Pakcik-pakcik tu pemiutang. So she did.
A lot of things changed over these years. I've learned Korean. Ah yes.. All because of Tae Hyun. I want to learn the language he use when he's alive. It's his tongue. I shall speak it. Kay mengendap di veranda. Tak nampak shcary uncles tapi nampak mak yang duduk di kerusi.
Mak: I do not wish to go back. You can tell my brother to stop sending crows chasing me. -tegas-
Ajussi 1: But Doo Rim. This time it's different. Your mother is dying. She wish to see you.
Mak: Cousin.. Please.. Let's not go through this again. Mother does not wish to see me. She want to take Hansol away from me.
Hansol? Meaning, Karl my brother? (Hansol is Karl's korean name). I have a grandmother. My maternal grandmother is alive? Kay excited. All this while she thought that she doesn't have any family left on mother side. My mother has a family. What ever bullshit people has been sprouting my whole life is not true. My mother has a lineage. And that scary uncles are my uncles! Kay sambung curi dengar.
Ajussi: She's not the only one dying. Your son is too..
Son? Hansol? Kay tekup mulut. Hansol is dying? No, Karl is not dying. I saw him grow. I saw him as a 11 years old boy. Handsome and healthy. Mata Kay berkaca teringat Karl in the future.
Oh Aein.. Did you bring me sweets? |
You did.. Hehe |
Towel ditarik-tarik dari belakang. Kay pusing. Karl terpisat-pisat tenyet mata. Kay spontan peluk Karl. I will not take you for granted. My only brother.
Karl: Aein.. I'm hungry.
Kay: You're hungry? Do you want some cake? -sapu air mata-
Karl: -angguk- why you sad?
Kay senyum. I'm not sad. I'm ok. You will be okay. I will take care of you. Kay peluk Karl, dukung ke dapur.
Karl: Aein, you smell bad.
Kay: Sorry about that. I'll have my shower later.
Karl: I want shawa too.. -pelat
Kay: Ok Ok. We shawa ok?
Karl angguk. Kay masih kusut memikirkan perbualan mak tadi. Aku ke yang salah translate? But my Korean is Ok.. Then again he's talking in such old hangul manner. Maybe I did. What ever it is, mom is definitely lying to us all these years.
{Kao Mikasa's P.O.V}
Kao angkat beg galas warna pink. Toiletries semua dah pack. Kao capai phone atas meja.Text from Valerie "I'm at your door. Let's go!"
Kao tersengih. Sempat lagi tangan capai PSP dan bunny beany, favorite night cap. Ah well, good thing about being 15, this is age-wise acceptable. Oh Mr Bunny, how I miss you. Kao lari ke pavilion depan rumah. Sorang-sorang pembantu dalam rumah tunduk hormat. Itterashai Kao-Sama.
Ugh, stop it. I hate this traditional greetings. Kao geram dengan family dia yang terlalu strict dengan peradaban Jepun mereka. Tak boleh nak break loose once in a while langsung. Kao always tense dengan surrounding di rumah sendiri.
Everything must follow the tradition. Don't do this.. it a jinx. Don't do that... it's not the right way. Even to eat pon tak senang. Suffocating.
Di luar rumah, kereta Valerie dah menunggu. Valerie roll down the window.
Valerie: Jom!
Kao lari masuk kereta. Valerie tersengih.
Valerie: I'm so excited.
Kay: Now, can you explain again why you choose my home? -annoyed
Kay berdiri cekak pinggang. Kao dan Valerie duduk melutut di atas katil. Masing-masing buat muka comel. Please Kay...
Kay annoyed. Ergh korang ni. Kao pun lagi satu. What's with the bunny beany. You're 24 years old for god's sake.
Kao: My home is too strict. They won't let us stay up after 10.00pm. -mata merayu
Valerie: The guest rooms are filled with our distant relative. We're having a gathering this weekend so the place is a bit cramped.
Kao membayangkan dalam kepala. Macam mana rumah agam Valerie boleh cramped? Ramai sangat ke sedara mara? Then again, rumah tu memang selalu penuh dengan orang. Tah apa la yang best sangat throw party every weekend.
Valerie: Besides, your home felt lovely, more homely... - Valerie sengih
Kao gelak dalam hati. Alah, Kay ni awal-awal je tak puas hati. Confirm dia setuju punya la.
Kay: Hmm.. OK fine. You can hangout here. But just for this week. And don't bother me, I'm doing my homework.
Kao: Huh? Homework? Esok cuti kot Kay. Come have fun with us.. -merayu
Kay: Heip, don't tempt me. -cekak pinggang
Kao dan Valerie angguk-angguk faham. There goes Kay and her obsession. Oh well..
Kao toleh ke pintu. Eh, budak kecik ni. Is that.. Is that Karl?!
Kao: Karl!!! -lari meluru ke arah si kecik cenonet
Karl: Aein help me... Monshter!! -pelat
Karl lari peluk Kay. Valerie tercengang. Eh? Kao still sungguh-sungguh nak peluk Karl. Hah, if Kay has this insane obsession over homework, Kao is obsessed with Karl Lee Faraday, Kay's little brother. Sampai budak nie besar nanti pon. Kao have this soft spot for anything cute and flower boys.
Kay: Don't do that. You'll scare him.
Valerie: Is that your brother, Kay?
Kao: Yeah that's him. So cute isn't he. Come here Karl. Let noona give you some love.
Karl makin menyorok di belakang Kay. Oh come on Karl. It's Kao Noona. Noona miss you. Oh, you're cuter when you're small.
Kay: Karl here is turning 4 this year. -usap kepala Karl, hissing to Kao
Valerie: So this is the famous little Faraday Kao can't stop talking about. -Val senyum
Heh, Did I talk about Karl that much? Oh well.. He is a cute little bunny. Way cuter than that emotionless Kay. Hurgh.. Kenapa la Karl lagi suka Kay.. Come Karl, I love you more than that monster sister of yours.
Kay tarik tangan Karl, bawak ke katil, mendekati Valerie.
Kay: Say hi to my friends. This is Valerie and that is Kao. -Kao muka excited, Karl dah takut
Karl: Hi Aein's friends. -tunduk
Valerie: He's so cute. Ah.. I wish I have a brother.
Valerie tersenyum kelat. The curse of being the only child. She must be lonely. Kay pandang Kao. Kao angguk. Ye, aku faham. Valerie memang agak sunyi kalau bab adik beradik ni. Never mind. We're your sisters. Don't be sad.
Kay: He can be your brother too -perlahan
Kao toleh tengok Kay. Eh, so sudden.
Valerie: He can?? --terharu-
Kay angguk. Kao clueless.. eyh??
Kay: Valerie, Kao.. If anything happen to me or my parents, will you promise me to take care of Karl?
Muka Kay berubah. Macam sungguh-sungguh bimbang. Kao tenung muka Kay. What is it Kay? Please tell us. Stop keeping things to yourself.Little Karl pandang Kay, letak tangan ke pipi Kay.
Karl: Don't sad. I'm here.
Muka Kao merah. His cuteness is overloading. My ovaries are about to burst. Ahhh... Karl Lee Faraday, you'll be such a prince.
Valerie: Nothing will happen to you Kay. Don't worry, I will protect us all.
Kao: You can count on me.
Kay: Thanks guys.